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California Crush #1

Extended Stay

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I’ve never been interested in a man before. So why do I want to kiss this one?

Promising my sick uncle I’d help fix his rundown hotel in San Diego was just the beginning of my problems. I plan to do what I can, convince him to sell, and then take off, returning to my calm and structured existence back east. I double down on that plan when I arrive to find it in worse shape than I expected.

Unfortunately, my plans go awry when I fall for the quaint neighborhood, quirky locals, and loyal employees. That’s when he enters my world. A contractor down on his luck, looking for work and a place to stay, offers me an offer too good to pass up.

He makes me feel things I never have before, and now I’m considering hanging around much longer than intended. As long days turn into even longer nights, I can’t force myself to leave him. His presence turns my carefully planned world upside down, and before I know it, my quick trip becomes an Extended Stay.

Extended Stay is a double bi/gay awakening, opposites attract, slow burn romance starring a laid back contractor and the buttoned up hotel owner who hires him. It is book 1 in the California Crush series, featuring tan lines, thick thighs, and plenty of hot guys. Book your vacation and meet the men of Hillcrest Hideaway.

256 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 9, 2022

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Mia Monroe

56 books615 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 reviews
Profile Image for Cyndi.
678 reviews33 followers
February 17, 2022
It must be a mild case of Stockholm Syndrome that has me repeatedly picking up books by Mia Monroe, Riley Hart and K.M. Neuhold. I know the fluff will be unbearable and the sweetness will make my teeth hurt, yet I keep coming back for more. On the embarrassed-o-meter, I rank liking these kinds of books alongside my previous infatuation with Edward Cullen and my unwillingness to give up on Riverdale when all of my friends did.

To all my DNF'ers, this book isn't for y'all, friends. It says it's a slow burn, but it's a literal no burn for nearly half the book. Because it's a double bi/gay awakening story, it takes for-freaking-ever for Atlas and Rome to give in to any kind of attraction and there wasn't nearly enough UST beforehand to make the wait bearable. BUT, the first kiss was soooooo good. Maybe that's why I keep coming back to this author. She is good at writing kisses and steamy scenes and sometimes that's all I need. Unfortunately the kissing and steam usually come with a whole lot of cheesy (ahem, romantic?) declarations and this book was no exception.

The story itself wasn't anything special. Some might call it boring. It was kind of long and probably could have done without half of the dialogue, which is a weird way for me to feel since I love dialogue. I just didn't need to read every "yeah", "thank you", "you're welcome" or "please" they said. I liked the community/found family feel of the hotel and the side characters were interesting enough for me to look forward to future books in the series, but this book is definitely not for everyone.
Profile Image for Maisha  Farzana .
583 reviews407 followers
February 14, 2022
"Fanboy? Crush? No way. It’s not like that.
Even if I do feel a little funny around him sometimes."

Extended Stay is a friends-to-lovers, double bi/gay awakening, opposites attract, slow burn romance starring a laid back contractor and the buttoned up hotel owner who hires him.

Not my cup of tea. But both of the mcs are really mature. There is zero melodrama. Their communication and understanding with each other are wonderful - these much I would give to the book. But the plot and storyline both are boring. There are also mentions of various cultural rituals which I found horribly inaccurate. This made me angry, the author should have done proper research before talking about foreign cultures she's unfamiliar with.

I had a fun time reading Extended Stay, yet it is the kind of book I tend to forget about as soon as I finish them. You can read it if you want, I would never discourage you. I personally just wasn't a fan.

"I believe in love. I believe it’s the one force in this world that we can’t control. We decide all of our other emotions, right? We can influence them. If we want to feel happy, if we’re mad, we forgive, if we’re scared, we learn. We can change. But love,” he smiles. “Love just is. It lives in all of us, waiting to be nurtured. For some people, it happens early in life. For others, we have more lessons to learn, but when the time is right, love is there.”
Profile Image for Airy.
422 reviews7 followers
February 11, 2022
This was just what I needed: Big romance, low drama, honest and genuinely nice guys, sweet gestures. I can see that I will really like this series!
Profile Image for Cindi.
1,618 reviews84 followers
April 13, 2022
I really liked both Atlas and Rome. It's a slow burn but that's okay. It needed to be. Atlas and Rome were friends first, and had to work their way up to more.

I liked all the secondary characters, though I wasn't a fan of Atlas' Uncle Howie. Once Atlas arrived, Howie pretty much disappeared, not caring that he left the hotel a big mess for his nephew to have to fix. He also didn't care about Atlas' job and life in New York. He just assumed he'd fix the problems he (Howie) created and that was that. Even so, it worked out because it brought Atlas and Rome together.

The way everything came together was a real aww! moment.

I really enjoyed this. A really good book.

Full review can be found at -

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Profile Image for Crystal ( Meeka).
469 reviews2 followers
February 10, 2022
Wow!!!👏🏾 This was a really great read!! I truly, and thoroughly enjoyed the story!!😍 This bi/gay book is some of her best work, so good!!! Rome and Atlas was fire.🔥🔥 Their chemistry was off the charts!! 🔥Chile and the sexy scenes, 🥵 when they going back and forth, had me in my feelings! 😜 This is a must drop what your doing and go out and get right now type of book!! 🤯 my mind is blown and I can’t wait to see what she have up her sleeves for the next book!!😜
Profile Image for Katie.
340 reviews15 followers
February 20, 2022
Incredibly stilted dialogue. I cringed at multiple moments when the MCs were politely saying things like ‘thankyou for telling me that’ when having heart to hearts. Underdeveloped story in lots of places - Howie and Charles were both so token. Anyway. Not sure why I kept reading tbh
Profile Image for Adam.
352 reviews54 followers
June 22, 2022
Extended Stay has lived on my Kindle for the last three months. About every other week I'd notice it, think "Huh, I don't remember that book," and read 2-3% before getting bored and switching to a different book. I finally decided to push through to the end today.

My verdict? I shouldn't have bothered. What a complete bore.

My main issue with this book is the writing style. It is incredibly stilted and unnatural in every way, from dialogue to description to inner thoughts. The protagonists Atlas and Rome (I should've known I'd dislike the book right there, let's be honest) are basically the same character, even though we're supposed to believe that Atlas is more uptight. Much of the events of the story are fed to us through direct statements posed in dialogue, and scenes that have no small amount of set up are described in lines such as (just to paraphrase) "We went to Coronado." Like, you couldn't spend a little more time writing out a page or two to talk about it? I won't bother going into too much detail on the plot, or whatever amounts to a plot in this book, because even though I finished reading the book twenty minutes ago I can't remember it. That being said, this book features everyone's favorite gay-for-you trope; this time, both of the protagonists experience it, despite being surrounded by gays and never even thinking about men in that way before. Right.

My final gripe with this book is an incredibly insignificant part of the book yet it drives me absolutely nuts. So these two characters are named Atlas and Rome, right? Those are some pretty short names. Yet they give each other nicknames, shortening their names further to "At" and "Ro." For Rome, that... makes no sense linguistically. We shorten names when there is more than one syllable. For Atlas, well, I just think of my own, two-syllable name. Literally nobody, ever, in my entire life, has ever shortened "Adam" to "Ad," and that's because a two-syllable name is already the same length as a nickname. It makes no sense to shorten it even more. If the author wanted to denote their closeness through naming conventions, why not use something like "babe" or "handsome"?

Anyways, I really don't like this book and I don't recommend it. Since I apparently read another book by this author last year and also gave it two stars, I don't think I'll be reading anything else by this author again.
Profile Image for E.Muddle.
1,185 reviews17 followers
February 10, 2022
What a wonderfully low angst, feel good, and swoonworthy story! Atlas and Rome are both so such wholesome characters, their double bi-awakening journey being one filled with maturity, respect, and honesty. It was refreshing and just plain lovely! The found family vibes are strong, and I can’t wait to read more from this world.
Profile Image for martina (chaos version).
576 reviews270 followers
March 13, 2022
i liked this one. it didn’t make me scream “i love this”, but that’s okay.
it wasn’t rushed, which is a big thing for me.

i loved rome. first of all because i live in rome and it made me happy. lmao.
second of all because it reminded me A LOT about me when i realized i was into girls as well.
rome and me aren’t the sharpest tools in the box.

is it weird if i wanted to be more involved in the renovations?
Profile Image for Jenn (not Lily).
4,320 reviews30 followers
January 14, 2023
Atlas & Rome
I liked this quite a bit more than some of her earlier series -- looking forwards to an HEA for the rest of the staff members!
Profile Image for Heather Duff.
1,163 reviews29 followers
August 27, 2022
I’m a little behind in getting started in this series, but I’m not mad because now it means I can binge the next books.

I love a slow burn, and these two didn’t disappoint. This is a mature and loving friends to lovers, double not-so-straight awakening.

Atlas is called to San Diego when his uncle winds up in hospital. When he arrives he discovers the hotel that his Uncle owns is in dire straights and he begs Atlas to help it out. With a life and a job in New York, he agrees to stick around for a bit to help get it back on track.

Like an angel, Rome shows up to offer his help in renovating the hotel. He’s broke and currently homeless thanks to a breakup with his ex, so this is an opportunity for him to get back on his feet.

They seem like complete opposites. Atlas seems like a stuffy suit-wearing New Yorker, while Rome is a laid-back California type, but they quickly find they have a lot in common and love spending time together. Neither has had a friendship quite like this.

Until one night, there’s a kiss that changes everything.

This is a sweet awakening with little drama, brave feelings, and communication (gasp). The hotel comes complete with found family and friends, great weather and a HEA.

NB: Unpopular opinion: Uncle Howie is a jerk. He claims the staff are his family but takes off without a word and never once cares that he’s saddled his nephew who has a job and life with a hotel that’s failing. He just ups and runs.
Profile Image for Heather.
828 reviews6 followers
February 8, 2022
What a wonderful start to a new series! I loved Atlas and Rome’s story. Their story hit so many high points for me. For one I loved the level of communication between Atlas and Rome. They had so much wonderful dialogue that lent to the connection I could feel between them. They were so open with each other on how they were feeling navigating their newfound sexuality together. I found that so refreshing and it really pulled me into their story. I loved that they were both older, so they had some life experiences and relationships that had helped shaped where they were today. Those relationships helped them see what was missing and what they found in each other and that was so sexy to me. I also absolutely loved the found family we meet in this series. I loved the set up for more of these great people who work together and consider themselves that family. Mia Monroe does great justice to making you feel her character’s connection, creating found families and writing wonderfully steamy sexy times. Speaking of those sexy times, holy hotness their firsts together were both sexy and sweet! This was an all around fantastic read and has left me super eager for each of their stories in this new California Crush series.
Profile Image for Christina .
268 reviews26 followers
February 19, 2022
I don't remember reading Mia Monroe book, so this is my first time. I picked this one because the blurb mentioned a slow burn, but the slow burn didn't start until the first half. There seems to be no internal conflict\struggle with these characters at all. There were so many useless dialogues like "yeah" "thank you" "your welcome" repeatedly. The actual plot drama begins after their kiss and by then they were so many sweet lovey dovey stuff I can't yall-
So many repeated dialogues, I almost couldn't go through with it.
One thing I liked was how the characters were very open with each other. They communicate very well throughout and I liked it. There were no misunderstanding, no shyness, no drama...to the point where It was not realistic.
And also opposites attract, um bitch where? The only opposite I could find was that Atlas wearing a suit the first few chapters.
Profile Image for ❀ Jess.
598 reviews48 followers
March 20, 2023
Not into the writing, the dialogue is really stiff yet somehow, I still enjoyed the cast of characters 😵‍💫
Profile Image for Lyndsay TC.
2,048 reviews4 followers
February 9, 2022
I loved Atlas and Rome and their strangers to friends to lovers romance. They were so adorable fumbling their way around new feelings and emotions while trying to fix up rundown hotel. I equally loved the cast of secondary characters and hope to see a lot of them get their happily ever after too!
Profile Image for fishreads.
522 reviews18 followers
January 15, 2023
Wow, I can't believe I am finally finished with this book. In reality it did not even take a day to read it but it sure felt like forever. Even if the plot was virtually nonexistent it sure dragged a lot. I was bored out of my skull.

Atlas is a financial analyst/advisor/I literally forgot his exact job in New York, who after receiving news his uncle is in a hospital leaves all his rich clients and flies straight away to San Diego to be by his side. Howie, his uncle, having an almost heart attack asks Atlas to take over as the owner of Hillcrest Hideaway, a run down gay friendly hotel. Atlas is not exactly sold on the idea but he can't help but feel duty to help bring the hotel's business around, hoping his uncle will change his mind after he's recovered.

Rome is an independent contractor, who after being kicked out by his girlfriend, for not being ready to commit to marriage, is looking for a place to stay and turn his luck around. His brother London (yes) informs him of a possible job opportunity of remodeling the old hotel. After being offered a job and a room to stay at the hotel Atlas and Rome start talking and hanging out together becoming fast friends. Both men feel easy connection to the other and one night they take it a bit further sharing heated kisses. There is no panic or questioning what they're doing, instead they decide to see where this newly found attraction leads them taking it one day at a time.

Up to this point I did not mind the story much, sure there was no UST between Atlas and Rome, just some confusing urges and thoughts, and I did not particularly enjoy it but it was readable. After they started getting it on it seemed like the story turned for the worse. They started calling each other babe after the first kiss, which I found bit too soon, and using nicknames At and Ro for each other, which I just found annoying.

Half way through the story both POVs became interchangeable so much it was hard to keep track of their dialogues. And dialogues were the only thing, beside sex scenes, the story actually consisted of. The vague plot of hotel remodeling was happening somewhere in the background along with the other things the characters kept doing but the author did not bother to actually describe.

They go to explore the surrounding area one day and what we get is the sentence After a day exploring the city and Coronado...
They have this open house event at the hotel as an idea to turn their business around, which is a pretty big damn thing, and all we get is the sentence The weekend's open house surpassed all of our expectations...

I noticed the same thing happening in the prequel novella Room Upgrade and even if I disliked it there too the writing choice might have been excused by the constraint of the format. Here there was no such excuse.

Another, I would be bold enough to say, lazy writing choice was writing Howie, the uncle, almost completely out of the story. The moment Atlas arrives he is insistent on leaving it all behind, going traveling and only showing up again near the end of the story. It would not be an unusual choice for some other character but for Howie, established already as a man who feels like the hotel and the staff are his literal home and family, it felt just wildly out of character. And I am not sure what was the purpose of the Blackwell hotel owner and because it might be set up for plot further down the road but here it just came off as completely baffling and serving no purpose.

As for the hotel staff, they were a bit more fleshed out than in the prequel and I liked them well enough but they are obviously used as set up for subsequent stories in the series. This is not something I usually begrudge a book but with this series and this author's writing, so clearly not my taste, I can't help being bitter about the fact that even if I would like to see some of them with stories of their own (I wonder will London or Charlie get their stories) I am pretty sure it will end up in another disappointment. Also I hate that none of the book summaries for this series have character names mentioned. The next book will be story and I am not sure if I will feel masochistic enough to read it.

Themes: dual POV, opposites attract, double bi-awakening, found families
Profile Image for Amos24601.
1,233 reviews40 followers
February 6, 2022
Extended Stay is the start of the California Crush series by Mia Monroe and it was sweet and swoony, as any Monroe book is. Atlas and Rome were the poster boys for finding out about yourself later in life.

Rome is fresh out of a two year relationship with a woman. Atlas is dropped down in the middle of his uncle’s mess and trying to figure it out. I genuinely liked how Atlas and Rome had a solid friendship foundation before dipping into uncharted territory. It made the evolution of the relationship even sweeter. I’d definitely call this a slow burn romance, but it was well worth the wait. These two were all about exploring their wants and needs, much to our benefit. They are fire together. Their relationship has this richness to it that was utterly satisfying and you couldn’t help but fall a little in love with them yourself.

We are introduced to a whole host of secondary characters and they were mostly delightful. Of all the characters we meet, I didn’t really care for Howie, Atlas’s uncle. He seemed evasive and kind of shady, really. We also get tossed a sideline story involving flamingos that is left unresolved. As is the Blackwell story. Maybe we will learn more as the series continues. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I really liked the start of this series and would gladly invite Atlas or Rome to be my book boyfriend. They were delightful

*I received an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Suzy.
787 reviews7 followers
February 2, 2022
This book is amazing!!!!! OMG Mia!!!! Extended Stay is a double bi/gay awakening, opposites attract, slow burn romance between a contractor and a new hotel owner who doesn’t know what to do. Atlas promised his sick uncle he is going to help with his hotel in San Diego, but what he doesn’t know is that the hotel is in worse shape that he expected. But his plans go awry when he meets his employees and realize how they are a great family and loves their job at the hotel and certain contractor.
Rome is a contractor looking for work and a place to stay so he offers his help to restore the hotel, Rome have a great connection with Altas, they find in each other that feeling that they were looking for. I love how their friendship develops and things are easy for them, both accept their feelings for each other with out drama, that’s why I love this book! The chemistry and accepting that when they find that spark they would try to make things between them work! I feel in love with both Atlas and Rome! I really enjoy this story so much!! I can’t wait for more of this serie! Highly recommend it!
801 reviews20 followers
February 9, 2022
Loved it!

This is my favorite type of book by Mia Monroe. Sexual awakening (a double!), all the feels, the found family, the honest communication...this book had it all! Atlas and Rome were fabulous together. I enjoyed watching them become friends and then start to realize there was more than friendship between them. They got to experience all their firsts together with another man while they fell in love along the way. It was the perfect balance of sweet and heat, just great! It was all set against the backdrop of the Hideaway hotel with a wonderful cast of found family all working together to get the hotel back on its feet. This is really where Mia Monroe excels, bringing together a group of people that are just there for each other no matter what. I cannot wait to get more of their stories. This was a low angst, feel good, sweet and steamy read about two mature men, who were open and honest with one another and found a very well deserved happily ever after! I really enjoyed it!
Profile Image for Janet Hunt.
3,505 reviews41 followers
February 8, 2022
Atlas is called to San Diego from New York to come and help his sick uncle who is in the hospital. Uncle Howie talks him into staying for a bit to get the Hotel up to snuff. Rome is a contractor who helps him get it fixed. These guys were so freakin hot and steamy!! The story was amazing! It hooked me and wouldn’t let me go. The secondary characters really helped to make the story even better! Overall, a fantastic read! The story is very well written with complex characters, highly recommend. I’m voluntarily reviewing from an advanced copy that I received. My reviews are solely based on my thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Sabrina Morissette.
197 reviews6 followers
February 18, 2022
I really liked Rome and Atlas and their double sexual awakenings. Since it’s a first in a series, I get the need to place some elements of mystery that will unfold as the series evolves. However, there were some parts that seems unnecessary to me, but might be explained in later books. For example, the flamingos and the visit from and to the Blackwell hotel representatives. I also had trouble with the lack of funds of the owner, while he was still able to retire (and travel) following a hospital stay and give away his hotel. It didn’t make sense, but it doesn’t lessen the enjoyment I had reading this. I’m looking forward to the next installment and California crush.
Profile Image for Sharing The Book Love.
710 reviews12 followers
April 20, 2022
Cute double GFY

Would have liked to give this 5 as I really enjoyed it but I wondered where Charles ended up, he just kinda didn't get mentioned at the end in anyway.

Atlas and Rome, insta connection, insta friendship but oh maybe it's actually more.

This was a cute, fluffy, light hearted read.

Can anyone tell me if Charles comes back in book 2 please? Or does he just disappear?

And where did the flamingos come from, the security camera glitches, the other hotel owners visit? Are they leading somewhere in the next books?
Profile Image for Sharon L.
561 reviews13 followers
February 5, 2022
Atlas is a financial advisor living in NYC. After receiving a call saying his uncle Howie, who lives in San Diego, has been hospitalized, Atlas drops everything and rushes to his uncle's side.

Rome, a contractor, who lives in San Diego, is down on his luck. His girlfriend has kicked him out, for not being able to commit, and has drained their bank account in retaliation.

Uncle Howie owns a local landmark, the Hillcrest Hideaway hotel. After his health scare he no longer wants to run the hotel. The hotel is in desperate need of a facelift and money is short. Atlas hires Rome to help restore the hotel to it's original glory and part of Rome's payment is a free place to stay.

When these two straight men meet, they just click. The more time they spend together the closer they become and they both marvel at how easy everything is between them.

This book is a double GFY / bi awakening.
Profile Image for Andi.
Author 15 books245 followers
February 22, 2022
DNF @35 %. This is clearly me and not the book. I couldn't get into it. I truly believe it's my mood. Will try again one day.
357 reviews
February 9, 2022
This was a great start to a series. In love with the world they are in with the hotel and all the characters that seem to be a big family.

Wonderful characters on this one I can't wait to hear all their stories. I feel all mushy and I am ready for what comes next.

I love the way they just click from the beginning to realize it was more than friendship it's was so sweet.
Profile Image for Jamie Lee Zonneveld.
1,474 reviews47 followers
February 9, 2022
Extended Stay is the first book in the California Crush series by Mia Monroe. This book is about Atlas and Rome. Both straight?

I really liked their story. It was sweet, sexy, full of feels and very well written.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 reviews

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