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It is with great satisfaction and pride that I address you to present the second quarterly report for 2023. During this period we have continued to work tirelessly to advance our mission of accompanying the Salvadoran people in their struggle for justice and equity. 

Thanks to the commitment and solidarity of people like you, we have been able to carry out different projects and activities that are having a positive impact on the communities we serve.

One of the highlights of this report is the increase in our outreach. In Bajo Lempa we have expanded to the communities of Los Calix and La Canoita, and we have continued our accompaniment of the community of El Presidio with new projects. In Morazán we have strengthened our presence in the territories, accompanying the partner organizations of Red de Mujeres de Morazán (Women's Citizen Network of Morazán). Thanks to these efforts we are reaching a greater number of beneficiaries.

Our focus on education is bearing significant fruit; during this period we have continued to work closely with local educational institutions to improve the quality of teaching and foster a better learning environment. An example of this work is the Isla de Montecristo community, where we completed a project to improve their school.

I would also like to highlight our commitment to promoting gender equity and women's empowerment. Our partner organization, Red de Mujeres de Morazán (Women's Citizen Network of Morazán), inaugurated "La Casa de la Mujer" (The Women's House) in the city of Oscílala. Equally important is the beginning of a sexual and reproductive health education program with two new groups of girls and adolescents in Morazán.

However, despite all the achievements, we know that there are many challenges ahead. The social, economic, and political situation in El Salvador is becoming more complex and challenging, and the need for our services is increasing. This will require our continued commitment, capacity, and creativity.

As always, I end my letter by thanking our donor base, board of directors, and collaborators in general for their passion and dedication to the work we do. Your commitment to the mission of VOICES is inspiring and serves as the driving force behind our success as an organization. I encourage you to continue working together to create a just, equitable, and prosperous world for everyone.

With Fraternal Greetings, 

José Acosta
Executive Director


Reaching new communities in Bajo Lempa

One of the main obstacles to the development of rural communities in El Salvador is their limited organizational capacity and access to information. For this reason, VOICES offers workshops on topics related to community self-management, especially aimed at the boards of directors and other organized groups in the communities.

During this period, we designed and carried out a training program with the boards of directors of the communities of Los Calix and La Canoita, both located in the southern region of Bajo Lempa.

The program included five days of training on the following topics:

- Functions of the members of a board of directors.

- Tools for the functioning of a board of directors.

- Conflict resolution in the community organization.

- Planning, design, and importance of the operational plan.

- Management of resources for community work. 

Seventeen leaders from the communities of Los Calix and La Canoita successfully finished the training process. "This type of workshop is highly valuable for us. Now we have new knowledge that will allow us to do a better job for our communities," said Milagro Hernández, president of the Los Calix community. 

Sexual and reproductive health education for girls and adolescents of Morazán

The two municipalities of Morazán and possibly El Salvador with the highest incidence of teenage pregnancies are Joateca and Torola. For this reason, Red Ciudadana de Mujeres de Morazán (Women's Citizen Network of Morazán) has initiated a new training program on sexual and reproductive health aimed at girls and adolescents. It is projected to train 40 young girls on this crucial topic, in a six months process.

The objective is to provide girls and adolescents with accurate and complete information on contraceptive methods, family planning, and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. This allows them to make informed decisions and reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies.

Moreover, by receiving sexual and reproductive health education, girls and adolescents acquire knowledge about their own bodies, rights, and options. This empowers them to make autonomous decisions about their health and well-being, improving their self-esteem and confidence.

Undoubtedly, educating girls and adolescents about these issues in municipalities with a high incidence of teenage pregnancy, such as Joateca and Torola, offers enormous advantages by preventing unwanted pregnancies; empowering young women; promoting health and healthy relationships; breaking stigmas and taboos; and improving educational and economic opportunities for adolescents.

Census and socioeconomic study in the Community El Presidio Liberado 

One of the principles of VOICES is that we do not impose "solutions" to the needs or problems of the communities, but rather, we listen to the population and listen to their proposals; this is possible because we know their history and their context; however, communities like El Presidio are not so well known to VOICES, which is why we are conducting a population census and a socioeconomic study.

This is a participatory process that involves the entire population, using techniques such as a household survey. Interacting and listening to the people will allow us to identify the most pressing needs and thus focus our efforts on areas where more attention is needed and where our resources can have a better impact.

Another advantage is that we are involving the community from the beginning, which, in addition to generating active participation, allows us to take advantage of local knowledge and existing skills to find appropriate and lasting solutions together.

Construction of a community center in El Presidio Liberado

Even without having completed the diagnosis, to which we referred in the previous section, we know, thanks to several conversations held with the population, the importance of having a community center that provides a physical place for the community to meet and strengthen itself. 

For this reason, we did not want to wait any longer, and we are pleased to report that at the time of writing this report, the community is working with great enthusiasm in the construction of walls, doors, and the electrical installation of their community center. This work is being carried out with a modest financial contribution from VOICES.

For years the community had a dream of building their community house, and now it is becoming a reality, proving that organization and perseverance pay off. We hope that this infrastructure will be a tangible symbol of their unity and collaboration, where the people of the community can share ideas, celebrate important events, learn together, and build stronger bonds among themselves.

Congratulations to El Presidio community, may your community center become a place of gathering and growth for you and for generations to come, and may it continue to symbolize the power of organization and perseverance.

Demanding a ban on agrochemicals

Every May 19, the Global Day of Action against Monsanto is held, so within the framework of the Bitter Sugar campaign, we carry out different actions to denounce the severe impacts on health and the environment caused by agrochemicals.

Glyphosate is one of the most widely used agrochemicals in the world, and the worrying thing is that several scientific studies have documented glyphosate contamination in several foods and water sources.

For these reasons, glyphosate and other toxic agrochemicals are banned in their countries of origin; however, in El Salvador, they are marketed with almost no restrictions. According to the Unidad Ecológica Salvadoreña (Salvadoran Ecological Unit), UNES, each year, the country imports some 4,300 tons of agrochemicals, equivalent to 0.5 kilos per inhabitant.

VOICES, together with different civil society organizations and affected communities, maintains a permanent agenda of activities to denounce and demand a solid ban on substances such as glyphosate.

The transformative power of youth

Youth possess immense transformative power. In every generation, young people emerge as a vital force, capable of challenging established norms and blazing new trails toward a better future. AJUDEM is one of those youth groups that possess a contagious energy that inspires and motivates others to join their cause. 

We feel proud to accompany this powerful group through the program "Community Identity and Art as a Tool to Keep our Historical Memory Alive." During the quarter covered by this report, two conferences called “Encuentros Con La Historia” (Encounters with History) were held. The purpose of these meetings is to generate spaces for intergenerational dialogue for the preservation of historical memory and the promotion of community identity. 

Likewise, within the framework of the "Defensores Ambientales" (Environmental Defenders) program, four environmental education workshops, two clean-up days, and an awareness campaign have been carried out to prevent the generation of garbage and thus maintain the cleanliness and beauty of the rivers and other tourist sites in Morazán.

Also, the Taekwondo, English, and Art Schools continue to operate successfully.

A new roof for the school in the Isla de Montecristo community

Thanks to the financial support of our friends at the South Bay Sanctuary Group, it was possible to replace the school roof in the Isla de Montecristo community, which was in an advanced state of deterioration due to its age and the adverse weather conditions of the region. The new roof will provide a safe and resistant structure, protecting the school facilities and creating a better learning environment for the students.

Having a new roof on a school provides several benefits for the educational community. First, it provides safety and protection for students and school staff. A well-maintained roof prevents water seepage, moisture, and other external elements. This allows students to concentrate on their studies without worrying about rain.

In addition, a new school roof strengthens the sense of community and belonging. Seeing that their education is being invested in, students feel valued and respected.


Inauguration of "La casa de la Mujer"
Last May, our partner organization, Red Ciudadana de Mujeres de Morazán (Women's Citizen Network of Morazán), realized its dream of having a space that serves as a safe shelter for women who have experienced gender-based violence, providing emotional support and legal advice. 

In addition, “La Casa de la Mujer” (The Women's House) is intended to be a meeting and organizational space for community activities and the promotion of gender equality. Workshops and events will be held to educate and raise awareness on issues such as gender violence, sexual and reproductive health, women's political participation, and other issues affecting women in Morazan.

“La Casa de la Mujer” can also play other roles by becoming a resource center where women can access information about their rights.

The initiative of the Morazán Women's Network demonstrates their commitment to the cause of women's rights and their determination to create positive change in society. Hopefully, "La Casa de la Mujer" will be a welcoming and empowering space for the women of Morazán.

Good luck, dear Ebony

Last May, our dear colleague Ebony Pleasants concluded her work at Voices on the Border. We would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her valuable collaboration and her tireless struggle in favor of the most vulnerable groups. Her joy and commitment have left an indelible mark on our organization, as well as on the communities and groups that we accompany. 

We wish her every success and happiness in this new chapter of her life.



There's still time to sign up for the Education Delegation

For another year, we are honored to invite you to be part of our Annual Education Delegation in El Salvador. This is an incredible opportunity to learn and contribute to a better education for our children and youth. This year's delegation visit will take place from July 27th to August 5th, and during that period, we will visit various rural communities to exchange knowledge with the extraordinary teachers there. 

We will also have time to enjoy the warm waters at the beach and discover the natural beauty of the forests and mountains of Morazán, as well as other tropical paradises of El Salvador.

Find out what the 2022 delegation was like 

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Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have.

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STEP 2:  Read and Share our content
STEP 3:  Join a Partner Community
STEP 4:  Visit El Salvador
“Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
It is right and it is duty.”

–Saint Oscar Romero
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