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Benefits Of Pista During Pregnancy

· Pregnancy tips
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Pista or Pistachios are one of the common dry fruits widely known for their antioxidants, including anthocyanins, carotenoids, flavonoids, lutein, proanthocyanidins, zeaxanthin, etc. Pista in pregnancy is beneficial as it is rich in protein, fiber, phosphorus, carbon, and vitamins B6 and B1.

The nutrients mentioned above can increase the growth of the unborn baby. Eating pista in pregnancy diet can be a game changer for the expecting mother and the fetus. Pista is generally eaten in the first trimester as they are good for health.

Benefits of eating pista during pregnancy

As a pregnancy tip, experts recommend eating a handful of pistas daily as a healthy snack. Here are some reasons why pistachios are better during pregnancy:

  • Rich in vital nutrients

Pista contains proteins and fibers, which are essential in pregnancy. Doctors prescribe pregnancy folate tablets to prevent NTDs (Neural Tube Defects) before and during the first few weeks of pregnancy. These folate tablets can be avoided by including pista in your pregnancy diet for a healthy amount of folate.

  • Maintains heart health

Pistachios have various cardiovascular benefits, like the amino acid in nuts can help keep the blood vessels healthy, promoting a healthy heart. Antioxidants present in pistachios help in lowering systemic inflammation.

  • Prevents gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes can be easily avoided by consuming pista. Magnesium is widely found in nuts like pista, which can regulate blood sugar levels.

  • Promotes fetus healthy growth

Pistachios are rich in vitamin B 12, which will provide good health to a mother and reduce the chances of having a child with a deformity.

  • Bloating and swelling

Pistachios have potassium which can help reduce two common side effects of pregnancy bloating and swelling.

How to consume Pista?

Here are different ways you can include pistas in your pregnancy diet:

  • You can have pista as a snack in the morning. If you can’t eat pista raw, add it to kheer, halwa, or bakery items like cakes and muffins.
  • If you don’t have a sweet tooth, add them to savory dishes like curry and rice.

Side effects of consuming pista during pregnancy

Here are some side effects of pista that make it essential to take them at a limit:

Risk of miscarriage: Pistachios contain a chemical called aflatoxin, known for creating birth complications and abortions.

Digestive disorders: If you continuously suffer from gas and indigestion, then pista is not for you as it can increase these disorders.

Allergic reactions: If you are allergic to pista, please don’t consume pista as it can create a problem for you during pregnancy. Allergies can start small, like rashes on the body, but can lead to bigger problems like difficulty breathing.

Protect your baby's future with Umbilical Cord Preservation!

You must have prepared everything for your delivery as you have calculated your delivery date with a gestation calculator. However, have you registered for stem cell banking With Cryoviva? you can store your baby's stem cells, which can help treat several life-threatening diseases. Connect with Cryoviva's experts and schedule an appointment to collect your umbilical cord blood.