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Josie Banks is a girl without a past.  After being found unconscious with no memory, she was shuffled in and out of foster homes where she suffered years of abuse. An experience that left her broken, damaged, and clinging to drugs and meaningless hook-ups to numb her pain.

When Josie disappeared years ago, she took a piece of Tristan with her.  She’s the girl he thought he lost forever—the one he’s never been able to forget.  Now a twist of fate has brought them back together, and he never wants to let her out of his inked arms again.  But Tristan is haunted by a dark past of his own.  On the run from ruthless criminals that shattered Josie’s world years ago, reentering her life puts them both in danger.

As Josie and Tristan’s lives become tangled once again, they find themselves unwilling and unable to escape the relentless pull that draws them together.  But in Season Vining's Beautiful Addictions, will the past leave their love in ruins—or bind them together for a lifetime?

288 pages, Paperback

First published January 28, 2014

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About the author

Season Vining

13 books519 followers
SEASON VINING is a romance author, penning adventurous and sexy stories with a dash of humor. She grew up in southern Louisiana where food, culture, and family mean everything. She has lived in Cincinnati, San Diego, and NYC—all of them providing colorful experiences and tons of writing material. She is a graphic designer by day, a complete font snob, and enjoys all forms of art. Her obsessions include live music, tattooed bad boys, vintage cars, and people who know the difference between their, there, and they’re. Season currently lives in Texas with her husband, daughter, and the hungriest corgi that ever lived.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 301 reviews
Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
736 reviews1,064 followers
August 5, 2016

Beautiful Addictions was an unexpected pleasure. The reviews out there are a little mixed but, personally, I really, really liked how it played out. The story has so much depth and quality; I can't tell you all the details and intricacies, for fear of spoiling your pleasure.... Let me give you a feel for it... Then maybe you'll read and judge for yourself.....

"You look like a girl I used to know...."

The main characters
Josie Banks is a girl with demons, she's the product of a horrible time in the care system... In foster homes and on the streets... That's the only past she knows. The result is she now uses sex as an escape, a form of numbing.. Sex, drugs, alcohol... Graffiti... Anything will do, as long as it numbs her mind and thoughts.

"She's never seen such a a beautiful, broken expression, and it took her breath away."

Tristan Fallbrook is extremely intelligent, sexy, caring and loyal. He's suffered his own heart ache and heart break and is the product of his tragic and at times violent past. A past that still haunts him and could cause him unthinkable upset. He's just the type of book boyfriend I easily fall for.... **Swoon**

Throughout the book their history, together and apart, and their emotional connection is slowly revealed. I loved the exploration of Josie's past through the eyes of Tristan. Just beautiful.

We learn of their past but what will their future hold??? Can they resolve their issues??? Can they live through it??? Do they belong together???

Beautiful Addictions has a bevy of additional characters, written with care and attention to detail.... They all have depth and purpose, everyone and everything has a reason. Don't miss a thing!

Circumstance and fate bring them all together in ways none could predict. Great, great story telling... The author wove an intricate web with links and twists and turns... I really, really liked it.

There was mystery and suspense involved, I love working out these things, following the clues, answering questions provoked by the story, and guessing what all the connections might be, how everyone fits into the picture.... Beautiful Addictions was a magical dream in this area

There were a couple of shocking moments but they made the story authentic to the subject.... Added layers and depth

For a short time at the beginning, I didn't really know what was going on, it was a little confusing, lots of characters, intricate happenings but suddenly it was like a fog lifted and it all started to become crystal clear..... I could feel this story was going to be stunning and I was right. It was brilliant, I enjoyed it greatly!!! A really good book often takes time to grow and develop......

Did it work out for them???

A love to lovers story, with a difference... It was just lovely. I sound like I'm talking in riddles, read this wonderful story and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Hope you enjoy too!!! ♥

Arc received from NetGalley for my honest review.
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews612 followers
December 30, 2013
Book – Beautiful Addictions
Author – Season Vining
Publication Date – January 28, 2014
Type – Stand Alone
Genre – Romance
Rating – 4 1/2 out of 5 Stars

ARC provided by St. Martin’s Griffin via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

There comes a time in every reader’s life that the “cookie cutter” stories start to get old and predictable. I have been heading down that road for some time now….well that is until now!

Yeah, we have some concepts that are predictable, but this author threw in some very unexpected twists that had my jaw dropping to the floor!  Normally I am good at figuring out the story within the first 25% but not this time!  This is what a fantastic book consists of in my mind!

Another strong point of this book is that it is REAL….no billionaires, no perfect lifestyles and no “sweep you off your feet”.  This is the nitty gritty of life – drugs, death, depression, homelessness, and craziness.  Agreed that some of the storyline is a bit far-fetched (that’s why the ½ star is taken away) and I had a hard time grasping how Josie and Tristan could come back together after so many years apart…but I kept repeating my mantra…it’s just a book….it’s just a book!

And the last winning feature of this book is the fact that I cried…..yes, it’s been awhile since I shed a tear – in fact I think it was the last time I read a book which was unpredictable.  My heart broke towards the end of the book and I loved how the author was able to draw me into the story and had me empathizing for Josie and her crew!

If this book is Season’s debut novel….then she has found a fan in me!!

Josie is all alone and finds her solace in sketching, drugs, one night stands and graffiti.  She is a poster child for abuse in the “foster system” and lives without any memories from her past.  That is until she sees a devastatingly handsome boy/man in her alley having a breakdown and something draws her to him.  She is infatuated by him and continues to show up at the bar he works at – Josie doesn’t know if she wants him a sexual conquest or for more because the pull on her heart is unbelievable.

Tristan spots her one night and can’t believe the resemblance to a girl from his past.  The love of his life during his teenage years, but it’s not possible because that girl has been dead for years.  When Tristan finally confronts her, he learns that Josie really is the ghost from his past without any memory of him.

These two fight through the pain and suffering they endured and are still living to find comfort and love with each other.  Well, that is until Tristan finds out that his old boss is gunning for him and has a hit out on Josie.

Follow them through the angst of separating and fighting together to clean up the ghosts of their past and how Josie finally starts to find peace and true love in her life.  Watch how she starts to open up to Monica (her social worker) and Alex (her neighbor).  This is a story of love, friendship, and loyalty.

There are also back stories between Monica and the man who steals her heart along with Alex and how he deals with being a “street thug”.

Wrap Up
I never expected this book to grab a piece of my heart and not let go!  I am still going through each of the characters and reliving this book over and over in my mind! Definitely a keeper!!
Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,971 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
March 3, 2014
DNF 25%

I think I would have loved this book–the plot's unique and intriguing–had it not been weighed down with copious amounts of purple prose, thesaurus-seeking words, and intellectual jargon. It felt like I was reading a creative writing assignment that explored pathos, ethos, and logos. I know some readers enjoy poetic, lyrical, and fanciful passages in their romance books, but I'm not one of them. This author has talent but her writing style doesn't work for me.

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Definition of Purple Prose: A term used to describe literature where the writing is unnecessarily flowery. It means that the writer described the situation using words that are too extravagant for the type of text. Basically, over-describing something.
Profile Image for Carolina L. .
145 reviews
June 10, 2014
ARC kindly provided by NetGalley in exchange of a honest review.


"The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can ever end."

Words and sentences like this makes you smile...

"A happy childhood is the worst possible preparation for life."

This makes you wonder...

"I want you. All of you. I want to possess you. I want to love you and protect you."

And this... this makes you fall in love!

I will not tell you what this story is about. You don't need me for that. You can read the book's synopsis. But, I will tell what you can expect, what can you feel when you read it, where do you go... without leaving your seat.


This book has something amazing that sucks you into it without you even knowing. The way the author wrote the story is so different from anything I ever read. Is good... is bad? Don't know! Is different!
I've never felt so powerless and happy at the same time reading a book! I was not able to think for myself how they look like, how the place was, etc, because I couldn't! They were just wanting to enter my mind... *sigh*

It's like...

Gravity... the attractive force that governs the motion of celestial bodies.


I honestly didn't expect such a profound connection...

Conjunction... two planets in close proximity to each other in the sky.

I was ready to cry.. to yell at something... but not for this!
This is a love story without boundaries! This is the fiction and reality. This is sweet and bitter.
This is good and wrong. This is light and dark together!
This book will let you like i am... amazed!

Where do you go?

To nowhere and to everywhere you can imagine! Yes!! That's the best I can tell! You're not able to think or to imagine where the next chapter will take you! No! You're a spectator in their journey!

Opposition... two celestial bodies opposite each other in the sky.

This book was perfectly imperfect for me! Not what i was expecting, but everything I needed!

"Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody."

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P.S. Maybe this book is not for everybody, but everybody should read it...

Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,045 followers
January 16, 2014
3 stars
Mckenzi once had him. Josie would never deserve him.

When McKenzi was 14, she woke up alone and confused. Given a new name, Josie was sent into Foster care across the country for her own protection, with no choice but to believe whatever she was told, after all she had "No memory of who I was or where I’d been." Years of abuse made her the woman she is today and she lives her life the only way she knows how.
She floated on whatever high she could get, reluctant to touch down, afraid reality might never let her go again… The addiction was solely to the state it provided, a numbing blissful high of indifference. Her savior wasn’t always drugs or sex with strangers. Sometimes her pencils, along with fresh paper and a silent room, could deliver the much-needed feeling of ecstasy.

One night she sees a man in the alley, eyes full of hate and grief and in him she finds her muse. Since she’s been watching him from afar, ” Their relationship was complicated, existing only through one-way glass and never shared. Josie liked it this way. She felt anchored to him but not possessed.” it’s only a matter of time until they meet and when they do their connection is unbelievable, he knows her, like actually knows her or at least the girl she used to be but doesn’t know.
“I used to be her,” she answered.

“I thought you were dead.”

Tristan can’t believe she’s here, having loved and lost her at such a young age, he wasn’t prepared for his reaction to her; after all he did mourn her. He found a way to move on after she “died”, leaving his prestigious future behind and traded in his exceptional gift for the bar. ” Tristan switch from geek to guardian in matter of seconds.” He’s living a different life than they dreamed about; he’s done things that he isn’t proud of, caught in the web of a crime boss that doesn’t take kindly to him “retiring”. Unknown to them both they have more in common that their childhood love, his previous boss wants her dead and once he puts two and two together they both are found wanted. Tristan can’t lose her again and will stop at nothing to keep her safe, but he wasn’t the only one who was sent after her.
“I want you. All of you. I want to possess you. I want to love you and protect you.”

I was intrigued with the story line and the cover was very appealing but sadly I didn’t get lost in their story as I hoped. This is a standalone read with multiple POV’s, more so than Tristan and Josie, we get a piece from each character making it somewhat hard to follow in the beginning, but towards the end with the length of the book I could see why it was needed so we can understand what was happening.

Josie was clearly a troubled girl who dealt with her life a certain way and when Tristan came into her life, you can see the effect he had on her. Tristan was a unique character, he was gifted by being able to remember everything he’s ever read so most of the conversation was him stating facts and reason behind anything and everything, but he also had the sweet protective side. I will be looking forward to see if there are any other books about the other characters.

ARC kindly provided by St. Martin's Press, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,215 followers
January 28, 2014
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This really does offer something very different from a lot of new adult books out there – it’s dark, twisted and full of surprises and shocks and wholly compelling.

Meet Josie Banks – a loner amnesiac. Her past is completely lost to her – she was found unconscious after her Father was murdered and now only remembers her brutal upbringing in the foster system. As soon as she was old enough she ventured out into the world, defensive, hurting and completely alone. She creates vivid graffiti art unsure of whether this work comes from her lost memories and she cuts such a lonely figures using varying different drugs and casual, impersonal one night stands to blot out the pain and stop her from feeling anything at all. My heart really broke for Josie – she seemed so isolated, so lost.

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Josie has become obsessed with sitting, hiding beneath a hoodie, watching a local tattooed bartender, Tristan – something about him calls to her but she doesn’t know what. She sketches him obsessively but when Tristan finally sees her face, he knows her. He remembers her from her lost childhood – her life before the accident that robbed her of her memories. He has loved her his whole life and thought he had lost her forever.

“You broke my heart, McKenzi, and here you are. It’s just too much.”

She didn’t correct her name. Instead, Josie was silent as she tried to work out his declaration. Was she too much? She’d never been too much for anyone. She’d never even been enough.

“I loved you from the first time I saw you,” he whispered, placing a soft kiss against her neck.

What follows is full of shocks and surprises and I never knew which way the plot was going to turn next but there’s a building air of menace throughout the whole novel as though these two are hurtling towards an inevitable and devastating conclusion and the threat keeps growing as Josie’s and Tristan’s pasts are about to come roaring back to haunt them. It’s tense and it’s edgy and completely engrossing and there are plenty of shocks awaiting them.

This really is an accomplished debut from Season Vining – she does an amazing job of creating the barren wasteland that is Josie’s world, her very singular and miserable existence. The desperation was palpable and uncomfortable to read and I found myself wanting nothing more than for her to open her heart and let Tristan in. He himself has a darkness within, pain that needs to be healed – it’s almost as if their parting as children forced this unfortunate couple onto a much darker path than had ever been intended for them and only being together again in the here and now can put it right. It feels very fatalistic.

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It’s incredibly atmospheric and I found myself completely lost in their world gasping at every twist and turn and completely rooting for them as a couple. I adored just how much Tristan adored Josie and just how far he was prepared to go to secure her safety and protect her. This is a fantastic debut from Season Vining and I’m very much looking forward to what she comes up with next.

4 edgy stars

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Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,047 reviews356 followers
November 22, 2014
**ARC provided by NetGalley for honest review**

This is my first time reading this author and I was overall pleased with the story. It wasn't a knock my socks off read, but it was still good, therefore I wanted to give it a thorough review and give credit when due!

This is the tale of Josie Banks... a street smart enigma whose art talent decorates her walls and the streets of her town. She is shrouded in mystery as she lurks in smoky bars engulfed in darkness while losing herself in her drawings.

Her life has been hell with no parents, no identity, no safety, no past that she can recall...just a host of street friends, drugs and meaningless sex to numb her. She unknowingly has no one...except a boy captured hundreds of times in her sketch books and in her graffiti.

Her life has never been important to anyone, except her childhood love and best friend Tristan whose own life seemed destined for greatness until losing his true soul mate at 14. This propels him into making some bad decisions ending up in a life of crime. It is a chance meeting in a dark ally that perpetuates the connection Josie and Tristan once had. Josie has no idea why Tristan fascinates her, and for Tristan he is staring into the eyes of his very "dead" childhood friend.

It does not take long in their reconnection for the tangled web of deceit and violence to come full circle. The past quickly closes in on both Tristan and Josie forcing them to face the truth at how intimately their pasts are connected all while praying for a miracle to survive.

Tristan vows to never lose Josie as he will love and protect her forever and he with him, Josie has found warmth, support and safety in his tattooed arms.

This was a fairly quick read with a both sweet and sensual love story. There was no annoying love at first site moments, but instead a palpable pull of the characters toward one another. I enjoyed the character chemistry and felt their intimacy was both emotional and sexy at the same time. I love a happy ever after, even if the most severe angst is experienced. In the end, I found myself content with the direction of the read and the lack of loose ends....I guess you can find your true love a 7, who knew!!!!
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,339 followers
January 15, 2014
Copy provided by publishers via Netgalley in exchange for honest review

3.5~4 Beautiful Addicting Stars


Beautiful Addictions is the debut book of Season Vining. First, I want to say that cover was simply beautiful and I love it. With that being said, I was impressed with Ms. Vining on her debut book. This is not your typical love story of boy next door romance or a billionaire hero who sweeps a damsel in distress but a story of REAL FLAWED characters. Characters who were given a shitty hand in life, made mistakes, and took a wrong turn in life. This book had it all from first love, second chances, sex, drugs, crime, depression and loss.

This is a story of Josie Banks. Her perfect life was uprooted when her parents were brutally murdered. Having suffering the tragic loss, she experiences amnesia and is put on witness protection. Having no recollections of her youth, she is placed in the foster care system where again she experiences another version of HELL when her foster parents treats her like animal. Josie Banks is what you call a survivor but along the way she picked up several vices. In order to numb the pain and hurt, she uses sex and drugs. She doesn’t have many friends except a homeless lady named Gavin, an ex-con neighbor named Alex, a social worker named Monica, and lastly Tristan, the boy who unbeknownst to Josie was her childhood friend.

Tristan was a privileged man who had it all but turned his back on college and his future when he decided to take the road of crime. When Josie Banks was thought to be dead, Tristan’s life became dark. So when Josie and Tristan are reunited, he tries to help Josie recollect and remember things of her past. Soon they find themselves no longer in the dark but traces of light begins to shine through in their imperfect lives. As much as they want to escape their past, their temporary of bubble of happiness is put on hold when words get out that Josie Banks is alive and not dead. Having found Josie again, Tristan will go at all cost to make sure she is safe even if it means putting himself in harms way. How far will one go to save their love? Would you die for love?


Overall, this book was a great debut for Ms. Season Vining. Beautiful Addictions had a great cast of secondary characters and was able to showcase how everyone was connected in this web of a story. The book is a reminder the past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited, or erased. It can only be accepted.


Season Vining
Profile Image for ✝✝ Ⓓaisy ❣ ✝✝ .
493 reviews275 followers
January 31, 2014

Beautiful Addictions was interesting at the beginning and then started to get slow for me as it was beating around the bush for me.
I am actually confused after finishing this book - more like mixed with emotions, as there are parts of this book that I loved and I didn't.

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Josie Banks is loves drawing. At the same time, she lives on

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She also stalks Tristan, the hot bartender with brilliant inked images covered his arms <3 Tristan has his own tortured past.
How will their past come together?

At times, I just wanted to yell at Josie:

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For crying out loud, go to college girl! LOL

Anyway, Tristan and Josie come together and fight their demons. Overall, I was wee bit struggling to connect with the characters.

Happy reading!

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D xo

**ARC provided for tour**

Profile Image for Dianne.
6,791 reviews587 followers
January 16, 2014
Get ready to be drawn and quartered emotionally. Beautiful Addictions by Season Vining reunites one damaged and lost soul with a past she cannot remember. Josie’s life has become so meaningless that she lives in the shadows. Using her body and drugs as means to try to satisfy an endless emptiness inside, only through her haunting art did Josie feel anything. Her childhood and her memory were torn from her when her parents were murdered and she became part of “the system,” that allowed her to become another abused statistic. Then she saw HIM, a stranger that spoke to her heart, as he railed against an unknown demon of his own. Tristan became her obsession; there was something about him that stirred a spark within her. Living on the dark side of life, Tristan has his own personal hell to deal with, the loss of the one girl her loved. When their paths finally cross openly, Tristan knows he has to help Josie regain her memory, because he was a huge part of her life at one time, but can she trust him? Someone wants Josie dead for something she cannot remember. With few people to count on, and an unknown evil stalking her, what is Tristan’s role in her life? Is there a connection between her newfound danger and this man who claims she once loved him as much as he loved her? How could someone so important be lost in the dark void of her memories?

Season Vining has veered from the well-used path of damaged souls reconnecting by blazing her own trail full of twists, dark passages with promises of a brighter future. Her style of writing commands the attention of the reader with her ability to detail each changing scene and mood. The world she has created is as stark and flat as the emotions she has given to the “Josie” most of the world sees, but you "feel" there is more. With a tenuous support system from unlikely places, she has put Josie in the right place at the right time, almost ready and almost strong enough to reach out for the unknown. For me, it felt right, anything more would have been too clichéd, anything less and the impact could have been lost. The intrigue of the life-threatening cat and mouse game added an entirely new dimension and depth to Josie’s story when the past she can’t remember and present she knows collide and a chance for a future hangs in the balance.

I received this ARC edition from St. Martin's Griffin in exchange for my honest review.

Publication Date: January 28, 2014
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
ISBN: 9781250048783
Genre: New Adult Romance
Number of Pages: 288
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

February 1, 2014
Sizzling Pages Romance Reviews

Nichole's Sizzling Reviews

Sizzling Pages @ Facebook


Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh all I can keep saying is oh my gosh!!! Beautiful Addictions blew me the hell away. 

Very pg13 sex scenes but a major major epic storyline that included so many characters and twists that you never knew what the next page would hold. 


Every now and then you stumble upon a book that sucks in you in the story and before you know it hours have passed and you feel like you've been to another world and lived another life. 

This story did this to me in 7 hrs. 


I couldn't stop reading and I feel like I completely experienced a tragic tale of second chances and a love that crossed so many boundaries.
Tristan and McKenzi met so young and formed a bond that couldn't be broken. 

A genius and a sweet little girl glued together from day one. 

 “I loved you from the first time I saw you,” he whispered, placing a soft kiss against her neck. 

The love they shared grew from innocent friendship to teenage love that suddenly had to be torn apart.
This is when the nightmare starts.
There is no way to really tell anymore without spoiling this whole story. What I will say is that this is a love story that will take your breath away. 

Mckenzi "Josie" ..doesn't remember that little boy , but her heart recognizes the man and her soul reaches out for him.



Night after night, he tucked away his one-hundred-thirty-seven-point IQ and stood behind the bar, wearing his inked armor and crooked smile.


A second chance that neither of them saw coming. These two spending time and knocking down walls to revive the buried love that never died was so freaking beautiful yet tragic in so many ways. A road that is filled with pain and betrayal and secrets uncovered. The secondary characters in this story meant as much to me if not more at times.

Josie's friend Alex, a good sexy big tough  guy who is so protective and the kind of character that left a mark on me and I loved how I got to see so many things happen with him.

Rob ..and Monica, oh my gosh this love story tore me apart. Can't say anything else because for sure I'd ruin the story. Remember that part in a book when you go WTF???

Yea let's just say that I said that about 50 times while reading it.

So many twists and turns and so much emotional shocking moments ..left my mouth hanging open and tears streaming down my face.
I just wanted to scream GIVE ME MORE!!!

I am so glad to have dove in last night to read this story and can't wait to experience more from this amazing author.

Profile Image for Mariℓina.
623 reviews197 followers
August 8, 2014
3,5 Stars!
Although it was an interesting story, something didn't feel quite right. But still it was engaging, appealing and even refreshing.

The main heroine, Josie, is a 22 year old girl, who has been through enough in her life. She lost her memory when teenager and after that everything went to hell. With no family on her side and in foster care her only outlet is sketching and graffiti artwork, sex and drugs.
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Tristan is a bibliophile with a bright mind who suffered enough when he lost his best friend and love of his life. After that he became someone darker and got involved with the wrong crowd. As in the Mafia..
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He can not get his mind though of his best friend, she moved away with her father and then both died in an awful accident..Or did they? Well Tristan is in for a big surprise because Mackenzie is alive, but nothing is what it seems anymore..

Both innocent caught up in a greater scheme they will find each other again under the threat of someone who could tear them apart for ever.


- Josie's life story was dreadful. I couldn't fathom so much pain and misery.
- Their first date was very sweet.
- I loved it when she intoduced him to the portraits..
- All the characters are weird.
- The hoodie story was heart warming.
- Multi POV.
- I loved Monica's character. I was so happy for her.. and then..
- Alex is a very good friend.
- Josie is a sensitive, vulnerable person.
- Tristan is a geeky, weirdo, badass - i don't think it even makes sense..
- The plot was very good and the writing solid
- I liked the ending, and how we find out what happened to everyone through a short glimpse on their current lives..

ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review. Thank you!
Profile Image for Komal.
325 reviews19 followers
February 4, 2014
ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

1.5 stars. Initially it was the blurb and cover of this book that caught my eye. However, it was the delivery of the story that fell flat.

From the very start, the plot was everywhere lacking any sense of coherency. The author put in to play too many narratives which hindered a linear story line. There was no sense of progression as to where the story was going or even an engaging buildup in terms of liking and falling for the characters. Vining tried for vagueness in regards to Josie’s past but after a while, that grew tedious as well. It got to a point where she needed to lay the plot out and tell her story. When things were finally revealed, they were kind of a jumbled mess of information thrown in here and there. I want to point out that there were no problems with spelling or grammar which was appreciated (this can sometimes be an issue with indie books).

I think I would have been okay with structural issues, but the characters were also dull and the story just wasn’t engaging. Overall, Beautiful Addictions had the potential to be a good book but writing style and characterization made it hard for me to enjoy.
Profile Image for Mandy.
1,329 reviews139 followers
May 29, 2024
I received Beautiful Addiction in return for an honest review from the author. 

First can we talk about how stunning the cover is? It's just beautiful!!! I'm so in love.

Gosh I just loved Josie so much she's had a awful childhood but she's still survived and has been brought into the path of Tristan her childhood best friend and first love. Tristan hasn't lived the easiest life after losing Josie things went a little dark but it's led them back together. They have this sweet instant steamy chemistry even if she doesn't really remember her past. 

I'm a huge fan of second chance romances and this one was so unique the concept of Josie having no memory and Tristan having to win her all over again was done so perfect. I loved both Josie she's such a great character I really felt like I connected with her. I loved some of our supporting characters Alex was such a great addition to the story. 

This is my first book by the author but I'm hooked on her writing style I was drawn into the story right from the start and couldn't put it down till I finished the last page. While the story is dark it's also beautiful and pulled at my heartstrings through the whole story. I loved the characters and I  loved the story so much that I didn't want it to end. I can't wait to continue the authors books because I'm a little addicted to her captivating storytelling.
January 17, 2014
Arc provided by Netgalley. Full review to come

3.5 -4 Stars. First time I've read this author. I felt there was much to enjoy and savor and some areas that could have used some clarification. But overall, I found Josie and Tristan's story a very different one that didn't seem to follow any sort of "predictability" that many of the recent novels/authors have fallen into.

Josie has no past. No memory of who she is. We meet her as tag artist, a take what I want (sex, booze, drugs) to make myself happy kind of girl. But there is this guy, that she continues to sketch and draw over and over. She even has sketches all over her bedroom of people and faces, but she has no idea who they are. Enter Tristan. Someone who knew McKenzie/Josie from the past. He was told she was dead. And he thought so for 9 years. They have a history and he is determined to help McKenzie/Josie recapture it.

As these two parry and dance around, other characters are thrown in at odd times and we do get a sense of suspense and urgency. And finally, Josie even admits to Tristan that the FBI put "her" someplace, and no one was to know about it. Since she was an orphan, no one did know.

Witness Protection. And there is someone still out there who wants her dead. Thus the intrigue and romance between Tristan and Josie goes.

I loved how Tristan gently rebuffed Josie's attempts at trying to have sex with him. He knew she was using a coping mechanism and he wanted so badly to have the real her back; healed.

I enjoyed this book and would gladly read more by this author in the future.

Profile Image for Susan (susayq ~).
2,274 reviews129 followers
February 2, 2014
3.5 stars

This was a little on the dark side with all the drugs and mafia business. But it worked. The heroine, Josie, was so broken that this couldn't have been all light and flowers. Tristan was a great hero, so smart and caring and he truly LOVED Josie. You could see it in everything he said and did.

My main problem with this was all the other points of view we got. Yes, overall they contributed to the plot, but it was a bit distracting cause usually there was no warning that we were going to someone else. With that said, I'll gladly read something else by this author.

ARC received from the publisher via Netgalley
Profile Image for Kim BookJunkie ~ Editor & Proofreader.
2,021 reviews56 followers
October 28, 2016
STORY: 3-3.5 stars
OVERALL: 3 stars

This is not a dark book but a contemporary romance with a suspenseful edge to it. The story wasn't unique, the characters were. For example, the female main character Josie has a certain tradition or disorder that greatly affects the way she lives every day. The male main character also has a condition; one that could be seen as a positive or negative. Neither of these characters have conditions typically written about such as being blind and I admire the author for coming up with such complicated characters.

Although the characters were remarkable, at times, their story fell flat. For example, it would be very clear that one of the characters was supposedly saying something extremely profound, yet the words Vinings used for what was supposed to be a profound statement simply were not profound. Basically, I wasn't as moved as I should have been and found myself thinking of phrases that would've been much more effective. Speaking of powerful, I think the story would have benefitted if fewer sex scenes were fade to black.

PS: Ms. Vinings certainly knows San Diego! It was fun to envision the city she portrayed so well.

When I first heard the voice of narrator Susannah Jones, I was thrilled. Initially, I thought she had the perfect voice for narrating! Unfortunately, my opinion quickly changed as it immediately became apparent that Ms. Jones had a tendency to over-emphasize certain words, seemingly selecting words at random and doing so often which quickly became very annoying and very distracting. Ms. Jones also had difficult pronouncing several words. For example, she struggled with the word, "gluttonous" pronouncing it, "glue-ten-us". It's hard to fault a narrator for struggling to pronounce complex words from other languages yet it felt as though Ms. Jones did not adequately attempts to find out how to pronounce some more commonly spoken phrases such as the French term, "laissez faire". She did not even properly pronounce the beer sold in America called, "Dos Equis". Assuming that Ms. Jones was paid to record this book, I would expect her to take the time to ask the author, publisher etc. or do her own research in order to ensure that she was properly pronouncing these words. Although some may consider, "Dos Equis" difficult to pronounce, part of being a good narrator is doing your research. Also, a good narrator can hide her accent or use her accent consistently, another negative of Ms. Jones' performance. Chapter 7 was chock-full of different accents, each coming and going sporadically. Other advice I'd give Ms. Jones is to be careful to not carry over a character's accent while narrating non-dialogue portions of the story and to focus on being consistent. At times she did a fantastic job of maintaining her level of volume, pitch, etc. yet a lot of the time it felt like she was shouting or overly enthusiastic, especially during the more suspenseful, exciting scenes.
Profile Image for *P.
1,558 reviews35 followers
January 13, 2014
4.5 Star rating

Vining tells a great story about finding lost loves and second chances. What was refreshing was that this book was so off from the cliched NA story lines. Yes it has the sexy hot alpha male with secrets in his past which have left him somewhat broken. It does have a beautiful heroine who is not sure if she can get close to someone on an emotional level due to her issues from her past. Yes both characters are broken and finally come to help fix each other, but truly that is where the similarities end.

Josie is a young woman on her own due to unfortunate circumstances. She has no memory of her life before the age of 14. She knows her mom is dead and her dad was killed but that is all. Faces come to her in her dreams, but they mean nothing. After being traumatized through the foster system she is out on her own using drugs, sex, and tagging to fill in all the emptiness. While not liking attachment she is drawn to this man, a beautiful stranger with tattoes up his arm. She often seeks him out but from a distance. Tristan, is estranged from his family after a poor relationship choice which got him caught up in the wrong crowd. If only he never lost his first love, this would have never happened. Imagine his surprise, when he finds that love, the one he thought was dead.

Josie and Tristan's love story is one of rediscovery. Josie learining about her old self, Tristan reconnecting with the missing piece he never thought he would find. But there love story isn't easy because they are threatened with their pasts. Crazily interconnected, Tristan is determined to take on his past in order to keep Josie safe and never lose her again.

Other characters in this story were also great. I loved Alex, Josie's neighbor, and his protective nature over Josie. Monica, Josie's former social worker, was funny and thoughful.

There are crazy twists and turns with the mystery that backlights the whole story. People are not who they seem and some of the interconnnections are wild. What is great though, is Vining explains is all in a plausible way. There is resolution and we do eventually get our HEA for Josie and Tristan, but there are tears along the way.

This was a surprising book to me and was far from what I expected based on the cover and the blurb, but it definitely was worth the read.

Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
March 25, 2014
2.5 Stars

A Beautiful Addiction wasn't bad; it had angst, sexual tension, broken characters, and some suspense. Fitting for a new adult title. I, unfortunately, had a hard time connecting with the characters and overall story though.

Broken, jaded, and doing anything necessary to get out of her own head, Josie Banks is a girl without a past. But when she comes across Tristan, sexy and secretive, there is something about him that feels familiar. Their entangled past soon comes creeping up to haunt them though. Will their love be enough to unlock Josie's past and save them from the men who want to keep her past hidden?

The story of A Beautiful Addiction was unique and full of twists, but I think that because of all those little twists and the amnesia that the heroine suffered from, it made it difficult for me in turn to know her. If that makes sense. This is not the first amnesia story I have read though and I have enjoyed others in the past so there were more contributing factors to my disconnect. There was just too much going on that didn't actually contribute to the plot that the story, and it's characters, got lost in the complexity of it all. The story was over-descriptive and instead of focusing on the characters and giving them more dimension, it felt like the author got lost in the world surrounding them instead.

Overall, I was able to finish the book and appreciated that fact that it stood alone instead of being dragged out into several books. There was some sweet and sexy, and lots of dark and gritty. It had good potential but just didn't deliver.
Profile Image for Holly.
438 reviews340 followers
December 31, 2013
This book was a pleasant surprise. I mean I had high hopes simply from the tattooed beauty on the cover but you never know. However, this one was a winner!

This is a story of a girl who was just barely surviving who had no memory of her past and the boy who never stopped loving her.

Josie Banks spends her days numbing herself with drugs and sex, no feeling, that's her motto. That is until she catches sight of a boy in an alley that she feels an unexplainable draw to. She sits in the shadowy corner of the bar he works in night after night just to be near him.

Tristan is aware of the girl in the shadows every night and is just as curious as the rest of the staff, but one night when she fails to slip out before his break is over, they come face to face!! Tristan is blown away! Josie is the girl he loved as a boy, whom he thought was long dead, standing before him and she has no idea who he is.

Josie was in a coma and woke with no memory of her life before. She is placed in witness protection as the FBI is protecting her from the people that murdered her father.

Even though she doesn't remember him, Josie can't deny the intense draw she has to Tristan, and he has never stopped loving her and is not about to let her go now that he has found her again. No matter what they have to go through to make her safe and have a life together.

There is a crap ton of stuff going on in the background of this story and some really wonderful secondary characters that round out this story into something fantastic!

***This book was provided to me as an ARC by Netgalley
Profile Image for Kellie Maddox-Ward.
746 reviews520 followers
January 29, 2014
**ARC courtesy of St. Martin's Press in exchange for an honest review**

OMG! I just looked on Amazon.. they want $9 for an ebook! are they crazy
Luckily I got it for free or I never would read it at that price.

Me being me as soon as I saw the cover on NetGalley I was like... I NEED THAT! IT'S SOOOOOO PRETTY....

Well the story wasn't..
It was dark and intense and pretty darn cool.

Long story short with no spoilers?

Josie has a shit life. She can't remember a thing before she was 14.
Woke up one day not knowing who she was.
She was given a new name.
Told her Father was dead and she was being put into Foster Care across the country.

Since then she has used sex and drugs to get her through life, just floating.

Until she meets Tristan.
She is instantly drawn to him.

When Tristan see's Josie he can't believe it.
Mackenzie is alive!

Can these two overcome all the drama that's going on in the background of this story and get the HEA they both deserve?

Well they do so YES!

When I say background drama, I actually mean that. This is told from multiple third person POV'S and gives us clues and hints as to what's going to happen.

But don't worry Romance Junkies we get a HEA.

So why only 3 stars?

1st I don't really like third person POV's.
2nd I felt like it was missing something, I didn't want to devour it. and took me 3 days to read. which is weird for me.
Profile Image for Zandra .
318 reviews35 followers
September 6, 2016
nice debut! i loved the characters. as well as the secondary characters. i liked the pacing.
the surprising twists. and the plot although some were a bit predictable, i liked it how amnesia and Tristan's talent were used. i loved it because it was like my The Artist Trilogy by Karina Halle with less sex in it. lol. yes i found a new book boyfriend and exactly my type, a nerd one! yipee!
Profile Image for Destiny Imperati.
359 reviews14 followers
April 28, 2024
ARC Review ✨️
☆Tristan and Josie☆
Ugh, this story was so beautiful 🥹🥹🥹 It's a story that's mysterious, dark, loving, and very emotional 🖤🥹 What first drew me into this book was the gorgeous cover! It was unlike any cover I've seen yet! Also, the author's name is very unique, and I'm obsessed with it! Back to the book, I thought the plot was amazingly written, and there is so much character growth displayed throughout the entire book. It was truly amazing! Beautiful Addictions was a great debut novel and displayed the author's writing capabilities perfectly🙌🖤
Profile Image for Sassy Sarah Reads.
2,018 reviews279 followers
June 10, 2017
Beautiful Addictions by Season Vining

2.25 stars

Josie Banks has a past. One she can’t remember. But the past that she can remember is one she wished that she didn’t. Josie was found unconscious with no memory and has since been shuffled to foster homes. Now as an adult, Josie is always looking for a way to forget and drugs and sex are the thing she does best. Tristan is haunted by his love for a girl who left him when he was young. When Josie shows up in the bar he works at she looks like McKenzi and turns out she is. But fate won’t let them being together so easy. With a hit man on the search for Josie and Tristan’s past coming back to haunt him, someone will get hurt. Have you ever wished that your favorite soap opera was a book? Well this could be the closest thing to your dream coming true! The thing that stands out about Beautiful Addictions is that it is a soap opera in a book. You have your drugged up heroine with a past, a sexy brainy bartender with a past, a social worker who feels guilty about her decisions that lead up to the heroine with the past, a hit man with a lot of conflicted feeling, a gang leader who wants both the hero and heroine dead, and a hot neighbor who is jealous of hero and heroine and is tired of being a drug dealer/ “business” man. I’ll be honest this book isn’t all that great. In fact it lacks in everything except and overabundance of melodrama. The drama in this book is suffocating and so unnecessary. There are also countless POVs of almost every character that comes into contact with a character. It’s ridiculous. Did I hate Beautiful Addictions? No. Did I like it? No. The only word that comes to my feelings about this book is meh. This book wasn’t anything special, but it wasn’t the worst book I’ve ever stumbled upon either.

Whimsical Writing Scale: 1.5

The main female character is Josie. I don’t like Josie very much. That’s a given though. She is a very hard character to like and even to sympathize with. She’s cold and distant and BORING. I appreciate the author trying to write a new kind of character, but Josie didn’t work out as being a new kind of character that could make me feel for her and like her.

Kick-Butt Heroine Scale: 1.5

The main male character is Tristan. Tristan isn’t so bad. In fact I kind of like him sometimes. He, like Josie, is a hard character to like and I honestly didn’t care for their relationship in the least. At least he’s hot and has tattoos, right?

Swoon Worthy Scale: 2.5

The Villain- I don’t even know what to call the villain because he had two different names in his POV. What is this? You know what the villain was one of my favorite characters. A hit man done right. I felt truly sorry for him in the end because of what happened to… his lover. The leader of the gang wasn’t all that scary and his POVs were so unnecessary.

Villain Scale: 3.5

Alex was my favorite character in this book. I would’ve preferred this book to be about him because he was so much more interesting. Monica was also a great character and of course good characters get crap endings in this story because only asses get to be happy. Yes, I’m looking at you Josie and Tristan.

Character Scale: 4

I thought of a word to describe this whole book: unnecessary. It fits this book perfectly. I’m pretty disappointed by Beautiful Addictions. I was expecting so much more and it just all fell flat.

Plotastic Scale: 1.25
Cover Thoughts: I actually like the cover. Of course, I have weak spot for tattoos.
Profile Image for Andrea Randall.
50 reviews4 followers
January 11, 2014
Life is not a fairytale and neither is Beautiful Additions, but it is a suspenseful, dark love story. And, I stress dark and love.

This book is void of the typical predictability and paranormal elements of most contemporary romances, although chance and fate are major players in this story. This is fiction after all.

Vinning delivers an original storyline and believable characters, articulating a dark tale of the mentally broken, addiction and the restoration of love. It was refreshing to read a book with a cohesive and profound theme with actual character development.

I especially enjoyed how the author was able to create raw emotion and empathy for the main character without constantly dwelling on specific details of physical abuse. The story focuses on affects of abuse and tragedy and not the cause. So, the reader isn’t bombarded with side stories or flashbacks.

Plot Summary: Josie Banks is suffering from amnesia as a psychological defense after witnessing her father’s murder. Her life spirals downward into a life of abuse and tragedy. Then, enters Tristan, a young man with his own troubled pass.

Josie and Tristan both display elements of self destructive behavior to overcome emotional pain. Josie throws herself into a world of sex, drugs and alcohol, while Tristan abandons his ambitions and future for a life of crime as a gangster.

But, their fatal copping mechanisms are to deal with the loss of each other and from a past life Josie cannot remember while desperately trying to forget the life she does.

Tristan is determined to mentally heal Josie, and save them both from a traumatic pass and their uncertain future that includes a face-off with the same organized gang that torn them apart. Josie and Tristan’s story reveals that fated love can have a strong gravitational pull, even through some of the darkest waters.

With that said, I admit that I am officially addicted to Beautiful Addictions.
Profile Image for Kristine Arnold.
86 reviews3 followers
December 27, 2013
*I received ARC from NetGalley for an honest review*
I had never heard of Season Vining before and that is what drew me to this book in the first place. I love to read new authors in hopes of falling in love with their works. Season did not disappoint.
This is a story about Josie. She has addictions that she uses as her crutch from feeling too much. You see she has amnesia and the only things she remembers about her past are bad memories. From what she can remember she has had a very hard life. Thrown in the foster care system at a young age, all she has known is abuse, both physically and mentally.
She has a fascination with a bartender named Tristan. All she knows is he is a beautiful to watch and she feels drawn to him for some inexplicable reason. She soon finds out that they share a past.
Throughout this book Tristan helps Josie with her memories. Some good and a whole lotta bad. There are many supporting characters....and I do mean a lot. Normally I shy away from books with so many side characters that bring their own stories.....it tends to pull my emotions apart. Season did wonders in this aspect. She introduces theses characters without drawing away from the main storyline. Everyone has a purpose and Season did a superb job of making each and every one of them an intricate part of Beautiful Addictions.
I would say there is no cliff hanger when it comes to Josie and Tristan however I do see a future book for Alex (crossing my fingers) and possibly others too.
Great job Season......I'll be watching for more to come!
January 22, 2014
*ARC provided by St. Martin's Press via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

*****5 Meant To Be Stars *****

I will start off by saying that this book is so different from the ones I read. It took be by surprise and I absolutely loved it!!

McKenzi/Josie is a artist who has amnesia and does not remember her childhood. This young woman is broken, lost and yet such a strong person. She looks for different things to fill the void in her life such as sex, drugs, and tagging. You can't help but love her and yet feel all the pain from her life.

Tristan is a lost, heartbroken and a genius. He has the ability to remember everything and he does remember everything...especially McKenzi. Tristan is the most amazing person regardless of his history. You can't help fall in love with him.

This book drew me in from the first pages. I was a bit concerned how the story stitched from all the different characters but all the characters intertwined and that made it just more interesting. As you read you can't help but fall in love/hate with each and every character. This story has twist and turns that takes your breath away.

This is a must read and I hope others enjoy this book as much as I did. I will definitely be looking for more books from this author in the future.
Profile Image for Mary Mooney.
2,471 reviews57 followers
January 8, 2014
I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review, so here it is. This is one of those stories that will keep you guessing at who is the bad guys and who is good. Josie is a street-smart independent woman who loves art. She will draw, spray or paint anything. Always in a hurry to not get caught. Her apartment walls are covered with pictures and she doesn't know who they are. When she is out on the fire escape drawing in the moonlight, she sees a figure below in the alley. The figure is upset, removes his hoodie and begins beating his fist against the brick wall. When he looks up, their eyes meet and they seem to be connected. By chance Josie finds him, Tristan, working at a local bar and she goes there while he works but doesn't talk to him. While Tristan is on break outside smoking, he catches her before she leaves. He knows her from a past life but she can't remember him. There is a lot of twist and turns and different point of views and I think it makes the story more interesting. This is a first for me by Season Vining and I loved it, looking forward to reading more from her.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
150 reviews5 followers
January 28, 2014
I am not normally a big romance section reader. If I want something quick and fluffy, then yeah, I'll go and browse and find something that will at least keep my attention. So here is the thing about this book. It isn't your typical bodice-ripper-heaving-bosom-doe-eyed-female-falling-for-burly-mysterious-man-usually-a-pirate-or-job-description-of-the-like book.

This book is going to challenge you. The characters are dark, gritty, and human, and some downright unlikable until you find yourself suddenly liking them. There is a force behind the plot that will suck you in and surprise you. The writing is so well thought out and beautifully assembled that it does become an addition in and of itself.

This isn't a thrown together work, at all. It is a refreshingly new approach to the whole concept of a romance novel, especially the suspense variety. Get it! You won't regret it, that is unless you like the safer, insipid stuff floating around out there with Fabio on the cover ;)

ARC from Netgalley for honest review
Displaying 1 - 30 of 301 reviews

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