Why Skin Ages Faster in Cold Weather? Winter Skin Care Tips for Younger-Looking Skin!

Winter is the most wonderful time of the year because it’s the season of festivities, joy, holidays, and happiness. But, what comes along with the cold weather is dry, flaky, and pale skin. You must have heard or realized that our skin ages faster in winter. With the cold and dry air, it becomes challenging to retain the natural moisture of the skin. So, in this blog post, we are addressing the reasons why skin ages faster in winter. Also, we are sharing a few essential winter skincare tips to get rid of wrinkles and combat dry winter skin.

Reasons Why Skin Ages Faster in Winter

  1. Less Moisture in the Air

The environmental conditions in winter are cold, dry, and harsh, which may result in skin redness and sensitivity. The cold weather also disrupts the skin’s equilibrium, and issues like sensitivity may worsen in winter leading to premature aging.

  1. Increase in Stress Level

When you take the stress of the household chores and organizing house parties in the holiday season, it may have deleterious effects on the skin. So, it is advised to take rest, relax and have a spa day at home in the winter season.

3. Summer Skincare Products

You must have a lot of anti-aging products and skin tightening devices in your skincare routine. But, if you are using the same skincare products in summers and winters, it’s not good for the skin. You need different products to beat the heat and humidity of summers and the dryness of winters.

4. Hot Showers

Hot showers may feel comforting in winter, but they can dry out your skin more. The hot water strips the natural oils from the skin, and it may result in skin aging faster.

Winter Skin Care Tips for Healthy and Younger-Looking Skin

  1. Use a Humidifier

A humidifier adds moisture to dry winter air and helps keep the skin hydrated. So, you can invest in a humidifier and run it in your office or home, wherever you spend more time.

2. Limit Shower Time

Avoid taking a tempting long, steamy shower even don’t use excessively hot water for washing hands. It is advised to take a 5-10 minute lukewarm shower in winter.

3. Eat Healthy

Eat right and stay hydrated in winters. Many people prefer comfort food in the holiday season, which is not good for the skin. Add dark, leafy greens, avocados, fish, and extra virgin oil to your diet.

4. Premium Anti-Aging Device

Along with the change in lifestyle, you must bring an EvenSkyn Lumo home to treat the signs of aging skin. It is a premium anti-aging and skin tightening handset with advanced features like –

  • Photorejuvenation

  • Radiofrequency

  • Electrical muscle stimulation

This device guarantees noticeable results within 3 weekly uses and assures to reverse the effect of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and more.

Neglecting skincare in winters is like inviting trouble. So, take proper care of the skin and grab an anti-aging device from EvenSkyn to tighten the loose skin. Don’t let the aging accelerate in winters and age gracefully.