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Chip Skingley - 2020 Sony Student Grant

2020 Sony Student Grant © Chip Skingley 


Through his project Salt, Chip Skingley attempts to research the complex relationship between humans and bodies of water. This notably involves interviewing those whom the photographer documents with his images to obtain a greater understanding of the strong bond formed between communities and the coastal landscapes.

With the Sony Student Grant, Chip will be able to shoot more subjects in the sea with specific technical equipment, such as professional water housing, which will allow him to create a more personal and direct relationship with those he enters the water and swim with. With his project being Britain-based, for now, Chip Skingley will be able to acquire a thicker skinned wetsuit, allowing him to conduct his project throughout the coldest months of the year. Furthermore, by taking this project further thanks to the Sony Student Grant, Chip is convinced that the extensive documentation of selected individuals in this project could educate and help generate deeper respect for the oceans. This would hopefully help towards a behavioral change within society. Such change is sorely needed along with drastic action to protect these waters, as well as showing how much seas and oceans can aid humans on many unsuspected levels.


Chip Skingley is a documentary and portrait photographer whose work records his immediate surroundings. His practice looks at coastal life, sustainable living and ideas surrounding freedom and space. These values are visible in both his long-term projects and commercial work.

Chip's recent Sony Grant project documents individuals’ attraction to the sea in Britain. Travelling to different coastlines across the country, Chip's images capture the reason and relationships of swimmers, surfers, divers and cold water enthusiasts to the sea.

