Honoring the 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP) Heroes through IVLP

July 1, 2021

Human Trafficking is not exclusive to one singular region; it occurs in every country. Traffickers often exploit the most vulnerable and marginalized. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced governments to divert resources to pandemic response efforts, has increased the number of individuals at risk to human trafficking, and has allowed traffickers to capitalize on competing crises. This confluence of factors has resulted in an ideal environment for human trafficking to flourish and evolve. It has never been more important for the international community to commit to combating and ending human trafficking. The Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report) is the U.S. government’s principal diplomatic and diagnostic tool to guide engagement with foreign governments on human trafficking. Through the Report, the Department of State assess countries based on their governments’ efforts to meet the “minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking” found in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Globally, the TIP Report has prompted legislation, national action plans, and implementation of anti-trafficking policies and programs. 

Each year, the U.S. Department of State honors outstanding individuals around the world who are fighting to end human trafficking. These Heroes have devoted their lives to combating the crime. These individuals have included NGO workers, lawmakers, government officials, individuals with lived experience of human trafficking, and concerned citizens. They are recognized for their tireless efforts – despite some working in challenging environments where human trafficking concerns remain pervasive and facing resistance, opposition, or threats to their lives – to protect victims, punish offenders, and mitigate the underlying factors that cause vulnerabilities traffickers often target. Despite the new challenges brought on by a global pandemic, these TIP Report Heroes have gone above and beyond to elevate human trafficking as an urgent priority for governments and communities to work together to address.  

The TIP Report Heroes were honored this year at a virtual ceremony during the release of the 2021 TIP Report. ,They will soon embark on a virtual Department of State  International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) to network and collaborate with U.S. government officials and human trafficking advocates. Together with the local leaders in the United States, they will collaborate on best practices, lessons learned, and further anti-trafficking responses in their respective home countries. The TIP Report Heroes will be virtually visiting with partners in Minnesota and Miami.  

Learn more about the TIP Report Heroes here: https://www.tipheroes.org   

Honoring the 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP) Heroes through IVLP | Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs


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