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Hello Everyone 👋

Welcome to another Into Games Industry Newsletter

Spring is finally here! 🌼 We're here to freshen up your mailbox with all the latest industry news. Let's get our hands dirty! 👇


📰 Take a look at Hitmarker’s key findings from their Candidate Report - an insight into the preferences of jobseekers.

🧵 Check out this Twitter thread all about succeeding in a start-up business. 


🐙 Sign up for Tentacle Zone's incubator - open for applications for early-stage game businesses until the 25th of March! 

Job Listings

Latest Jobs
Double Eleven // Middlesbrough

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in BA (Hons) Esports
Falmouth University // Penryn, Falmouth

Latest Jobs
Vela Games // Ireland

Latest Jobs
Lucid Games // Liverpool/Remote

VGA Opportunities 

:mega:  Educational Opportunities

:speech_balloon:  Speak to young people about pathways into the games industry!

Southampton Young Adults Employment Hub is hosting a Next Steps event for careers seekers between 16-25. Could you give games careers advice from a stall in Southampton and explain what some practical next steps might be for those leaving school, college or university? This event is taking place in person in Southampton next week, so sign up soon!

:school:  Take part in two careers events for colleges!

Could you represent careers in the games industry at careers events for two different colleges? At these events, students will be meeting representatives from various career sectors. You would have a tremendous impact on students at these colleges if you’re able to give them any information about how to enter the games industry at these events - taking place just outside of London on two separate dates next week.

:microphone: Give a careers talk on the games industry at a college in Brighton!

Could you deliver a talk about your route into the games industry, different trends within the industry and how it is evolving? Dv8 Are looking for someone to come in and inspire their students as part of National Careers Week. This session is taking place on the 7th of March in Brighton - the college can pay for your travel expenses!


:mega:  Events/Opportunities for Industry

 :pencil2:  We’re looking for help from an animator!

We're looking for an animator to help us write a design brief for our s bi-weekly Discord creative design challenge! Next week's theme is 🌼Gardening!🌼, and we're planning on running an animation challenge. Could you come up with a creative brief to be taken on by the talented creatives in our Discord community? :sparkles:

We’d also love your help in picking a winner and giving some feedback for the submissions. :trophy: This is a really exciting opportunity to inspire upcoming games animators and give them an industry-standard brief. This opportunity closes this coming Sunday - so please have a look!

:video_game:  Join us and give a careers talk or Q&A at our WASD Careers bar! 

Want to come to a huge exciting games event in London? Into Games and Ukie are excited to be running our Careers Bar again at WASD in London this year! Would you like to give a talk about how you got into your games career or give some careers advice in a Q&A session? We would love to have you there!

This event will be taking place at the Tobacco Dock in London, and you'll be given a free pass for the whole event. 

🌟 Career XP is returning in April!

Career XP (CXP) is a monthly event in the Into Games Discord server where members of the community have the opportunity to have their portfolios reviewed and to ask any questions they may have to a professional from their desired games industry field.

If you're looking for portfolio support keep an eye on the Discord for when sign-ups open at the end of the month!

For anyone currently working in the games industry who would like to support the next generation of game developers, make sure to sign up to the Video Game Ambassadors network and you'll be notified when mentor applications go live!

Think you could give up some of your time and knowledge to help out? Sign up now to become a VGA if you haven't already!



🏛️ Town Hall Meeting
8th March, 16:00 GMT

This 'Town Hall' event is an invite for games sector leaders and staff, educational professionals, parents and anyone that wants to know more about the week and have a say in how UK Games Careers Week 2022 is run. 

💻 Women in Games: Careers and Networking Expo 2022
10th March, 8:00AM - 10:00PM GMT

A free expo that provides a platform for women to share their experiences and insights into their worlds of work. The chance to network and meet directly with studios and businesses that want to connect.


🎶 From Music Student to Indie Dev: And All the Mistakes Along the Way...

11th March, 17:00 GMT

Sergio Ronchetti will be joining our Discord Stage to tell you all about the common mistakes and pitfalls of becoming an Indie Dev, and how you can avoid them on your own journey to building a sustainable career in video games.

That’s all from us, see you next month! 👋

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