Open Ended Reading Questions for Kids and Printable Reading Chart Bookmark - Sisters, What!

Open Ended Reading Questions for Kids and Printable Reading Chart Bookmark

printable reading log bookmark and open ended reading questions
"In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you." 

- Mortimer J. Adler 

I grew up in a family where we went to Barnes and Noble on the weekend just to read. We'd all divide to our favorite sections and find our favorite books. We also spent a considerable amount of time at the library, but I was homeschooled so this was an obvious location. But reading was just something we all did. We went in the car, we each had our own book to bring. When my oldest brother went to college, he'd come home for a break and the first thing we'd talk about was the book I was reading. Not only did we read our own books, but my dad read aloud to us until I went to college. Even today, a typical greeting includes "what books have you read lately?
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Reading Chart Bookmark

With my kids, I hope to pass on this same enthusiasm and love for reading to my kids. This summer, I decided to do something a little different for summer reading. We usually do the library's program, but I really want them to be more intentional and thoughtful about their reading. I put together a vintage library style bookmark where they can keep track of the books they read. I hope that if they use it as a bookmark, they will be more excited to see it fill up with books they read. 
printable reading log bookmark free

Open Ended Reading Questions 

I also added on the back open ended questions and what to do while they read. Questions such as:

What does this story/character remind you of?
Should he/she have done that? Why or why not?
What character reminds you of yourself?
What if____didn't happen? How would the story change?
open ended reading questions kids bookmark
I can't take credit for these questions. Most of these questions came from Read Aloud Revival and Simple Wonders. I just wanted to put them in one place for my kids to read, on the back of their reading chart bookmark. 

How to Read a Book - 3 things to do while you read

But the most important thing I wanted to put on the card, was what they should do while they read. I want them to learn how to pause and become more insightful of what they are reading. I added three things they can do while they read. I tried to keep it simple, but I think they're a good start for kids to start diving more intentional about their reading.

1. Highlight/tag (with booktabs) a quote or part you like. Why do they like it or don't like it?
2. Write down words they don't know
3. Think about any of the opened questions & ask questions (I wish I would have put this on the bookmark, I might have add this on there)

I plan to go over the questions with them as well as so they understand what the questions mean and are asking. I will suggest they pick 1-3 questions at a time that are easiest for them to understand and think about those. Especially obvious questions like Should he or she done that? or what character reminds them of themselves?
"Good books make you ask questions. Bad readers want everything answered." - Scott Westerfield
reading gift kit idea

Reader Gift Kit

I wanted create a bit of a buzz around the bookmark, so to add a little more excitement I put together a little gift kit for them and wrapped it. Wrapping always makes things more fun. Here is what I included reading gift kit:

I want them to have fun reading and I know they don't need any fancy highlighters or notepads to learn how to become better readers, but I look at is like practicing or playing before they are really ready to dive in. If they have these fun markers and pens, maybe they'll be more eager or maybe not. But why not make reading a bit more fun. 

*Note about printing. If you decide to do it double sided, remember to print on the short edge. Also I included an option to do book notes for a bookmark as well. Enjoy!
book notes and reading log printable bookmarkreading log printable
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