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Power currently “don’t look anything like a top four side”


Port Adelaide banked another victory against lowly Collingwood at the MCG on Sunday – albeit in unconvincing fashion.

The thrilling one-point win keeps the Power (7-3) in touch with the top four, but there is huge scope for improvement for last year’s Preliminary Finalists.

Power champion Kane Cornes is concerned by his former club’s scoring power and midfield depth with much responsibility falling to Ollie Wines and Travis Boak.

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“The big discussion is where does Port Adelaide exactly sit?” Cornes told SEN SA Breakfast.

“They’re fifth on the ladder right now, they’re 7-3 - but as I’ve said, they don’t look anything like a top four side at the moment.

“I’m a little bit concerned about a couple of areas of their game.

“In the pre-season we thought, ‘how good does this team move the ball, they look unstoppable’. Now I look and think, ‘how are they going to score?’ That’s an issue.

“And their midfield just looks so light on.

“If Port Adelaide come up against a side like that (the Western Bulldogs) in the finals with Boak and Wines … there’s not enough depth through that midfield.

“(Zak) Butters and (Xavier) Duursma have killed them with those injuries.”

Port Adelaide host Fremantle (5-5) at Adelaide Oval on Sunday.

Port Adelaide

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