Russia-Ukraine War

Ukraine recalls ambassadors from Georgia, Kyrgyzstan

Move comes after Kyrgyzstan's support for Russia, Georgia's decision to block volunteers from helping Ukraine, says president

Beyza Binnur Dönmez  | 01.03.2022 - Update : 01.03.2022
Ukraine recalls ambassadors from Georgia, Kyrgyzstan


Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Tuesday recalled Kyiv's ambassadors from Georgia and Kyrgyzstan.

"Our diplomats are now implementing fair and absolutely necessary decisions regarding those states that have betrayed their word and international law," Zelenskyy said during his address to the nation.

"We immediately recall the ambassador from Kyrgyzstan for consultations to justify aggression against Ukraine," he said. "We immediately recall the ambassador from Georgia for obstructing volunteers who want to help us."

He called the Georgian government's stance "an immoral position".

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili voiced support for Ukraine on Friday, saying the military attack on a sovereign country is "unacceptable." However, Tbilisi blocked a charter flight scheduled to bring Georgian volunteer fighters to Ukraine.

In a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday, Kyrgyzstan's President Sadyr Japarov expressed support for Moscow's war on Ukraine, according to the Kremlin press service.

Since the Russia-Ukraine war began last Thursday, it has been met by outrage from the international community, with the EU, UK, and US implementing a range of economic sanctions on Russia.

So far, at least 136 civilians, including 13 children, have been killed and 400 others, including 26 children, injured in Ukraine, according to UN figures.

Around 660,000 people have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries, the UN Refugee Agency said on Tuesday.

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