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The English Year

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The English A Month-by-Month Guide to the Nation's Customs and Festivals, from May Day to Mischief Night

496 pages, Hardcover

First published January 31, 2008

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Steve Roud

24 books12 followers

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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews
Profile Image for Ruth.
4,266 reviews
October 20, 2013
c2006. Fabulous book! I am using it to inspire trips and outings as it is a day by day guide. It also inspires some menu choices for example the 20th October is the time for the Colchester Oyster Festival - so I am either going to eat some oysters or travel to Essex! Highly recommended for all Anglophiles and those with an interest in the roots of some of the customs that have developed over time. Loved it.
149 reviews1 follower
December 17, 2022
I came across this book on one of our London bookshop travel days 12 months ago and what a gem its been. This is a book about English traditions, celebrations and culture, both past and present, some well-known others less so, the ordinary and the extraordinary all making for a very interesting read. Best enjoyed as a reference book to dip in and out of throughout the year rather than read straight through from page to page.

A fascinating book its contents of which have inspired family activities, excursions and culinary choices over the past year.
Profile Image for Felicity.
986 reviews26 followers
December 28, 2023
My boyfriend had read this already and I decided to read this throughout the year.
This book is about English traditions and what each day represents. I.e Saints days etc. It has been throughly researched and I loved learning about how traditions have evolved over time as well as any superstitions and myths. I finished it early today to save packing it for New years!

A really interesting book with lots of history as well as a more up to date context of the traditions.
Profile Image for G. Lawrence.
Author 29 books232 followers
February 6, 2017
Utterly fantastic book, can't praise it enough. Not only astoundingly comprehensive, but witty, warm, affectionate and factual. Actually made me chuckle aloud several times. If you want to know more about the folkloric past and customs of the English, (also includes some Scottish, Irish &Welsh customs) get this book. It's fabulous.
125 reviews
February 4, 2017
Goodness me this was dull. I stuck with it as long as I could. The idea is really appealing, and I've read similar books on this theme, but this was boringly written. The author seems to have something against paganism, and although this wouldn't really bother me, it sometime got irritating. I gave it one star for the effort of writing it.
Profile Image for Matthew Eyre.
418 reviews6 followers
January 30, 2023
I often refer to this splendid book. Everyone knows some of our ancient customs: The Gloucestershire Cheese Roll and the Ashbourne annual football game for example. But there will be many new to you. I had consulted it because a teacher at the school where I work insisted Halloween is a pagan custom. Spoiler alert- it isn't....
Profile Image for Jessica Powell.
245 reviews13 followers
April 5, 2021
Well researched and nicely presented compendium of English calendar traditions and folk customs. In contrast to similar books it's more academic and down to earth. Your mileage may vary on how much that appeals!
Profile Image for Maria.
37 reviews
December 31, 2023
Finally got around reading it after some fifteen years sitting in my bookshelf. Some impressive stories and histories around England. Plague Sunday will be remembered, such heroism!
Glad I committed to reading it, mostly on correct dates 😀
Profile Image for Nick.
34 reviews1 follower
January 29, 2017
A fascinating insight into the sometimes bizarre customs of the English, as well as the manifold mutations of folklore. I read this month-by-month over the course of the year, which afforded some topical conversation fillers. I appreciated the author's attempts at taming such a weighty subject - the spotlights on historical complexities such as changes to the calendar, 'top-down' (elitist) impositions of tradition versus 'ground-up' or 'authentic' foklore, attitudes towards the past (the arcadian Merrie England), and the more modern and widespread fallacy that traditions surviving today are direct descendants of pagan customs (which for the large part is simply unsupportable). What I gained from this book is an appreciation of the variety, complexity, stubbornness, temerity - but also whimsy - and sheer idiosyncrasy of English folklore.
September 1, 2020
An interesting compendium of holidays and customs, but a reference book to consult on occasion rather than a book to work the entire way through.
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews

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