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Online Higher Education Summit

Virtual Event
19 February 2024
Registration Closed

The Summit

Free Virtual Event
19 Feb 2024
8:00 am
(US Eastern Time)

The Online Higher Education Summit is a global event that will bring together educators, education leaders, researchers, education technology experts, and education policymakers who work in or with higher education institutions. The main goal of this summit is to learn about the current state of affairs in online higher education and address its current needs. The summit will focus on global issues of online higher education, online assessment, and online teaching. This summit will be fully virtual and therefore freely accessible to all around the world. Leading scholars in the field will share their expertise that contributes to shaping the future of online higher education. Resources will be shared to help improve online higher education in general. 

Registration Closed
The Summit

Keynote Speakers

Meet the keynote speakers of the Summit.

Summit Recordings

About the Online Higher Education Platform

To be the leading online higher education community of practice.

To connect higher education faculty and leaders through shared knowledge.
Our Goals

  1. Provide a platform for a global exchange of online higher education expertise and research.

  2. Develop a network of online higher education faculty, leaders, and researchers who can collaborate and share their knowledge and insights.

  3. Develop open-access online higher education resources.



We are proud to offer you valuabe resources to help you grow in your personal and professional journey.

Summit Schedule

Download the most updated copy of the OHE Summit Schedule.


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Our global team is dedicated to providing you with the best experience possible. We're here to help you maximize your learning and achieve your goals. Don't hesitate to reach out to us via our secretariat contact email if you need any assistance along the way.

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