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When it comes to harnessing the incredible gifts of Mother Nature, nothing compares to the marvel of bee pollen. It is one of the world's most comprehensive superfoods, packed with dietary fiber, protein, amino acids, antioxidants and an array of dynamic bioactive compounds.

At the Health Ranger Store, we're dedicated to helping you fortify your overall health and vitality by embracing one of Nature's ultimate superfoods. We're offering strictly limited quantities of pure, organic bee pollen sourced from trusted beekeepers in Spain.

Our Groovy Bee® Organic Bee Pollen provides a rich repository of highly bioavailable nutrients and antioxidants that nurture overall health and well-being. It is ethically sourced and boasts a delicate aroma and a subtly sweet, floral essence. Add it to your breakfast cereals, muesli, porridge, oatmeal, smoothies and desserts for a tasty nutritional upgrade. Alternatively, it can be enjoyed straight from the jar as a nourishing and wholesome snack. Groovy Bee® Organic Bee Pollen is non-GMO, non-China and has undergone rigorous lab scrutiny for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology. Additionally, it is certified Kosher and organic.

Note: Supplies are strictly limited and extremely difficult for us to acquire and keep in stock, so stock up on organic bee pollen now, while supplies last. Purchasing sustainably-harvested bee pollen also helps make honey bee stewardship more abundant and profitable for the farmers that care for the hives. The more money they can earn from sustainably-harvested bee pollen, the larger the bee populations they can support.


This product is verified A+++ based on glyphosate analysis standards published at www.GlyphosateTested.com

This means the product has been tested via triple quad mass spec (LS-MS-MS) and conforms to the glyphosate / AMPA limits required for an A+++ rating as described at www.GlyphosateTested.com.

Low Heavy Metals Verified!

This product is verified A++ according to the heavy metals standards published at www.LowHeavyMetalsVerified.org

This means the product has been tested via ICP-MS and confirmed to meet the limits for an A++ rating as described at LowHeavyMetalsVerified.org.

Why is bee pollen one of the most nutritious superfoods that Mother Nature has to offer?**

Bee pollen is a remarkable example of the intricate workings of Nature. It captures the sweet essence of flower pollen that honey bees collect. These golden granules are carefully harvested from selected blossoms and stored in honeycomb cells within the beehive. During this process, the bee pollen combines with nectar, receiving a delicate coat of honey and wax. Over time, this blend undergoes a transformative fermentation, turning into one of Nature's most potent superfoods.

Packed with protein, amino acids and a variety of nutrients, bee pollen contains over 250 biologically active compounds. These include amino acids, plant sterols, carbohydrates, enzymes and healthy fats. This exceptional superfood is also a rich source of essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 linolenic acid, omega-6 linoleic acid and omega-oleic acid. Additionally, it is loaded with vital antioxidants like flavonoids and phenolic acids, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. All of these work together to support the healthy functioning of your immune, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

How good for your optimal health is bee pollen?**

When it comes to nourishing superfoods, only a few can compete with the unparalleled prowess of bee pollen. In essence, organic bee pollen emerges as a preeminent superfood, boasting the following nutritional marvels:

  • It is comprised of an astounding 35-40% protein content, surpassing even the most robust animal-based sources.
  • It is enriched with a bounty of crucial vitamins, encompassing the likes of vitamins A, C, D, E and the essential B-complex vitamins, including folate.
  • It is overflowing with a diverse palette of over 250 distinct flavonoids, nutrients and other advantageous compounds.
  • It is abundant in amino acids, an impressive 5x more than an equivalent portion of cheese, beef or eggs.

 From the Health Ranger**

"Organic bee pollen is my top choice when it comes to nutrient-dense superfoods. This powerhouse of nutrients provides almost everything your body needs; plus, Groovy Bee® Organic Bee Pollen is sustainably and ethically sourced, helping beekeepers support the expansion of these all-important pollinators for our world. With bee pollen, you can maximize your own nutrition while simultaneously supporting pollinators that are in desperate need of recovery."

- Mike Adams, The Health Ranger

Health benefits of bee pollen**

Supports healthy immune function – Organic bee pollen is full of powerful vitamins and easily absorbed nutrients that help support your body's natural immune defenses. A study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research stated that bee pollen is a superfood that can help keep your immune system healthy.

Supports healthy digestive function – Bee pollen is a good source of fiber, protein, polysaccharides and other vitamins and minerals that can help keep your friendly gut bacteria and digestive system healthy. Also, experts from the University of Utah Health stated that bee pollen has enzymes that help support optimal digestion and the body's natural ability to absorb nutrients.

Supports healthy cardiovascular function – A study from the journal Nutrients found that bee pollen is naturally full of healthy polyphenols like flavonoids and phenolic acids, which can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the normal range. As powerful antioxidants, these polyphenols can help protect your heart from damage caused by free radicals and support its overall health.

Supports healthy liver function – Organic bee pollen is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants that can protect your liver from oxidative stress and help it function properly. Also, bee pollen has a lot of beneficial compounds that can help keep your liver healthy.

Supports the growth of healthy, glowing skin – Organic bee pollen is often used as a natural ingredient in a wide range of beauty creams and skin care products. This is because bee pollen has a lot of beneficial antioxidants, enzymes and other nutrients that can help nourish your skin and help you maintain its glowing appearance.

Supports sensible weight management plans – Bee pollen has a lot of lecithin and other proteins that support healthy metabolism. As such, bee pollen can help you reach your reasonable weight control goals when paired with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Supports healthy energy levels – A study in the journal Nutrients found that bee pollen contains protein, sugars, carbohydrates and B vitamins. These important nutrients can help maintain your body's optimal energy levels.

Supports healthy post-workout recovery – Organic bee pollen is full of protein, amino acids and other nutrients that can help your muscles recover naturally and stay strong after a challenging workout. Bee pollen is a tasty and easy way to get more out of your workout routine.

Heavy metals and glyphosate are often found in low-quality bee pollen products**

Environmental pollution is a constant risk, making it challenging to find certified organic bee pollen from unpolluted sources. Bees travel long distances to collect pollen, but their search might lead them to contaminated blossoms tainted by glyphosate. Sunflowers, a common pollen source, can accumulate heavy metals like lead and cadmium from soil. As a result, commercial bee pollen products may contain traces of glyphosate and heavy metal residues.

Groovy Bee® Organic Bee Pollen is sourced from a region free from dangerous agricultural chemicals. Our bee pollen is grown in a clean and unspoiled environment, making it at low risk for contamination. Our bee pollen also undergoes several laboratory tests to ensure it is free from glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.

Why should you choose Groovy Bee® Organic Bee Pollen?**

With Groovy Bee® Organic Bee Pollen, you get a high-quality bee pollen product that is:

  • Carefully harvested by selected beekeepers in Spain who practice sustainable beekeeping
  • Clean, soft, tasty and fresh and easy to add to smoothies, yogurt or other recipes
  • An excellent source of highly bioavailable nutrients that also offers many health benefits
  • Carefully packaged to avoid exposure to air, light or moisture in order to retain its maximum nutritional potency
  • Non-China, non- GMO and certified Kosher and organic
  • Free of fillers, wheat and dairy
  • Gathered from a healthy, clean environment that isn't exposed to harmful farming chemicals
  • Lab tested for heavy metals, microbiology, glyphosate and AMPA
  • Thoroughly lab verified for cleanliness and purity

Groovy Bee® Organic Bee Pollen is gathered sustainably**

Since honey bees gather pollen to feed themselves, ensuring enough pollen is available to provide and care for the entire hive during and after pollen collection is essential. Beekeepers must be cautious and take only a small amount of bee pollen to maintain the hive's health. The honey bees' job of gathering pollen is crucial as they pollinate crops and flowers, which is necessary for the growth of fruits, nuts and various other food crops. By purchasing bee pollen from reputable beekeepers and sellers who collect it in a sustainable manner, you can support beekeepers in expanding their honey bee hives and pollination operations.

In the past decade, almost a third of all bees in the United States have died due to farmers' usage of pesticides and insecticides. The money generated from selling bee pollen is utilized for bee care, maintenance, and growth. Without these pollinators, we would face starvation. Buying sustainable bee pollen helps in the success and efficiency of honey bee responsibility for farmers who manage the hives, making it more abundant. The more money these farmers earn from selling bee pollen fairly, the more bees they can care for.

TIP: If you buy organic bee pollen from trustworthy places, you can help more pollinators.

How to useorganic bee pollen**

Bee pollen can be added to your food in many different ways. Bee pollen has a light scent and a sweet, slightly floral taste. It tastes great when added to oatmeal or porridge, yogurt parfaits, muesli, granola mixes, breakfast cereals, smoothie bowls, desserts and baked goods. You can make a tasty pollen solution with ground bee pollen, Manuka honey, yogurt and cottage cheese. Bee pollen is also a great ingredient to add to fruit juices, protein shakes, smoothies and other drinks. You can also eat bee pollen straight out of the jar as a healthy and nutritious snack.

Make your own Bee Pollen Energy Boost Smoothie Bowl Recipe**

This vibrant and nutrient-packed smoothie bowl not only delights your taste buds but also offers energy and essential nutrients to kick-start your day on the right note. 


For the smoothie bowl:

  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen berries (such as blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries)
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt (or non-dairy yogurt for a vegan option)
  • 1 Tablespoon almond butter or your favorite nut butter
  • 1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup (optional, for added sweetness)
  • 1/2 cup almond milk (or any milk of your choice)
  • A handful of baby spinach leaves (optional, for extra nutrients)



  1. In a blender, combine the frozen banana, frozen berries, Greek yogurt, almond butter, honey or maple syrup (if using), almond milk, and baby spinach leaves (if using). Blend until smooth and creamy. If the mixture is too thick, add more almond milk to achieve your desired consistency.
  2. Pour the smoothie into a bowl.
  3. Arrange your choice of sliced fresh fruits, granola or muesli and chia seeds or flax seeds on top of the smoothie.
  4. Finish by sprinkling a generous amount of Groovy Bee® Organic Bee Pollen over the toppings.
  5. Enjoy your Bee Pollen Energy Boost Smoothie Bowl immediately with a spoon!

Groovy Bee® Organic Bee Pollen adds a touch of wholesomeness and natural sweetness to this delightful creation. Remember, you can customize the ingredients to suit your preferences and dietary needs.

Organic bee pollen provides you with the best of Mother Nature's Superfoods**

Bee pollen is one of the best superfoods that Nature has to offer. It is full of nutrients and vitamins to help your heart, digestive system and immune system function properly. It's also great nourishment for your body that will energize you throughout the day.

The Health Ranger Store has gone above and beyond to bring you lab-verified Groovy Bee® Organic Bee Pollen so you can support your overall health with the ultimate superfood from Mother Nature. Our ultra-clean bee pollen comes from trusted beekeepers in Spain. It is non-GMO, non-China, and certified Kosher and organic. Groovy Bee® Organic Bee Pollen has also been thoroughly lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.







Organic Bee Pollen - Groovy Bee® 8oz (227g)

Organic Bee Pollen - Groovy Bee® 8oz (227g)(3-Pack)

Organic Bee Pollen - Groovy Bee® 8oz (227g)(6-Pack)

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**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any diseases.

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