30 New and Upcoming Books Absolutely Everyone Wants to Read

Posted by Sharon on April 21, 2022

There are readers who like to discover obscure titles and then there are readers who want to read the books that have everyone abuzz with excitement right now. For this latter group, we've put together a list of Extremely Of-the-Moment Books—all published between April and June of 2022—to scratch that "what should I read next?" itch. (It's a terrible malady, we know!)

These titles span a number of genres, but they share one thing in common: they've grabbed the top 30 spots on Goodreads members' Want to Read shelves for this particular publication window.

So go ahead, scroll over the covers below to learn more about each book, and add a few (or all! We're not the boss of you!) of them to your own Want to Read shelf.

What's a new book you think everyone should add to their Want to Read shelf? Let's share recommendations in the comments below!

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Comments Showing 1-26 of 26 (26 new)

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message 1: by mwana (new)

mwana My kingdom for publishing to stop marketing books as "x" meets "y".

And and... Does publishing know other birds exist? Why is it always magpies? Why do we never have herons, cockerels, cassowaries, kiwis, the noble hen?

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

None of those books make me want to read them...

message 3: by Ilene (new)

Ilene Aurora wrote: "None of those books make me want to read them..."
my sentiments exactly. 100%

message 4: by Shannon (new)

Shannon I love Jennifer Saint and am looking forward to Elektra! I also want to read The Hacienda, The Woman in the Library, and The Children on the Hill.

message 5: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Sea of Tranquility, Unlikely Animals, and Lessons in Chemistry, are on my TBR.

message 6: by Elisabeth (new)

Elisabeth I am so happy to see "Portrait of a Thief" by Grace D. Li on the list!
I adored the book.

message 7: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine Aurora wrote: "None of those books make me want to read them..."

I'm interested in ONE book, Memphis. Not an interesting list.

message 8: by JasonA (new)

JasonA Apparently I'm not part of "absolutely everyone."

message 9: by Cata (last edited Apr 21, 2022 12:17PM) (new)

Cata Con suerte hay 3 que me llaman la atencion

message 10: by LemonLinda (new)

LemonLinda I will definitely read Memphis, possibly will read Sea of Tranquility. It has been so long since I read a John Grisham book that I may even consider Sparring Partners.

message 11: by Patrice (new)

Patrice I will read Memphis. Just finished Afrotistic by Kala Omeiza-Wonderful book!

message 12: by Yaaresse (new)

Yaaresse Aurora wrote: "None of those books make me want to read them..."

My exact thought as I was looking at the list. No a single one of these looks worth the time or money.
Guess we're not in the subset of "absolutely everyone."

message 13: by Susan (new)

Susan Reeves deMasi Why do most of the comments on this type of list display such superiority and rudeness?? Every time!
"Well, none of these books interest ME!" <---You're not so special, Sweetie. ;-)

Make a book recommendation and just leave out your negative snottiness, please. There's already enough negativity around these days.

message 14: by Liv x (new)

Liv x Heavenly bodies should be on here! It’s just been released and is pretty good as the author’s debut

message 15: by Sanda (new)

Sanda Love this list! I'd also include Chris Bohjalian's The Lioness & Alicia Thompson's Love in the time of Serial Killers!

message 16: by Nóri (new)

Nóri Susan wrote: "Why do most of the comments on this type of list display such superiority and rudeness?? Every time!
"Well, none of these books interest ME!" <---You're not so special, Sweetie. ;-)

Make a book r..."

Because the post is literally called "absolutely everyone" wants to read these. That's obviously never going to be true so... why even name it that? It's not about superiority, it's about pointing out clickbaity nonsense.

message 17: by Nadia (new)

Nadia Susan wrote: "Why do most of the comments on this type of list display such superiority and rudeness?? Every time!
"Well, none of these books interest ME!" <---You're not so special, Sweetie. ;-)

Make a book r..."

I have to say I agree. There is a sense of hostility and pouting that is voiced with these kinds of lists that is annoying and definitely unnecessary! I've tried to ignore it over the years; however, it's gotten old. What is needed at this time is constructive feedback, not kvetching.

message 18: by Megan (new)

Megan Susan wrote: "Why do most of the comments on this type of list display such superiority and rudeness?? Every time!
"Well, none of these books interest ME!" <---You're not so special, Sweetie. ;-)

Make a book r..."

Agreed. I do feel like websites/media tend to push the same books with the biggest marketing budgets but to not be remotely interested in any of these books? Yes, they are all fiction but a pretty wide variety of fiction. And even if you aren't, why the need to always announce it?

message 19: by Warren (new)

Warren "Yes, they are all fiction but a pretty wide variety of fiction. And even if you aren't, why the need to always announce it?"

Right. We shouldn't point out how dreadful these lists are and the tired formula of Want to Read shelves to compile the lest.

message 20: by Diane (new)

Diane Typical journalistic hyperbole. Not 'absolutely everyone' wants to read them. I certainly don't - not any one of them.

message 21: by Melinda (new)

Melinda Charles Susan wrote: "Why do most of the comments on this type of list display such superiority and rudeness?? Every time!
"Well, none of these books interest ME!" <---You're not so special, Sweetie. ;-)

Make a book r..."

WoW! What a "snotty" negative response. Just because the titles aren't interesting to some doesn't mean they have a superior attitude.

message 22: by Kathi (last edited Apr 30, 2022 06:55PM) (new)

Kathi I really enjoyed Sea of Tranquility and Lessons in Chemistry. Unlikely Animals and The Candy House are in my queue.

message 23: by Marylou (new)

Marylou I am interested in Book Lover, The No Show, and Lessons in Chemistry. I heard a good review of The Wedding Crasher so may add that to my list as well.

message 24: by John (new)

John Sea of Tranquility is excellent. I'd read The Glass Hotel first, just for some extra background. Heck, I'd recommend reading all of Emily St John Mandel's work.

message 25: by Laura (new)

Laura Stockton Susan wrote: "Why do most of the comments on this type of list display such superiority and rudeness?? Every time!
"Well, none of these books interest ME!" <---You're not so special, Sweetie. ;-)

Make a book r..."

The only negative comment is yours- the rest are simply giving an opinion or pointing out the absurdity of the article.

message 26: by Mike (new)

Mike I third or fourth or fifth what Aurora wrote! 😂

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