Erik Brenneis’ Post

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CEO Vodafone IoT

A month on from COP26, I wanted to share my reflections on the way businesses should think about digital transformation to get ready for the future. #lifeaftercop26 #cop26 #iotconnectivity #digitaltransformation

Life after COP26: IoT and the next frontier for digital transformation

Life after COP26: IoT and the next frontier for digital transformation

Erik Brenneis on LinkedIn

It is true that IoT is playing a significant role in digitalizing industries and facilitating moves toward sustainability. It's not the whole solution, but it is a significant part of the solution. It is fortunate that many of the pressures that organizations are facing are now aligned and pushing in the same direction: profitability; competitiveness; sustainability; coping with labor shortages; and handling the workplace transformation due to COVID-19 -- all of these require more productivity, digitalization and IoT.

Alejandro Cadenas González, PhD, MBA

AVP European Mobility & IoT | Product and Tech | ex-Telefonica, ex-Ericsson


Great reflections! The combination of data analytics techniques and the real time information that IoT deployments can enable, will drive much faster decisions, and what is more important, more accurate ones. These business insights will be timely, accurate and will be translated into fast feedback to the operation. All these sources of value are directly associated to sustainability goals in a quite direct manner. Adjusting businesses faster means adjusting businesses in a much more sustainable manner. Key point is to make sure that full industry ecosystems adopt these technologies and not just tier1 players. This way, approaches oriented to democratize technology and enable all players to benefit from that becomes instrumental to get a global impact as the ones you are describing. Great objective for all companies that as you say, shouldn´t choose between profitability or sustainability.

Robiul Prodhan

Assistant Manager at Signature mind institute, Digital Marketer, Graphics Designer, Lead Generation at Fiverr & Upwork.



Guilherme Zwick

IoT & Digital Transformation | B2B Sales | Connector | Technology Strategy & Advisory | Tech Geek | Enduro eMTB & Jiu-Jitsu


Great reflections! Tks Erik Brenneis

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