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Solving the case will be tricky. But keeping their hands off each other will be impossible.

Detective Rick Canali’s life is perfect the way it is. He loves his job with the Chico, CA police. He can get casual sex whenever he wants it, and for family vibes, he has his brother Angelo’s large family of hotheaded firefighters. He’s happy being a “perpetual bachelor.” But when he’s partnered up with a too-attractive newbie detective, all the neat boxes in his life threaten to collapse. Because the one thing this detective never saw coming—falling in love.

John Rivera always wanted to be a detective. He’s determined to succeed despite his ex trying to make his life hell and his new partner—the gorgeous Rick Canali—making it clear he’s not wanted. As a former foster care kid, he’s used to fighting his own battles and depending on no one.

When a firefighter dies under suspicious circumstances, Rick and John’s new partnership is tested. It turns out, they’re a pretty good team. But can they crack the case while dancing around their mutual attraction, dodging John’s ex, and trying to keep the Canali firefighters safe from a potential killer in the Cal Fire ranks?

HOT PURSUIT is a murder mystery wrapped in a romance with a big scoop of suspense, hurt-comfort, evil ex, and more Canali family feels.

290 pages, ebook

First published June 30, 2022

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About the author

Eli Easton

71 books2,740 followers
Having been, at various times and under different names, a minister’s daughter, a computer programmer, the author of paranormal mysteries, a game designer, an organic farmer, an avid hiker, and a profound sleeper, Eli is happily embarking on yet another incarnation as a m/m romance author.

As an addicted reader of such, she is tinkled pink when an author manages to combine literary merit, vast stores of humor, melting hotness and eye-dabbing sweetness into one story. She promises to strive to achieve most of that most of the time. She currently lives on a farm in Pennsylvania with her husband, three bulldogs, three cows and six chickens. All of them (except for the husband) are female, hence explaining the naked men that have taken up residence in her latest fiction writing.

Her website in www.elieaston.com
You can email her at eli@elieaston.com

See what's in the pipeline here: http://elieaston.com/work-in-progress/

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 191 reviews
Profile Image for Meags.
2,284 reviews576 followers
July 3, 2022
4 Stars

Hot Pursuit is (personally) the strongest book of the series but it was certainly less about the relationship development and more about the murder investigation—which suited this crime buff just fine.

In the last book, hot Uncle Ricky came out to his super-masc brother and his nephew Donny, in a show of support (for Donny) and defiance (to his brother). After that revelation, it was only a matter of time before this immensely private detective got his own story.

Being newly partnered with a sexy (newly promoted) homicide detective named John Rivera throws Rick’s meticulous world into chaos here, chiefly because of the immense attraction he feels towards the younger man that he doesn’t quite know how to handle.

John, bless his tortured soul, has been through the life-wringer, with a sad childhood and an abusive relationship (with a fellow cop) making him feel like he doesn’t belong anywhere and forces him question his decision making at every turn. Being promoted and paired with Rick feels like a dream come true, but Rick’s less than lacklustre reaction to John’s presence puts everything in doubt.

Their initial working relationship is tenuous at best, but when a firefighter dies under suspicious circumstances and nephew Donny begs Rick to investigate, Rick and John put aside their differences and find common ground in their determination to solve a potential murder, and quick.

This story was first and foremost a murder-mystery, heavily entrenched in the day-to-day, step-by-step investigation Rick and John undertake to catch a killer. Their personal relationship and subsequent romance came a distant second, as far as my experience is concerned, but I didn’t mind this all that much as I was truly invested in the murder-mystery element of the story above all else.

Don’t get me wrong, Rick and John have a really nice transition from new work partners, to friends, to lovers, but because so much weighed on their work and finding the murderer, their time together felt less-than—like I needed a few more intimate, getting-to-know-you scenes for me to be more invested in the relationship they (quite quickly) built.

Despite the weaker relationship aspect, the murder investigation did play out well, keeping me engaged and guessing throughout. It also greatly helped my enjoyment that the Canali family weren’t quite so prevalent as they’ve been in the previous books—and THANK GOD all the coming-out drama and infuriatingly bigoted male reactions were non-existent this time around. In this sense, I had a hell of a better time reading book three than books one and two. (Hell, asshole brother Gabe was literally only on-page once here and I could have cheered for his blessed absence, as clearly, I F*CKING HATE THAT GUY).

Overall, a solid addition to the series, with a little teaser moment at the end there with cousin Tito that promises at least one more Canali will find their love match soon enough.
July 10, 2022
Uncle Ricky's story did not disappoint. His pairing with rookie homicide detective John Rivera hit all the right notes:

~ mild enemies-to-lovers (mostly Rick being testy with John because he found John to be so damn hot - who's on fire now, baby?)

~ the Canali clan at their best (no homophobia, just acceptance and love, something John had been missing all his life)

~ chemistry built on attraction, respect, and trust

~ interesting murder mystery (the who-done-it was not obvious but didn't come out of left field either; the story kept me guessing until the end)

~ believable relationship development with a strong HEA

~ good balance of mystery and romance

One thing that bugged me was Donny's behavior toward the end. I mean, it's Donny who sometimes does stupid shit, but why would firefighter "bro code" be more important to him than the investigation Rick and John were conducting regarding the death of one of Donny's own (especially since Donny was the one who thought there might have been foul play involved)? And what was he going to ask when he went to his colleague's house?

That was never explained, and it made me a little crazy.
Profile Image for Elisa Glendenning.
522 reviews48 followers
July 11, 2022
3.5 Stars

For the most part, this was an entertaining read and without some of the bug bears from the previous two instalments, this was the best of the series so far (the novella still being my overall favourite)! However, as much as I enjoyed the mystery (especially the climax), I couldn’t quite bring myself to round up. My reasons being:

The MC’s were okay but failed to make a lasting impression. It took sometime to warm up to uncle Rick who was just too sedate for my liking. I also had a couple of issues regarding his nephews which bugged me. John was easier to like what with his eagerness to work the case and sad backstory. The drama surrounding his abusive ex kept me invested but disappointingly, it was all wrapped up rather conveniently and felt anticlimactic.

I appreciated the lack of homophobic side characters, although Angie’s complete 180 was unexpected. I still haven’t forgotten how he treated Shane in the first book and I wanted some kind of interaction between the pair which didn’t happen.

Last but not least, the romance was underwhelming with zero fireworks. It’s a shame as the writing wasn’t inherently bad, but I’ve read better romances by this author. Personally, I would have liked a bit more relationship development before the pair hooked up. Even though they don’t get together well into the second half, it still felt too soon for me and once the deed was done, their relationship was just too lovey dovey.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,690 reviews371 followers
June 27, 2022
Definitely the best one yet in this series and filled with an excellent balance between the romance and the suspense.

Uncle Ricky's been a fascinating character since the start and here we get to find out all about him following his revelation in book two that he was gay.

There's a clever use of a different viewpoint to open up the narrative before it swings into telling the frenemies romance as Ricky does his absolute best to try and resist his attraction to his new, younger detective partner.

And what a sweetheart John is. My heart broke for him when we find out the circumstances he's been living under for the last couple of weeks.

Especially as it became clear that was just the tip of a very deep iceberg.

The mystery/investigation element of this book worked really well for me. I kept having guesses as to what had happened all the way through and while I had hints and ideas, I still didn't catch on to the villain of the piece until close to the end.

I've no clue really how a US homicide investigation would work but it felt like it followed the likely protocols once it was established that Ricky was too close to it because of Donny.

Once Ricky accepts that he is falling for his partner, he also knows they can't carry on working together.

Their chemistry is off the charts hot and the slight age gap works well. Ricky is a nurturer, a care giver by instinct and he sooths John's understandable prickles simply by being himself.

It was lovely watching John blossom from being someone hiding himself away to the focused and sharp-witted detective during their investigation.

I also appreciated the way the threat to his safety was handled and, again, it felt like an organic and possible outcome.

I've absolutely no idea who is up next but I'm massively in love with the whole Canali clan!

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.

As with the previous books in this series, I beta read for Eli.
Profile Image for Grace.
2,992 reviews169 followers
July 4, 2022
This is definitely the strongest book in the series, though I still didn't absolutely love it.

The Canali family is definitely present but doesn't feel *too* overwhelming, and the characters here are definitely adults, which I also think helps with the ~vibe~. More of a murder mystery with an interesting plot, and I generally enjoyed the characters and their connection. Definitely lower on the steam scale, and the romance did feel a bit muted for me. I also felt like John was a weaker character overall in terms of development--he read a little inconsistent and all over the map for me, and I never quite felt like I ~got~ him, nor did I have a feeling the author did, either. In terms of plot, there's the main mystery and a side issue that John's got with his ex, and I felt like both wrapped up a bit too neatly. The ex resolution just felt was too unbelievable and easy, in the end, and the murder mystery bit felt like the author forced a couple of things because it was the only way to get a resolution. Fine, but not amazing.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,324 reviews519 followers
August 26, 2022
Overall I loved this third installment in this series.

In this one we focus on Rick Canali the youngest of 5, and the youngest by 14 years. The second youngest is Angelo, the father of Mike and Donny and who had such a hard time accepting they were gay and bisexual, respectively. If you remember, in the last book Rick also came out as gay to his older brother.

We also focus on his new partner, John Rivera, who was perviously working in Vice and has now transferred into homicide. He and Rick have been working together for a month, and Rick has been a little standoffish. Mainly because he found John so attractive and didn't want that to mess with work or their partnership. Also Rick is intensely private and is so used to keeping his sexuality to himself that he's not exactly out at work, even though he's not exactly scared of coming out.

And when Donny comes to Rick asking him to look into the death of a fellow firefighter, thinking there's more to it than an accidental death, Rick is hesitant to look into it, but John is rearing to go.

John is almost 29, a new detective, and has always wanted to be a homicide detective. He has that freshness and eagerness that Rick, who is 38 now and has been a detective for 10 years, has lost a little bit.

As these two continue to investigate the case, feelings develop. But John has been burned bad just before this, as he was in an abusive relationship with a fellow cop in vice, who is still stalking him and trying to get him to stay with him using force, violence and intimidation.

But Rick is aware of it now and just feels an innate sense of protectiveness towards John.

I enjoyed the plot in this, it was an interesting mystery that was well done. It legit had me guessing who could be the murderer among the seven other firefighters at Donny and Mike's precinct (because of course it was going to be neither of them). I had my suspicions as we went on but never quite knew who it was until the characters figured it out.

On the romance front, I thought it was done well, but I had to give a star off for a few niggles. Mainly I felt like it took a bit for these two to get anywhere with each other, but then once they did it happened a little fast, the feelings of love that were coming - but it was good that John wanted to take it slow - but also there wasn't enough steam, for me.

We only get about 2 smutty scene, and only one of them was full on penetrative sex. They were hot enough scene, but they didn't blow me away. I just wanted a little more with these two. Maybe more time focused less on the case sometimes and more on them. I think that would have helped the pacing of their relationship in this, and also we could have got some good smut as well, and a little more of it on top of that.

And even though Donny wasn't the MC in this, something happens in this that puts him in danger, and I just wish we had spent more time at the hospital at the end with him. Instead it was like, this horrible thing happened, he got hurt, we didn't see him in the hospital, then the epilogue of 9 months later happens and then we hear about his recovery from it. I just wanted a little more about that. It was pretty scary, what happens to him. So I wish it hadn't been like "he gets the hospital, John goes there later on, sees Rick, finds out how Donny's doing, then they both leave without seeing Donny, then they have a conversation about them and their relationship, the end, and then epilogue months later"

It was just too rushed for me. Like why didn't get Ricky's POV after they saved Donny and he was safe again? Why instead did we get John's where he's wrapping up the case? Why couldn't just have heard what he found out by him telling Rick when he meets up with him at the hospital? Then meanwhile we'd get Rick's POV with Donny and seeing how he is. I would have liked that much better.

Just those two things really nagged at me. The uneven pacing at times and lack of smut between these two, and the rushed ending after what happened to Donny. I wanted to see Dell by his side as well. Again, not their book, but I know and love this couple, so seeing that part would have been great.

But, otherwise, I enjoyed this so much. Just those improvements being made would have made this a 5 star read for me.

I still highly recommend this and Ms. Easton did do an amazing job on her own overall. We got hints that the next book will be about Tito, who is another of Rick's brother's son, and he's been around since book one, but is quiet and shy. I'll be excited to read his story.

So definitely still two thumbs up for me for this one. Onto the next! 😘
Profile Image for Dani.
825 reviews91 followers
October 4, 2023
I really enjoyed the murder mystery aspect of this story but everything else felt lacking.

The abusive ex disappeared too quickly - it didn't feel like it fit the rest of his behaviour and I was waiting for him to retaliate against the couple but nothing came from it. I kinda felt like what was even the point of him being in the story other than providing a reason for John to move in with Rick. It just felt like an obvious plot device rather than a true part of the story.

Also the 'romance' was strange. It went from dislike, to denial of attraction, to lust and then they're all in. I failed to see where exactly they built their relationship because it just came across as lust for most of the book and the way they talked was more like they were interviewing each other than conversing. Even then there were only two brief sex scenes so the level of lust portrayed felt unbalanced with the lack of action. The crime was the focus and the relationship was just a background element.

Also, the whole Donny thing just felt confusing. Why do we randomly get his POV a few times but then when he's attacked and recovering we get absolutely nothing, either from his POV or anyone else's?? For a loving, overbearing family like the Canali's it wasn't in keeping with how we've been shown they behave. It didn't sit right and left me confused.

I did enjoy how John was accepted into the family, and it was clear how much being part of that big family meant to him.

I'm optimistic for the final book as Tito has so far been like a spectre throughout the series and we know nothing about him!

Edited to add that I won't be reading book 4. After reading some reviews I've seen there's something that is a massive trigger for me, so I'm going to stop with the series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Em Jay.
235 reviews45 followers
July 9, 2022
3.50 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I swore I’d never pick up another book in this series after Hot Seat, but alas here I am. The draw of a solo written book by EE pulled me in after how much I loved Fireman’s Carry. All-in-all it was an enjoyable read, and a vast improvement from book 1 (and probably book 2 lbr).

⁃ Murder mystery case. The large majority of this story is centered around the murder, and I found the case to be interesting and entertaining.
⁃ Minimal Canali’s!! Let’s just say the family got personality transplants and were far more palatable in this book. Also, the previous ✨writing choices✨ to include them at every turn and make them intrusive, homophobic loud mouths was not present here.
⁃ No food related and/or cringy sex scenes!! I’m not going to elaborate because you already know 🍌

Cons (?)
⁃ The romance between Rick and John was kinda meh. It wasn’t bad per se, just underwhelming? I liked both MCs, I just didn’t feel much of a spark or UST when reading about them 🤷🏻‍♀️
⁃ It started getting to be bit of a cheese-fest in the latter half.

Anyway, if you liked the first novella (also solo written by EE) I’d give this one a try. It’s vastly different from book 1, and although I didn’t read book 2 sounds like it’s pretty different from that one too. It’s a relatively easy read that does cover some heavy topics.
Profile Image for Agla.
682 reviews57 followers
August 16, 2022
3.5 rounded up because I almost read it in one sitting and that's very good for a 2022 release. I really enjoyed the mystery aspect of this. The case moved along at a good pace and relied on actual work and not luck or convenience. Now, that being said the resolution was a bit rushed. As far as the romance goes, it was a bit too fast and rushed for me. The very strong feeling came too fast after the first hookup. I really liked the communication between the 2 MCs and the subplot about John's ex. That subplot was very good expect for its resolution (won't spoil it but it really was too easy). I wish we had gotten to know the MCs more, it's not superficial but something was missing, not sure what. This was my first read in this series and I didn't feel I was missing anything. I would recommend.
August 1, 2022
2.5 stars rounded up because the author is a good one 😉

Premise: I only read the prequel/freebie not the first 2 books in the series.

And that's because I had the feeling this wouldn't be something I could enjoy.
Hot pursuit's plot intrigued me, so I thought it was worth a try. Well, it wasn't bad, nevertheless I was right and I didn't enjoy the story. Not the main characters nor the pace.
Not for me.

And let me tell you, Americans should really stop with this "Italian" big family stereotype aka we live in jersey shore 😕 even so, in this book wasn't as bad as it usually is
Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,296 reviews386 followers
July 5, 2022

I loved both the romance and the mystery.

I haven't read the two previous books in this series yet except for Firemen's Carry about Shane and Mike.
I don't mind a little bit spoiler in this book but I was seriously freaking out about . But I'm glad it was okay in the end.
Rick and John started as 'not so good partner' when they paired up as working partner, but the ex boyfriend was actually helped them with the closeness and open up the spark that was hidden from the start.
I loved how the Canali family accepted that their 'Uncle Ricky' is gay, this is the kind of family everyone needed.
A little tense at the end of the book, but everything went well after that.
Also, it's cute when Rick the loner finally said yes to Nonna's offered :)
I love this one. I'll be surely reading the previous two!
Profile Image for Dan.
1,383 reviews32 followers
June 27, 2022
I really enjoyed this book. It has a different flavor than the others in the series, with a police setting than a firefighter one, but it still has the same kind of charm as the first two and tangential firefighter plots. Rick and John has a very warm feeling, it has the same result as a warm dring on a cold day. It warms you up on the inside and leaves you with a feeling that even if times are hard, things will be all right.
I am looking forward to the next book. there is at least one more to go, and I bet it will be good.
Profile Image for Amy.
364 reviews24 followers
June 30, 2022
I was so excited for the 3rd book in this series and it did not disappoint, it was excellent!! The Canali family is a family I want to be related to, they are fun, drive each other crazy, have each other’s back and always make the best food!!!

John Rivera had a hard life growing up but he was making his way. He hit a major stumbling block by trusting his now ex-boyfriend and lost everything. Rick Canali never told any of his family he was gay until recently and only his brother and one nephew. He wasn’t ashamed he just was a very private person. He thought he would be a forever bachelor until he met John. Now they are partners in the homicide division, working the death of a fireman, was it done purposely? The mystery around it, working the leads, getting information, putting the puzzle together and falling for each other made for an awesome read!

The story is absolutely wonderful. When Rick finally opens his heart and John decides to trust someone again, it’s beautiful! Bonus is one big family that welcomes you to their crazy life!

These ladies know how to write, you don’t want to stop and put the book down! The descriptions of the towns, places they go can be visualized as you read along with each character. Grab this book and the rest of the series, you’ll love them all!!
Profile Image for Heike.
661 reviews45 followers
September 17, 2022
Because I was asked this question a couple of times: this novel can easily be read as standalone, no need to suffer through the first two installments of the series that were written in collaboration with Tara Lain - not necessarily an enhancing feature.

John Rivera from Vice becomes the new partner of homicide detective Rick Canali. The former under cover agent and out and proud new detective has a bad relationship behind him and trust issues, while Rick tries to fight his attraction to the man.

This story hit all the buttons - clear lines between good people and bad people, a little suspense, smoking hot romance as in lots of tension but only 2 explicit sex scenes which were well written (shows that this book was written by Eli Easton alone), lovable family (which was not overdone like in the other books of the series) - whole great package!

Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Marthea.
873 reviews7 followers
July 17, 2022
Historia kolejnego z klanu Canali, tym razem starszego i bardziej dojrzałego od pozostałej dwójki - 38-letniego "wujka Ricka" 😉

Rick to osoba bardzo prywatna. Oprócz Donny'ego i Angiego - brata Ricka a ojca dwójki pierwszych bohaterów - nikt nie wie, że jest gejem. A i to ujawnił im dopiero kilka tygodni wcześniej. Jest detektywem w Wydziale Zabójstw. Miesiąc wcześniej dostał nowego partnera. I, delikatnie mówiąc, nie jest z tego powodu szczęśliwy. Dlaczego? Ponieważ od pierwszego momentu, kiedy go zobaczył i kiedy jeszcze nie wiedział, że John jest również policjantem, poczuł przyciąganie. Fizycznie John poszturchał wszystko, co tylko było możliwe w Ricku - był takim top of the top, jeżeli chodziło o typ Ricka. Zatem nie, Rick nie był szczęśliwy, kiedy okazało się, że musi z nim pracować...

John od 10 roku życia wychowywał się w rodzinach zastępczych. Musiał walczyć rękami i zębami, by dostać się tam, gdzie chciał - a zawsze chciał pracować w Wydziale Zabójstw. Po sześciu latach w obyczajówce w końcu to mu się udało - choć było to z jednej strony wymarzone, a z drugiej wymuszone. Uciekał z obyczajówki w tempie ponaddźwiękowym - przede wszystkim przed swoim nadużywającym przemocy, kontrolującym, toksycznym, siedzącym w głębokiej szafie ex - który również tam pracował. Rick był dla niego fizycznym ucieleśnieniem jego idola od 6 roku życia - Cary Granta. Jednakże szybko okazało się, że Rick powinien się przedstawiać raczej jako Dick...

Co mi się podobało:

👍 John - zrobił dla mnie właściwie całą książkę
👍 rodzina Canalich, która w pierwszym tomie mnie bawiła, w drugim zirytowała straszliwie, tutaj była wyciszona - nie było jej dużo, nie przytłaczała, nie wkurzała
👍 wątek kryminalny - no bo w końcu jak mamy dwóch detektywów w Wydziale Zabójstw, to jakiś musiał się znaleźć 😁
👍 wątek ex Johna - do momentu rozwiązania byłam mocno zainteresowana, aczkolwiek przez jego zakończenie poniżej też się znajdzie 😜

Co mi się podobało bardzo średnio lub wcale:

👎 Rick - nie mogłam się do niego całkiem przekonać. W pierwszym tomie ani mnie grzał, ani ziębił, ale w drugim mnie wkurzył mocno - Po drugim tomie byłam na niego zła, naprawdę zła, a ten tom nie za bardzo mnie ocieplił do jego osoby...
👎 wątek ex Johna - nie podobało mi się rozwiązanie. Ja rozumiem, że w realu często się takie rzeczy zdarzają, ale do cholery, to jest fikcja - w dodatku taka, która nie jest specjalnie skomplikowana i należy raczej do tych łatwych i przyjemnych - i chciałabym zobaczyć, jak ten zły dostaje w dupsko za to, co zrobił...
👎 wątek kryminalny - generalnie był okej, ale miałam wrażenie, że zajął zdecydowanie zbyt dużo miejsca kosztem chłopaków, których autorka potraktowała trochę po macoszemu...
👎 Angie - brat Ricka i ojciec bohaterów dwóch pierwszych tomów. Między tomem 2 a 3 przeszedł chyba przeszczep osobowości. Bo nagle z faceta, który nie mógł znieść i przyjąć do wiadomości, że w takiej rodzinie macho, jak jego, jeden z jego synów okazał się gejem, a drugi bi, stał się niemalże swatką dla Ricka. A ja chciałabym zobaczyć choć trochę tę jego przemianę, a nie skoczyć tak nagle o 180 stopni na drugą stronę...
👎 Donny - okazał się jednak jełopem. W tym tomie wyszedł już w miarę na prostą, nawet przysłużył się w dobrej sprawie, bo jego przeczucie, że za śmiercią Liama jest coś więcej, było prawidłowe i dzięki niemu sprawa została wprawiona w ruch. 🤦‍♀️

Generalnie naprawdę dobrze i szybko mi się czytało, ale gdyby nie John, to ocena byłaby niższa. A tak daję 3+ 😁
407 reviews1 follower
June 20, 2022
I’ve enjoyed all the books in this series so far but this is definitely my favourite. Loved the mix of romance and procedural plus John absolutely stole my heart. I’m so glad Rick was there for him. Great couple - hope we see more of them in the next book as the mystery surrounding Tito looks set to be revealed.
Profile Image for Pooja Menon.
109 reviews102 followers
June 19, 2022
I really enjoyed *Hot Pursuit* by Eli Easton.

When *Hot Seat* came out, the premise of "firefighters from a big traditional Italian-American family set in California & seeped in macho culture" was both new and familiar. The world was new, but the problems in it really resonated with my own culture and the people who, well, people it.

With *Hot Wings*, I loved Dell and his family, and eventually came to like Donny, but I did not connect with the book as much as I did the first one. But still, it was an enjoyable read.

With *Hot Pursuit*, I did not know what to expect going in! It's a cop/firefighter mystery/suspense book and centered around Uncle Ricky, an aloof & enigmatic character who we meet in the earlier books. But I knew next to nothing about him...except that he looked like Cary Grant. :)

I was intrigued by Ricky because he was Angie's brother and the two of them had such a huge age difference between them. I wanted to know what that had been like for him growing up, straddling two different generations and belonging fully to neither. The Ricky we meet in HP is an intensely private, laid-back man who has never had a relationship (at least that is what everyone knows about him at first), loves his job but might be a little jaded with it, and who would do anything for his family.

Then we have his love interest/partner John Rivera. Just like I adored Shane in HS, John was super easy to love. Life has been cruel to him, yet - against all odds - he made lemonade out of the lemons he'd been given. He craves love but is afraid of it because neither love nor a family nor a home has ever been a part of his life and he doesn't believe it can ever be. But when he meets Ricky, all of that changes. Ricky did good. He recognized a good thing and went for it. No angst, no wishy-washy feelings, no doubts about who he was and what he liked. We learn why he never had relationships and we see his progression from "this man annoys me but I am attracted to him" to "he is the one"...and it's lovely & swoony.

I wish we'd gotten to know more of Ricky because I felt like I ended the book knowing John more than I did Ricky, but strangely, I am okay with Ricky being just a little bit of a mystery. The romance was a bit fast for me because I am a slow burn romance reader. Still, I loved it and their intimate scenes together were the best.

The suspense portion of the book was okay, nothing overly exciting. But I stuck around for the romance and the family aspect of things and those were very satisfying. Seeing all the Canalis and their partners together, seeing how far the "macho" members of the family have come...it was rewarding.

***Thank you to the author for an ARC of Hot Pursuit in return for my honest review.***

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for beautiful journey。.
87 reviews8 followers
July 3, 2023
Uncle Ricky's story did not disappoint and is definitely the best one in the series. A solid, well-balanced story with perfect amount of romance and mystery, which I found really interesting and terrifying at the same time. Glad that Canali's clan was there to provide warmth, comic relief and love. This family is something else, really. ❣️
Profile Image for Caz.
2,914 reviews1,093 followers
August 11, 2022
I've given this a B at AAR.

The first two books in the  Hot Cannoils  series (Hot Seat and Hot Wings) were co-authored by Eli Easton and Tara Lain, but circumstances have led to the authors writing the next two books individually, so Eli Easton is flying solo for this third book in the series. Hot Pursuit is a fast-paced and entertaining tale of romantic suspense in which the focus switches from the Canali firefighters to the cop in the family, Rick, the much younger brother of Mike and Donny’s dad Angelo, who is a homicide detective with the Chico PD.

Rick Canali has organised his life just the way he likes it. He likes his job, he has no trouble getting laid when he wants it, and he’s always assured of a warm welcome in the bosom of his large, boisterous and loving family. When his work-partner of ten years retires, Rick’s neatly ordered life is disrupted when he’s saddled with a newly-promoted detective recently transferred from Vice, the infuruating (and infuriatingly attractive) John Rivera. The first time Rick set eyes on him, not knowing who he was, he’d definitely liked the look of the guy’s rangy physique and handsome face with its big, soulful dark eyes, but learning Rivera was a cop shut that down pretty fast – Rick doesn’t screw around with colleagues, ever.

Rick’s buried in work one morning when he gets a call from his nephew Donny, asking if he can swing by the precinct to talk, and Rick wonders what Donny can have to say to him that he doesn’t want to say in front of his father or brothers. When he arrives, Donny explains he’s concerned that the recent death of one of the firefighters from his house wasn’t an accident, and wants Rick to look into it. Rick isn’t sure what he can do – the report says the firefighter was killed in the line of duty – but Rivera knows one of the beat cops who was at the scene of the fire, and offers to see what he can find out. Rick can barely restrain his eye-roll at his new partner’s eagerness to clutch at straws, but while Rivera makes the call, Donny tells Rick that Liam Greene – the guy who died – had been acting strangely of late, keeping very much to himself and clearly preoccupied. When Rivera re-joins them, he doesn’t have much to add; the death is being treated as accidental and nobody is looking into it. Donny is really upset; Rick is trying to let him down gently when Rivera jumps in and says they’ll be happy to go talk to the Medical Examiner – anything for family, right? Rick doesn’t show his exasperation in front of Donny, but lets his partner know later that he think’s they’re on a hiding to nothing.

John knows the Canalis are a close-knit family and had thought Rick would be only too keen to do this for his nephew. Growing up in the foster system, John has never had anything or anyone he could call family and can’t help being just a bit envious of Rick – and doesn’t understand Rick’s reluctance to do a bit of digging; hell, even John wants to help Donny out and he’s not even related to him!

Their visit to the ME turns up some interesting – although not conclusive – information when the doctor finds evidence that suggests Liam could have received a blow to the back of the head which, if it didn’t kill him, could have rendered him unconscious and let smoke inhalation do the rest. It’s not a lot to go on, but it’s a start and Rick has to admit that maybe it’s worth closer scrutiny – and that John’s enthusiasm has shown him that he’s become a bit too complacent – even lazy – of late. But they’ve got to tread extremely carefully; if firefighters protect their own in the same way that cops do, chances are a cover-up is already under way, and asking awkward questions of other first respondes isn’t going to win them any friends. And if, as is possible, there IS a murderer among their ranks, it might even get them killed.

Eli Easton has crafted a solid, well-paced mystery that is skilfully interwoven with both the developing personal relationship between the two detectives and a secondary plotline involving John’s abusive ex – also a cop – who won’t take no for an answer and accept that they’re over. The balance between the plot and the personal is just about right – the mystery moves swiftly but logically and the author uses that time to build the tension between Rick and John, as John slowly begins to get under Rick’s skin and to break through his wall of grouchiness. Both men have good reasons for not jumping into bed at the first available opportunity, so there’s a bit of a slow burn going on here and I liked that; the mystery has time to bed in and the chemistry between Rick and John is given time to heat up.

This wouldn’t be a  Hot Cannolis  book without a few appearances by the rest of the Canali family, and I loved watching John falling under their spell and vice versa. He’s a greay guy – smart, charming, funny and intuitive – and has worked hard to make something of himself despite his difficult childhood. He’s never experienced what it means to truly belong, to have people around him who care what happens to him and love and support him unconditionally, so meeting the Canalis en masse is kind of overpowering, but kind of awesome, too.

I was pleased to see Angelo Canali being more accepting towards Mike and Donny and his support for Rick, who came out to him and Donny in the previous book (Hot Wings) when Rick realised how badly his nephew was struggling to accept his sexuality. Rick is fourteen years Angelo’s junior, so he kind of bridges the generation gap between father and sons, and he’s a very private man, who firmly – and rightly – believes that his sex life and sexual orientation is nobody’s business but his own. It’s for that reason – and also because he doesn’t want any workplace drama – that he’s never come out, but when he starts to fall for John, he realises that by not doing so – to his nearest and dearest at least – he’s chosen to accept his role within the family as the ‘confirmed bachelor’ – and that it isn’t what he actually wants for himself any more. Once he realises that John is it for him, he’s all in; no bullshit or running away from his feelings, and I appreciated that they discuss how being together might affect their work partnership and what their options might be.

On the downside, Rick is perhaps a bit too much of a White Knight, swooping in to rescue John from the evil ex more than once, and his character is a bit underdeveloped. I felt that I got to know John more than I did Rick, who is, after all, the book’s Hot Cannoli. And there’s an odd narrative choice near the end, where the author inserts a short chapter from Donny’s PoV (the rest of the book – apart from the prologue – is split between Rick and John) – it’s jarring and contrived.

Despite those niggles though, I was completely caught up in the mystery and really liked Rick and John as a couple; they’re a good fit and I found it easy to imagine them together for the long haul. If you’re looking for a single-title romantic suspense novel that gets the balance right, Hot Pursuit should be on your radar.
Profile Image for Ami.
5,982 reviews491 followers
July 18, 2022
3.5 stars

A nice mystery romance. Now, a little note because I didn't read the previous two books at all

+ While it can be read as stand-alone (I didn't have any issue following the storyline, despite not reading the first two books) the chapter with Donnie's POV (who is the main character of book #2) is unnecessary. I don't enjoy multiple POVs unless it's from the main characters.

+ Rick's stance from being annoyed to protective of John feels quick. BUT, I forgive Rick since his family is tight-knit and seeing John with everyone may jumpstart that feeling of love.

+ John feels NAIVE for a detective that has just been transferred to Homicide. He's from Vice, he should be more, I don't know, sarcastic or having grim view of the world, or something 😄

+ The mystery is good, the investigation too. It's scary to think about though. If someone knows about
Profile Image for DTM.
1,185 reviews5 followers
July 4, 2022
So, this was different...Uncle Ricky is a cop with a new partner, John..There is a 9 year age gap...this story focuses mainly on a case but with romance and some serious hurt/comfort thrown in..not gonna lie, I don't love mysteries, however, this one totally worked for me...I blew through it..another page turner..it's low heat but has ALL THE FEELS....and I enjoyed the mystery...I love the family and how they bring the plus ones in to the fold ..except for Gabe LOL ...I doubt there will be anything redeeming about him...I'm really looking forward to Tito's story..
Profile Image for Tj.
1,583 reviews19 followers
July 13, 2022
I love mysteries and enjoyed that aspect of this book.

The romance / personal connection aspect was a bit weaker. John and Rick are warm, loving, and caring. I wanted to see more of the relationship that developed between them. But…this is Eli Easton. I love her work and would probably read a grocery list if she published it.
1,601 reviews16 followers
June 26, 2022
I love the new addition to The Hot Cannolis series. I'm glad we got to know the mysterious Uncle Rick and wasn't disappointed. Rick and John were great together. The book is romantic, witty, funny, with some intense moments, and action-packed, with some angst and I enjoyed seeing the Cannolis clan again. Rick has been keeping a secret from his family and he's been keeping his attraction from John also. There is a love/hate relationship between these, and Rick discovers John's secret. The book had my attention from start to finish and I'm looking forward to the next one in this series.
Profile Image for noelene magro.
86 reviews4 followers
June 26, 2022
John and Ricky <3

- Detectives
- Colleagues
- Age Gap
- Mystery
- Big family

Love love love them! Together and as individuals; especially John!

The mystery was well written and their romance was beautiful!

In my opinion, it's the best book in the series yet
Profile Image for Mercedes.
1,131 reviews95 followers
July 13, 2022
This was sweet. I kinda feel Rick went from 0-100 a little quick. I usually don't love cameos from characters in previous books but I love keeping up with the Canalis.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,821 reviews114 followers
June 30, 2022
I am quite enjoying this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 191 reviews

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