facebook[Unlock Your Trading Knowledge with Webull] Quiz 2 - Seedly

[Unlock Your Trading Knowledge with Webull] Quiz 2

Answer the questions below and stand a chance to win a Marshall Emberton II worth $299!

Q1: Which products are available on Webull?

  1. US Stocks and US ETFs

  2. HK Stocks, Mutual Funds and A-Shares

  3. US Index Options and US Fractional Shares

  4. All of the above

Q2: What is the term used to describe the ratio of a company's earnings per share to its current market price per share?

  1. Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio)

  2. Return on investment (ROI)

  3. Dividend yield

  4. Beta coefficient

Q3: What does the acronym IPO stand for in the context of trading?

  1. Initial Public Offering

  2. International Portfolio Order

  3. Intraday Price Oscillator

  4. Internal Profit Objective

Q4: Open-Ended Question -

What factors do you consider when deciding whether to make a trade?

The winner will be chosen based on:

i. highest number of correct answers on the multiple-choice questions; and

ii. most insightful and/or informative answer in the written format.

Good luck! ✨

For more info on the prizes and terms & conditions, visit here: https://bit.ly/3ru3z8b

This campaign is brought to you by Seedly and Webull. (https://seedly.sg/reviews/online-brokerages/web...)

Discussion (37)

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Q1. 4

Q2. 1

Q3. 1

Q4: When making a trade, I take into account market analysis, technical indicators, fundamental analysis, risk tolerance, timeframe, diversification, liquidity, news and events, and past performance.

Q1. 4

Q2. 1

Q3. 1

Q4: The factors I consider are fundamental analysis, as well as the risk level I am willing to undertake. I will analyse the stock and also at the overall market outlook of the company's industry. I will only invest the amount of money that I am prepared to lose and ensure that I will still have enough emergency funds to cover 6-12 months' worth of living expenses.

  1. 4
  2. 1
  3. 1
  4. When making a trade, I carefully consider a combination of factors to ensure a well-informed decision. First and foremost, I conduct thorough research on the company or asset I'm considering, analyzing its financial health, performance history, and industry outlook. Additionally, I keep a close eye on market trends, news, and economic indicators that could impact the asset's price. Risk management plays a crucial role in my decision-making, as I set clear entry and exit points and determine the appropriate position size. I also take into account my risk tolerance and overall portfolio diversification to ensure a balanced approach. Emotional discipline is key, and I make an effort to avoid impulsive decisions driven by fear or greed. By combining these factors, I aim to maximize the probability of a successful trade and stay aligned with my long-term trading goals.
  1. 4
  2. 1
  3. 1
  4. When making trading decisions, I consider several key factors that help guide my choices. Firstly, thorough research and analysis of the market and the specific asset in question are paramount. I examine fundamental factors such as the company's financial health, industry trends, and competitive landscape. Additionally, I assess technical indicators, charts, and patterns to gauge the asset's price action and potential entry or exit points. Risk management is another crucial consideration, where I determine my risk tolerance and set appropriate stop-loss orders or position sizing. Furthermore, I pay attention to market sentiment and news that could impact the asset's performance. Combining these factors allows me to make informed decisions based on a holistic understanding of the market dynamics, ultimately increasing my chances of success while managing risk effectively.
  1. 4
  2. 1
  3. 1
  4. When deciding whether to make a trade, I carefully consider a combination of funda...

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