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Potential Naturena Primary Transport Accident - Post 2000

 It doesn't take a fool to know and to read between the lines or see signs of danger when children together with adults ignore Joburg City By-law  street signs and simple road safety precautions to avoid a major disaster. 

For the last past 20 years I watched and observed Naturena School children, their siblings, mothers, motorists, taxi drivers, brothers and little sisters; cross the road toward the school without observing the stop signs and cross roads rules.

Slowly It Builds Up Like A Preparation - For A Terrible Potential Disaster Waiting To Happen:
Malta, Natuur and Vesting street in Naturena are high traffic congested roads in the mornings from 06:00 a.m. and 13:30 p.m. In between during the day you have taxis driving like crazy rogues not observing and adhering to the stop signs. From 03:00 pm to 06:00 p.m. it picks up again with afternoon traffic madness of homeowners coming back from work. Residents too do not seem to care much about safety and precautionary ways to cross-over when taking children to school. 

There's Poor Control Of Leadership Guidance To Manage Safety & Order - Rather There's Absolute Chaos. 
I possess archives dating back from 1999 when four Taxies Collided between Malta & Vesting broad daylight. I pray everyday that my fears will not someday ever manifest into a tragic real event, of a horrible accident that should be avoided at all costs, before something bad happens. 

If we act humanely and wisely to avert such an occurrence in the future it should come from our own community's common sense and initiatives as motorists, residents, parents, teachers, law-officers, the school, transporters, the public; the ability to see right from wrong, before "The Wrong" turns into a disaster. Should something go wrong, its only a matter of time before everything else truly goes wrong. And we all wake up one day to blame someone instead of our own misgivings.
If Prevention Is Not Better Than Cure? Than Forewarned Will Not Be Forearmed? 

I've been wondering at what point are we; as a community going to take responsibility to ensure that, Children- The Naturena Primary School Magement | (SGB) and Metro Police; are going to enforce good behaviour before any major disaster takes all of  us by surprise? I believe that we need to act fast and swiftly to avert any potential danger, that might leave us regretting our delayed reaction to act on this picturesque observations I have tried to display and compile in this blog.

At least someone must take the responsibility to take action and have these vulnerable street corners of Malta & Natuur and Malta & Vesting properly mended and taken care of with immediate effect. Residents including motorists, taxi drivers, school children, school transporters and parents get together find a safer solution. Find an immediate resolve during school pick hours; in the morning and afternoon, before this becomes too late to remedy with dire  irreversible consequences.

Let Us Become Responsible Citizens & Stop Behaving Like Wild Animals On The Road 

(Enjoy Our Freedoms & Choices with Pride)

Our Freedoms & Liberties To Exists As Citizens  Are "Human Privileges and Not Divine Rights"

Animals cannot see right from wrong

Because they have no freedom or choices!

They are colour blind and brain-washed

That is why...

When they slip up- their kind is buried in our history books

Like the bones of a fallen mighty dinosaur.

Plants do not know black or white facades and shades of discrimination

Because they have no freedom or choices!

Sometimes they are mindless of virtues they honestly uphold

due to their imperceptive existence.

That is why...

When they slip up- everybody blames one of the four seasons.

Insects do not share sentiments of hit-songs like "I'm A Weekend Special"

by Brenda Fassi & The Big Dudes or Michael Jackson & The Jackson 5,

Because they are too small and insignificant

To appreciate the house of rock and roll or Kwaito Music

This is why...

When they slip up – I blame it all on the rhythm of stupidity and poor depth of perception.

You think and feel you belong somewhere when you have borrowed power!

doesn't power dissipate like fog when one meets their demise?

The human race is a place we harbour as our maze and craze of illusion
to satisfy our hunger for confusion?

Your impressions and emotions converge in dreams states gone by as mystery!
Is it not a pipe dream to think we're all immortal and infallible to drown in our own tears?

We are crystallized to provoke our unconscious motions of excitement to be controlled by our emotional psych, 

Because we think we own both spaces and places of Grace with unlimited undefined conditions of hype.

Yet consequences of our lost thoughts and borrowed time will someday act against us!

To bear fruits from the chaos,

We make of this freedom!

But rather the power to prove that we are responsible -

And accountable to the Creator when left home alone "earth".

Let us use and enjoy this freedom and its power with discretion in a wise manner or lose it through our careless foolishness!

Before 1999 - Around 2000 This Is How This Area Looked 

Mr. I. Khonjelwayo aka
Bra Ike


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