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Thank you for being here! At this tier, be involved more directly with BoardGameCo and the BGC Community. Vote on what videos will be made next, suggest your own ideas, and get access to Patreon only posts, podcasts/audio, and videos.
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That Being Said...
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You seriously rock! At this tier you have access to everything from the prior tier, but additionally are not only just being a darn fine human being (and gamer), but you not only get voting rights on the polls I create, additionally every Monday I have a Patron only video. Usually an episode of Unfair & Unbalanced, where I'll convince you not to back all Kickstarters....but sometimes something else.
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All Things Considered...
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This Is Going To Be....
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Geez, if you keep looking at these I'll have to keep coming up with better rewards and it's getting harder and harder!

At this tier, you'll have access to the rewards from the prior tier, additionally once a month you get to pick a game I'll review. We'll put together a little poll, and basically anything out there you want me to play and review, will enter the queue. Yes, I'll hunt down and buy the game if needed.
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At The End Of The Day
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Are you sure? If you are I really appreciate it and in addition to the rewards from the previous tier, you'll get access to free games at this tier. To comply with Patreon Giveaway rules this won't be random; rather on a regular basis I'll post a game, sometimes KS sometimes not, that I'm ready to move on from. From the comments as to why someone wants that particular game, I'll pick the best option and send it your way. I'll do my best to ensure it's not the same few people getting them all the time.
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Limited (2 of 6 remaining)

Ok seriously. Thank you. A ton.

At this tier, you'll have access to everything from the prior tier, and additionally allows for gaming together. I'll be aiming to schedule gaming in person in Cleveland, Ohio, and will also try to schedule occasional online games as well. The goal is once a month, but that's more likely to happen for those asking for it.

  • Play Games Together
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