Get Inspired! New and Anticipated Histories and Biographies

Posted by Sharon on March 1, 2021

Sometimes in life, we just need a little inspiration. After a particularly trying interval of time, for example. Oh…the year 2020 or the beginning of 2021, say. This collection of new biographies and historical nonfiction, covering every hemisphere and several centuries, has been assembled with an eye toward inspirational arcs.

There really is something for everyone here. Music nerds will want to check out Sonic Boom, the story of the venerated Warner Bros. music label that put musicians first (Prince! Madonna! Springsteen!). The Princess Spy follows the amazing story of Aline Griffith, audacious World War II espionage agent. And William Still profiles the courageous Underground Railroad conductor who saved hundreds of lives.

Scroll over the book covers to learn more about each book, and be sure to add the books that pique your interest to your Want to Read shelf!

Upcoming Highly Anticipated Histories and Biographies

What histories and biographies are you reading these days? Let's talk books in the comments!

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Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 2: by Ed Wisneski (new)

Ed Wisneski caste: the origins of our discontent

message 3: by Ed Wisneski (new)

Ed Wisneski A Promised Land

message 5: by TMR (new)

TMR Such interesting collections.

message 6: by Danna (new)

Danna Why so American-centric, though?

message 7: by Sara (new)

Sara Facing the Mountain: A True Story of Japanese American Heroes in World War II

Looking forward to this one coming out on May 11th!

message 8: by Nadia (new)

Nadia I'm excited for With Her Fist Raised, Ida B. the Queen, The Women's History of the Modern World and The Nine!

message 9: by Bonnie G. (new)

Bonnie G. Theaters of Pardoning looks great

message 10: by Kaiti (new)

Kaiti Would be great to see more books about history and people outside of the US. only 3 of the first 24 books listed appear to be about people/places/events outside the US.

Additionally, does anyone know whether Icebound veers into terra nullius discourse? The summary feels like it could easily talk about the Arctic as if no one had been there before Europeans.

Similar question about "The Bears Ears" given its use of the term "wilderness".

Spartan Ranger ☢ Danna wrote: "Why so American-centric, though?"

I was thinking the same ...

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