Al Shalloway’s Post

The irony of frameworks While there are lots of camps in Agile, one thing we all agree on is to respect people. I find it ironic, however, that virtually all Agile frameworks tell people what to do instead of how to solve their problems. All have several prescribed practices, regardless of your context. Some justify this on the basis of "being simple" or "once you learn the basics, then make changes" Both of these obscure the fact that these justifications are only needed due to a poor design. And none tell you how to go beyond them. Simple to understand is not necessarily related to simple to adopt. (think unicycle Vs one speed bicycle). What's critical is also being fit for purpose. Being simple to understand but not being fit for purpose makes it difficult to master. At Disciplined Agile (PMI) we believe that people are smart enough to make good decisions when they have the information they need to do so. This information is in the form of an understandable mental model integrated with a tool that provides choices so that people can decide what they should do in their context. A DA coach can help you do this initial analysis so that you start with something fit for your context. The mental model used is also what's used for guided continuous improvement.

Guy Maslen

Working with teams to help them work better.


Love the fact you are talking unicycles! Having the same conversation here - it's not fast compared to a bike, but it can turn on the spot, has few moving parts to break, and you can carry it more easily when it does break. And you need to be agile to use one.... To me the key thing is that for a team to become generative, it needs to have a psychologically safe culture and not be overloaded with work. They then have the time, space and environment to be able to learn and grow. This seems to be why leadership programmes (or indeed change programmes) fail in general; lack of team support, lack of coaching, and work overload after the initial training. If you were to build a framework with the intent of creating that proactive learning environment, then it might end up looking a bit like Scrum. You have a coach, and a single person directing priorities. The team pulls work in a sustainable way, and the work is focused on a goal to encourage team work. You have a time set aside for reflection, where the team can be vulnerable and build psychological safety. They check in and get into a huddle at least daily to support each other. The team is protected from organizational rain, and so on.

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