7 minutes reading time (1437 words)

How To Create An Irresistible Online Dating Profile

Deciding what to put on your dating profile can be frustrating. You need to find the right words and phrases to capture the attention of potential love interests while also being aware that the competition is fierce. 

Most dating apps and websites will ask you to fill out some sort of bio or profile. If you want your profile to stand out, here's a list of items you should include.

As a rule of thumb, your dating profile should be easy to skim through. A simple breakdown and length should be:

- Introduction

- 2-3 paragraphs about yourself

- What you're looking for

Make Your Username Relevant To Your Interests Or Hobbies 

Most, if not all, dating apps allow you to create a username or handle. Using your name or nickname is a safe choice, but if you want to stand out, create a username that is relevant to you and one of your interests.

An easy way to do this is to write down two or three of your passions, things that inspire and make you giddy whenever you think about them. Write them out and find words that relate to that interest or passion. For example, if you are into photography, you could create a name like:

  • SteveThePhotographer
  • ApertureAdam
  • SunsetsAreTheBest
  • ZoomedInOnLife

Avoid Clichés, Try Something Original Instead

If you have the opportunity to add a tagline to your profile, a caption to your pictures, or a short introduction, take a few moments to really think about it. Instead of rattling off a quote from your favourite show or celebrity, try something witty about yourself, your interests, or your passions.

Having a silly rhetorical question, a quip or social commentary on a minor inconvenience like shrinkflation ("I used to get 48 fries in my orders, now I only get 43… I counted"), or a fact such as your favourite meal to cook adds a bit more personality to your tagline, making you more interesting and worth checking out.

The trend of cliché taglines, captions, and introductions can be eyeroll-inducing for those who come across your profile. These cliché tags are unoriginal, uninspired, and even annoying. Here are a few examples of what to avoid:

"I'm new to this, here goes nothing"

"Looking for a partner in crime"

"Looking for my other half"

"Fun loving"

"I love to laugh"

"I listen to all kinds of music"

Post Great Profile Pictures 

Before anyone even clicks on your profile, the first thing they see will, hopefully, be a picture of you. Adding photos to your profile increases the chances of a click by a large margin, as illustrated in this article by Zoosk. Pictureless profiles tend to appear lazy and uninteresting, and not mysterious as some might imagine. If you want interest, add at least three photos.

The images on your profile should be interesting and worth clicking. They should showcase your life and passions. If you want some advice on what kinds of photos to post and some helpful tips, our article 14 Helpful Tips For Online Dating Profile Pics has you covered.

Have A Captivating Introduction To Lure People In 

The first few sentences on your profile should grab attention. If you start off saying something like "Hi, I'm new to online dating. I work at a generic office job Monday to Friday and on weekends I like watching grass grow and paint dry", you won't get any engagement. Instead, try to hype yourself up. 

For example, "My name is Rex. I am currently creating the first ever line of corduroy swimwear. It's been quite the adventure. I have my first fashion show next week in Paris."

Whether you add something true or not, make it worth replying to. Something zany and a bit over the top makes it unique. It's playful, fun, and shows others that your imagination can run wild.

Author's note: I really did write on my dating profile years ago that I was working on a line of corduroy swimwear and had a few people message me about it. I wasn't actually working on anything of the sort, but it was a great conversation starter.

Keep Your Profile Short And Concise (But Not Too Short) 

Your profile should be easy to read at a glance and short enough that it doesn't bore the reader. They may only have a few seconds to glance through your profile, so be mindful that it shouldn't be as long as a resume or a short story.

If all you say in your dating profile is "Message me to find out more", unless someone is truly smitten, your inbox will be empty. Or you'll get a "hey. I read your profile. We have lots in common!" from an obvious fake account.

Keep your paragraphs to 3-5 sentences and avoid rambling on about things. People reading your profile want just the facts, not an autobiography.

Add 3-5 Hobbies Or Interests You Are Passionate About 

Your hobbies and interests show others what you get up to in your free time. It's an easy indicator of whether you spend your time effectively or sit on the couch watching TV letting the world pass you by.

Listing an array of interests shows that you are open to new experiences and to stepping out of your comfort zone. Posting hobbies that are too similar to each other, like going to the gym, running, and keeping fit, makes you look one-dimensional.

If you are just jumping into a hobby or still quite new at it, say it. That's a great conversation starter for someone who is already into that hobby, and a perfect opportunity for a potential first date plan.

Be Playful And Witty 

No one wants to read a profile that sounds like lawyer speak or like it's been transcribed from the House of Commons. Your profile should make the reader smile and laugh. Sprinkle some humour into it, add a silly story, and/or expand on something you said in your tagline or captions from your profile pictures.

Readers of your profile will usually appreciate someone who is fun, playful, and doesn't take themselves too seriously. Being able to laugh at yourself shows that you are an imperfect yet self-aware human being. Even science says that laughing at yourself will improve your overall mood.

Be Clear With What You Are Looking For 

Some may argue that directly stating what you're looking for may deter some potential love interests from messaging you. If you are specifically seeking a long-term relationship, though, narrowing your search may be good as it can help you avoid wasting your time on someone who isn't on the same page as you.

Avoid Negativity And Pessimism In Your Profile

Don't mention in your profile that you aren't having much luck with online dating. You might come across as overly picky, fed-up, or blasé when it comes to online dating.

Maybe you aren't attracted to a specific body type, hair colour, political view, or activist group, but you don't need to say that in your profile. Keep that information to yourself, as this can come across as demanding, cynical, and even demeaning. If you receive a message from someone with one or more of your deal-breaker traits, politely decline and keep looking.

Let's face it; we don't like dealing with negative people. They are energy sucking and can drag your attitude down at an alarming rate. Your first impression with someone, be it in real life or on the web, shouldn't be a negative experience.

Be Sure To Proofread Before Posting! 

Before posting or sending a message, always proofread it. Check for grammar and spelling mistakes, avoid run-on sentences, make sure it flows the way you want it to, and cut out any unnecessary fat.

Reading your text back to yourself will help find any inconsistencies. You want your profile to be easy to read and comprehend.


Your online dating profile shouldn't be something you whip up in five minutes. Take some time to curate it in a way that shows some effort and makes you stand out. Don't be afraid to edit and revise it until you are happy with the result.

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