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Far-Right News Host Melts Down Over Trans Barbie Modeled After Laverne Cox: 'Jesus, Please Forgive Us!'

Far-Right News Host Melts Down Over Trans Barbie Modeled After Laverne Cox: 'Jesus, Please Forgive Us!'
Monica Schipper/Getty Images

Far-right news host David Brody had a meltdown following the news Mattel—the multinational toy manufacturer—recently collaborated with Orange is the New Black actress and transgender rights activist Laverne Cox to release the first transgender Barbie doll in their collection.

"Jesus, please forgive us!" Brody exclaimed on Twitter, sharing an article about the Barbie's release published by the conservative political news website The Daily Signal.

The article wrongly refers to Cox as a "biological male" and speaks mockingly about Cox's criticisms about anti-transgender legislation, most notably Florida's controversial "Don't Say Gay" law.

Brody, best known as a host on the conservative network Real America's Voice, was swiftly mocked online.

Many pointed out conservatives should probably be more concerned with the recent spate of mass shootings across the United States—the latest of which in Philadelphia claimed the lives of three people.

Brody's outrage is the second time in recent weeks a conservative suggested a Barbie doll defies the ways of Jesus Christ.

Christian influencer Yasmeen Suri was widely mocked on Facebook for claiming Yoga Barbie will lead children to be "possessed by demons."

Suri, who was born in India and claims on her website her encounter with Jesus Christ caused her to be "delivered from many New Age beliefs and false religious doctrines," suggested yoga is Satanic because it is "Hinduism" and yoga poses are "designed to invoke a Hindu deity in the spirit realm."

Suri concluded her post by citing a chapter and several verses from the Book of Deuteronomy that cautions Christians against sacrificing their children "in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead."