A second sighting report of a Winged Humanoid witnessed by a Chicago Firefighter at Chicago O’Hare International Airport.

Illustration courtesy of Vincent Richardson

I was at work at station #3 at about 0245, as part of the normal routine we take the engines to get fuel at the maintenance yard. It’s about 2 miles or so one way and the entire endeavor takes about 45-60 minutes depending if you have to wait. As we were headed back, we were approaching the firehouse when we saw something move across the street, it walked in a sort of shuffle and as we approached, we saw two glowing red eyes that looked right at us and then disappeared. As we continued to approach the location our headlights fell upon a large black figure that looked like a man wearing black clothing, except he was at least 8 feet tall, super, super thin and had a large pair of bat-like wings. It took off into the air and was gone within a second or two and we lost it in the night sky. It scared the living hell out of everyone in the engine and when we got back to the firehouse, we all went outside to look for it but found nothing. It was the damndest thing I have ever seen in my life.

Investigators Notes:

This is part of the ongoing investigation looking into the initial report of a Chicago Firefighters sighting of a winged humanoid at Chicago O’Hare International airport. The witness was able to convey sightings from fellow firefighters at his station that were told to him the night of his sighting. They are being presented separately and attempts are being made to contact the original witnesses of each report. As the investigation progresses, updates will be posted to the website and passed along to the members of the Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research Team.

2 thoughts on “A second sighting report of a Winged Humanoid witnessed by a Chicago Firefighter at Chicago O’Hare International Airport.

  1. Pingback: 2nd Incident: O'HARE 'BATMAN' Observed Shuffling Across Street at Fire Station #3 - Charlielikes

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