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US State Department to evaluate ways of responding to ban on hiring Russian embassy staff

At the same time, the spokesman assured that the embassy in Moscow will continue to operate

WASHINGTON, August 3. /TASS/. The United States will continue to study appropriate actions in response to a ban on hiring Russian and third-country citizens at its diplomatic missions in Russia, US State Department Spokesman Ned Price told journalists at a regular press briefing on Monday.

"The measures that the Russian Federation put in place on Sunday has, as we said before, forced us to let go of hundreds of our employees across our facilities in Russia. That, in turn, has a ripple effect on our ability, on the ability of our diplomats in Russia to do their jobs. We think that is quite unfortunate," he said in response to a corresponding question. "So we’re continuing to evaluate the situation and will update you as we have new developments," he added.

At the same time, the spokesman assured that the embassy in Moscow will continue to operate. "Well, so of course, our embassy in Moscow does remain open," he emphasized. The press secretary reiterated that consular services remain suspended at US consulates in Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok.

Since August 1, the US embassy in Russia will continue to function with its minimal staff of 120 employees due to a ban becoming effective on hiring Russian and third-country citizens by the diplomatic agency in response to anti-Russian sanctions declared by Washington in April. Then, the US side expelled 10 more Russian diplomats, declaring that they were allegedly linked with intelligence services.