<aside> 🌘 Turn on dark mode with cmd/ctrl + shift + L for the best viewing experience


How to Use this Index

This Index will briefly outline the different sections and the purpose of the layout and various values required to create a Code Challenge for use within the ShowCode IDE.

This is done by using a JSON file in this format

		"title": "Your Test Title",
		"difficulty": 1,
		"points": 17,
		"rubric": "<p>Your question content goes here</p>",
		"className": "Your ClassName",
		"methodName": "Your Method Name",
		"returnType": 1,
		"parameters": [
				"type": 0,
				"name": "Parameter Name"
		"unitTests": [
				"inputs": [
				"output": "Expected result",
				"isPublic": true,
					"Check that \\"Expected result\\" is returned when the test conditions are met."
				"inputs": [
				"output": "Expected result",
				"isPublic": true,
                "points": 16,
					"Check that solution can handle an integer value of zero correctly."

<aside> 💡 To do so it is easier to consider the code challenge as three distinct sections: Rubric, Template Code, Unit Tests


Section One: Rubric


