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These 10 Montreal Brunch Spots Ranked Among OpenTable's Top 100 In Canada

Are you really a true Montrealer if brunch isn't part of your weekly plans?

Brunch dishes in Montreal.

Brunch dishes in Montreal.

Contributing Writer

Let's be honest, you're not a true Montrealer unless brunch is part of your weekly plans. Yeah, I said it.

The real struggle is always trying to figure out where to go for Montreal brunch.

Do I go to the same spot I always go? Should I try somewhere new? Will the eggs be better than my parents make them? Will there be bottomless mimosas? Questions we are forever asking ourselves on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Luckily, we've got lists like OpenTable's "Top 100 Brunch Spots Canada in 2022" to help us narrow down our search, based on where other people like us have loved going for brunch. Out of the 100 spots in Canada, 10 Montreal restaurants made the list.

Here's a look at the ones that made it into the ranking:

There's nothing worse than wanting to go out to eat and not knowing where to go. So if you've been feeling a little lost lately, this list may just help you out.

OpenTable released its new 2022 ranking in time for Mother's Day saying "Whether mom is a sweet brunch person, a savory brunch person, or a brunch-is-actually-breakfast person, start your Mother's Day planning with the Top 100 brunch spots in Canada."

And while all of our mamas deserve to be treated to a beautiful brunch in the city, you can also use this list to decide where to go with your friends, your coworkers or your boo.

When it comes to brunch in Montreal, the options are endless.

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

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