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Deep Dive Community Discussion

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Alexis Esseltine Bio

In a COVID-19 pivot that dreams are made of, wife and husband duo Alexis Esseltine and Timothy Scoon became owners of Tin Whistle Brewing on October 30, 2020 after losing their jobs at the onset of the global pandemic. 


Alexis Esseltine is the environmental lead for Tin Whistle Brewing. She brings years of experience as an Environmental Auditor, auditing manufacturers in North America, Europe, and Asia, and most recently she was the Sustainability Manager at the Vancouver Aquarium leading them to Canada's Greenest Employers status. She has been recognized as a Clean 50 Emerging Leader for outstanding contributions to sustainable development and clean capitalism in Canada, and has earned a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for her community involvement. 


Alexis has a Masters in Environmental Studies from York University and a Bachelors of Technology from Ryerson University. 

As a carbon neutral brewery Tin Whistle Brewing removes the same amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere that it emits in their operations. This is done by reducing emissions and investing in projects that absorb carbon.

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Deep Dive Discussion #32
Thurs, June 20 7PM ONLINE
a Force for Environmental Good

Alexis Esseltine of Tin Whistle Brewery

Beer, like all products, has an impact on the natural world whether it’s through the raw materials grown and transported to our facilities, the energy, water and waste generated in production, or the packages used to ship beer to wholesale and the consumer. The good news is that breweries can continue to make great beer, and reduce their environmental impact. 

Join Alexis Esseltine, co-owner of Tin Whistle Brewing Co., as she walks us through Tin Whistle's journey from measuring their environmental impact through to reducing their impact and becoming the first certified carbon neutral brewery in B.C. This talk is sure to inspire, and provide actionable steps that all businesses can take to tackle one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time- climate change.



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