Survivors of violence tell their stories

Survivors of violence tell their stories

Very few survivors of violence ever tell anyone about their experiences, or access services to seek justice and help them heal, despite devastating behavioural, physical and mental health consequences, and the widespread availability of evidence-based solutions such as the INSPIRE strategies. Testimonials raise awareness and encourage action through powerful and emotive storytelling of firsthand experiences. The videos on this page feature the stories of the following individuals who have courageously shared their experiences of violence, how it affected them, and which interventions helped them:

Ruby (Philippines, 20+, female)

Florence (Kenya, 30+, female)

Jeremy (New Zealand, 50+, male)

Stewart (Canada, 50+, male)

Eugenie (Switzerland, 80+, female)

The personal accounts clearly show that violence against children is a universal issue that takes place in every country and community, cutting across socio-economic and cultural contexts. While the film showcases the common experience of each story, it also gives space for each testimony to place a spotlight on the many different types of violence — physical, sexual, in the home, at school and online. The common thread running through each testimony is the need to speak up and break the silence on violence.

The 13-min documentary is the centerpiece of the package while the shorter versions and the brief videos clips for use on social media point people towards the full documentary. In addition, there is a Toolkit which offers ways in which the testimonial videos package can be used.


Watch the documentary