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There is no way the bad boy with the piercings, tattoos, and wicked grin at the end of the bar could be the sweet Daddy of my dreams… or is he?

After a brutally bad breakup with his ex, Simon no longer trusts his own judgement when it comes to men. Especially not men who have trouble written all over them. Men like Gunnar Thompson.

Gunnar may look like a grizzly, but the people closest to him know he's really more of a teddy bear. All he wants is a boy to love and cherish, and he wants that boy to be Simon.

Convincing Simon to give him a chance to prove he's the Daddy he's been waiting for will take a lot of work and even more patience, but Gunnar has never been one to back down from a challenge. Especially when the prize is Simon's heart.

If strong men who work hard, play hard, and love even harder are your thing you won't want to miss the Blue Collar Daddies series.

179 pages, Kindle Edition

Published May 20, 2022

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Jacki James

52 books553 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews
Profile Image for Heather Duff.
1,149 reviews29 followers
May 19, 2022
A delightful and uplifting Daddy romance between a tattooed god and a sweet boy. A story about a man who’s finally able to live his life out loud, looking for someone to have by his side for the journey, and a Boy who’s trying to take a chance at love after being crushed by an emotionally abusive ex.

Gunnar is incredible. He knows Simon will need a little extra time, patience, and caring in order to trust again. And it works, he quickly realizes that Gunnar is nothing like the ex that broke his trust, thanks in part to a sweet little niece who likes bunnies and tea parties.

This is insta-lovish story, but it isn’t syrupy sweet. It was beautiful to watch them settle into their relationship and find a home with each other. And for Simon to finally know what it’s like to have someone who truly cares about him-his heart, needs, and wants.

I love a story about regular guys finding love.
Profile Image for Raven and Chris.
2,474 reviews22 followers
May 12, 2022
This is a really good book. I loved the characters. I haven’t read the other books in this series but they are going on my TBR list. Gunnar takes one look at Simon in the bar when the other man is out with his friends and knows the man is the one for him. He just knows it in his soul. Simon has a hard time trusting because he has been burned by a controlling jerk who just called himself a Daddy because he loved having power over others. It doesn’t take Gunnar long to convince both Simon and his friends that he is the perfect Daddy for the younger man. I love how he just goes all in, knowing it will be worth it in the end. Relationships anywhere on the kink spectrum are usually pretty fast all due to the levels of trust needed to pull them off. I just loved this story!
Profile Image for Cynthia Osborne.
371 reviews4 followers
May 20, 2022
Gunnar and Simon are amazing characters. Gunnar is a tattoo artist who happens to be a daddy. Simon sees his friends having daddies and wants it to but with having a hard experience with a wrong person who thinks they are a daddy he’s not sure he can trust himself. All the other boys help him and he has a strength that helps him.

I did receive an Arc for a review.
422 reviews9 followers
May 14, 2022
Gunnar by Jacki James is the 5th book in her Blue Collar Daddies Series. This story is about Simon and Gunnar. Simon is a nurse with a grueling schedule and he is the only Boy in his group of friends (from the previous books) who does not have a Daddy. While he would like one he doesn’t trust himself because the last Daddy he had was horrible to him and not a real Daddy at all. It took him a while to figure this out and dump him and he feels like he should have realized it sooner than he did so he’s not sure he can spot a true Daddy when he meets one. Gunnar was in the Navy for 20 years and recently retired from it. He moved back to Texas to be near his sister who was having a baby and needed help. He became a very sought after tattoo artist and was going to buy the studio where he worked when the owner was ready to sell it. He’s also a Daddy and went to a club on a Daddy/Boy night and that is where he saw Simon, although they had briefly met earlier at the tattoo studio. Simon loves how big he is and all his tattoos and Gunnar likes that Simon is cute and like the sprite that is in the books he reads to his niece. Unfortunately, Simon is drunk so Gunnar gets his number, sends him back to his friends, and texts him the next day. Simon really likes Gunnar but is scared that he might turn out to be like his old Daddy. His friends and their Daddies all like him because of the way he took care of him so he decides to take a chance and go out with him. Gunnar knows about his past so he goes slowly and sets out to prove that he is a true Daddy who will love and guide him. The story continues as they get to know each other, date, do things with their friends, and then fall in love. I have really enjoyed this series by Ms. James. Her characters are realistic and have problems yet they are very sweet and caring. There isn’t a lot of angst in the story, just what Simon is going through and how he learns he can trust himself again. I always like stories where previous characters appear so you can see what has happened to them since their books and this one was full of them. Daddy/Boy stories are my favorites so this story did not disappoint in any of those areas. I highly recommend this book and am sad that this is the last one in this series but I’m looking forward to reading what Ms. James writes next.
Profile Image for Florence ..
894 reviews261 followers
May 25, 2022
RTC but this one might be my new favourite in the series. I just enjoyed this book so much. It was so damn sweet and my heart melted while reading the book. I just loved the relationship in this book, it was just the sweetest thing.

I received an ARC of this book and this is my honest opinion
Profile Image for Jamie Lee Zonneveld.
1,472 reviews47 followers
May 20, 2022
4,5 stars
Gunnar is the fifth book in the Blue Colar Daddies series by Jacki James. This book is about Gunnar and Simon. I loved their story. It was sweet, sexy, full of feels and very well written.
Profile Image for Duffette.
294 reviews61 followers
March 11, 2024
Very cute

I enjoyed reading this one. Simon had a bad break dealing with the ex from the underworld. He was a bit shy to get back out there, but once he overcame his mental block, it was so sweet seeing him embrace his new Daddy & start their lives together.
Profile Image for ❀ Jess.
591 reviews47 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
July 3, 2023
DNF @97%
I shouldn’t even have pushed myself that far. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Mimi.
2,216 reviews
November 6, 2022
4.5 stars

I'm glad Simon found his own Daddy! Looking forward to reading Bishop and Rory's story.
Profile Image for Kate.
630 reviews32 followers
June 6, 2022
This was so B L A N D! Almost every page is filled with the most mundane shit, like talking about work schedules, ordering/making food, everyday activities, etc. Oh my God! If I wanted to learn all the minute details of their lives, this would have really hit the spot, but this was more like reading a never-ending list of chores.

The story started out ok with an interesting prologue, but that was probably the only good part. I stopped around the 65-70% mark, right when they were about to have sex for the first time, and I just didn't care enough to even read through what is usually the most enticing part of a romance book. I felt zero chemistry between the characters, and Gunnar was about 70% of the reason why this story was so bland, with the other 30% being the tedious details given about what they were doing.

I liked Simon for the most part, but I kind of spent a majority of the time wishing he would pass on Gunnar and maybe wait for someone else. Someone less dry. God, speaking of dry... a good romance that you can really get into and feel the characters' passion/chemistry is like a really soft, chewy chocolate chip cookie, and you want more and more until they're all gone. This book...this book was like one of those bone-dry fancy cookies that some bakeries sell; there's sugar somewhere in there and it looks like it might be worth a try, but once you bite into it, it crumbles all over the place and all of the moisture in your mouth has mysteriously disappeared. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

Anyway, I obviously didn't like this book, but I thought Ryder's book was decent and I'm still going to give Cooper's book a chance. I'm sorry, but I would not recommend this one.
Profile Image for Marion.
1,053 reviews
May 24, 2022
is is the 5th book in the Blue Collar Daddies series. I was able to fully enjoy this book without having read all the previous books. This is the story of Gunnar and Simon. Gunnar is a retired military engineer who is now working in a tattoo parlour. He moved close to his sister and is wrapped around the finger of his little niece. He is tall with piercings and tattoos. The outside screems bad boy but the inside is all Daddy. He is looking for a boy to call his own. Someone to shower with love and care. Simon is a nurse who is just coming out of a very bad relationship. His previous attempt at finding a Daddy had him living with an emotionally abusive contol freak. Both meet for the second time at a Daddy/Boy meet and greet. Unfortunately, in an attempt to build up his confidence to actually approach anyone; light weight drinker Simon gets drunk. He and Gunnar talk but Gunnar recognizes that Simon is drunk. He immediately tries to take care of him. Ensures that he has friends to see him safely home. Doesn't take advantage of Simon. This is their story. Simon can't believe that someone as amazing as Gunnar would want him for long term. Simon desperately wants to be loved but he is very gun shy. He has no faith in his ability to see if something so good is actually true. He never saw any red flags in his last relationship. Gunnar recognizes that Simon needs time and is willing to put in the work and time until Simon feels confident about them. This is a really sweet story. It is well written and easy to read. I am looking forward to the next book in this series.

I received an ARC and leaving my honest opinion.
477 reviews9 followers
May 24, 2022
I did not know what to expect when receiving this story as an ARC but boy, was I surprised! I really loved the story! I had to devour it in one sitting because I couldn’t put the kindle down! I had not read the first 4 books in the Blue Collar Daddies series so I got lot of catching up to do!!! I’m finding that I actually like books with Daddies/boys trope.

The story first starts with Simon and his supposedly “daddy” who walked into the shop that Gunnar, one of the tattoo artist was working at. The “daddy” (bear in mind I’m using a lowercase for daddy since he wasn’t a good daddy) forced Simon to get a tattoo imprinted on his lower back. Gunnar figured out that it wasn’t something Simon wanted and decided to buy some time by letting the daddy know that he’d have to make an appointment for them to come back. The daddy got upset but went ahead and got the appointment scheduled. Not surprisingly, they never showed up for the appointment. Few months later, Gunnar decided to go to this particular bar that caters to “Daddies/boys” and that was where he bumped into Simon. The thing was they didn’t recognize each other at first. Simon had thankfully broken up with his “daddy” and was on his last leg in his search for a “Daddy”. Gunnar, then remembered where he had seen Simon before and asked him about his “daddy”. That was when Simon recognized him. The rest is history. Pick up the book to read to find out what happened. A great read!
Profile Image for Amos24601.
1,230 reviews40 followers
May 12, 2022
So, to be fair, this is the first book in the series I’ve read. So I knew no backstory or any other character. Still, I didn’t feel lost or like I missed major stories to make this one enjoyable. This was a nice little story of a boy trying to be brave and taking a chance after he’d been burned before.

Gunnar was the clear winner for me. He was sexy and sweet, patient and caring. He knew just the right cord to strike with Simon. I loved how he cared for Simon so much. Simon was a little reluctant to go all in with Gunnar after his last boyfriend cheated on his. But he slowly realizes, through Gunnar’s actions, that this could be something good. I liked how we got to see Simon let his guard down and let Gunnar take care of him. It was lovely.

I will say that some of the chapters had rather abrupt endings that felt a little jarring. It almost seemed like a character was in the middle of a thought or conversation and then it just ends. It was a little clunky in that way. That was also a gratuitous use of the nickname Sprite for Simon.

Overall, I found this to be an adorable Daddy/Boy book. It had just the right amount of sweetness without being cloying and you were left with all the happy feelings for Gunnar and Simon. 3.75 stars rounded up to 4.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book and this is my honest review.
514 reviews
May 22, 2022
Story: 3.5 Stars

Hospital nurse Simon (25) longs for a patient and caring Daddy, but the hurt and betrayal from his disastrous previous relationship still lingers. Tattoo artist Gunnar (40) may look like a bad boy, but he's actually a big ol' softie Daddy who's determined to win over the untrusting and newly single younger man he met briefly a year before.

Gunnar and Simon are both likeable guys with a convincing amount of chemistry, and Gunnar's nickname for Simon is especially cute. Their love story is sweet with just a dash of angst, and feels like a blend of insta-love and gradual trust building.

A strength of this series and what links the books together - the Daddies and boys friends groups that's continued to expand - also plays an important role here. I'd suggest reading the books in order for that reason. There's also some backstory overlap between this story and Book 2 ("Lucas"), which features Simon's friend Ben and their awful mutual ex.

Overall, this story was a pleasant and quick read, if somewhat uneventful and slow to get off the ground for the first few chapters. I received an advance reading e-copy of this book and have left this honest review voluntarily. (Also read in KU.)
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,067 reviews249 followers
October 8, 2022
Big ex-Navy Tattoo artist meets his "sprite!" Blue Collar Daddies series.
They meet at Owen's club, and are attracted right away, but Simon has had too many shots, so....Gunnar knows he wants this sweet boy, and makes sure he gets home safely.
Gunnar, cover, 40, is pierced and tattooed,

ex-Navy engineer put in 20 years, and he's 6'4" with huge muscles. He's ready to finally have a boy of his own.
Simon/Sprite, 25, had a horrendous breakup.

He's short, lean, dark brown hair and afraid to try a relationship again.

The next day Gunnar texts to see how Simon is doing. They make a plan for a coffee date, then another, and then some deep conversations about the expectations of a Daddy and boy.

Simon's bad experience keeps him skeptical, but soon, Gunnar and Simon are really getting along well.

We get wonderful characters, super hot and erotic lovin' and needs are met for both men.
We learn a lot, see families approval and friends, too.

I liked these guys and all of the other Blue Collar Daddies cast.
You'll be entertained and happy.

Profile Image for Emily Hernandez.
1,114 reviews18 followers
May 21, 2022
I haven't been in the mood for a Daddy/boy romance in a while, but I'm glad I gave this one a chance because it was a great way to ease back in. Gunnar and Simon were really adorable together, and I had a lot of fun watching them fall head over heels in love. I found it easy to connect with Simon in the beginning of the story, and while it made me sad to know how close he'd come to giving up on having a Daddy of his own, I think I'd also struggle to trust again after going through what he did. Gunnar definitely had a bit of that bossy Daddy syndrome, but otherwise he was wonderfully patient and respectful of Simon as they were getting to know each other. Their Daddy/boy time was a lot more relaxed and low-key, with plenty of cuddles and care and no punishments. It's true that Simon and Gunnar moved in together pretty quickly, but not in a way that felt rushed to me, given how much they'd opened up to each other. Their entire story was very low angst, which made their relationship flow naturally to its happily every after.

**I voluntarily read an ARC of this book. This review expresses my honest thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Patricia Hoffstaetter.
3,143 reviews40 followers
May 17, 2022
It was a pleasure to read this beautiful, heartwarming MM daddy romance & it has a well-written, intense plot with absolutely no violence. The two main characters Simon & Gunner portray realistic emotional feelings as they continue on their journey to become involved in an emotional strong relationship. The secondary characters play outstanding supporting roles.
It is about: a sweet male nurse (Simon aka Sprite) with memories of a rather bad breakup with his ex (Peter) goes out for the night with caring fellow-minded friends (Ben & Lucas) to a Daddy/Boy meet & greet club but becomes quite intoxicated then he is approached by a rather large man (a ex-navy tattoo artist, Gunner) whom he previously came into contact with not realizing that Gunner has just become quite determined to claim Simon for his very own to love & cherish forever.
There is: caring friends, mild drama, memories, comradery, doubts, reservations, advice, some steamy scenes, love, contentment & a delightful, sweet happy conclusion.
Profile Image for Mandy.
3,703 reviews38 followers
April 8, 2023
Ex-serviceman and now tattoo artist Gunnar Thompson looks like a grizzly but he is really a teddy bear. Simon had a bad breakup and is terrified of making the same mistake again but wonders, if Gunnar is the Daddy of his dreams just as all Gunnar wants is a chance to get to know and care for Simon. Convincing Simon to give him a chance to prove he's the Daddy he's been waiting for will take a lot of work and even more patience, but Gunnar has never been one to back down from a challenge. Especially when the prize is Simon's heart.

I really liked this story with the way that all the boys and Daddies checked out Gunnar to make sure he was deserving of Simon and make sure that he would be safe. I also loved the way that Gunnar was determined to take care of Simon and try to give him the time he needed to see that he could've confidence in his own decision-making and that they were worth a chance. Easy to feel, read and understand. Includes an MM relationship containing mature content and a BSDM-like DDLB dynamic.
Profile Image for Grace ❤️.
300 reviews11 followers
May 14, 2022
Ooh these two were sweet!!

Honestly I sped through this book because it was such a well written story that flowed really well and kept putting a smile on my face. I really enjoyed Gunnar and Simon!

Gunnar was a true gentle giant and his respect and the way he kept himself from putting pressure on Simon was lovely! Sometimes daddy/boy books have a tendency for the daddy to just take over and I really enjoyed Gunnar’s simple and restrained approach.

I did wish there was just a bit more meat to the story because it all felt a little easy for what the blurb set up. I was expecting trust issues and a slow to warm up boy but Simon got over his awful ex and was all in more quickly than I was expecting. I also wish we had gotten o see Gunnar meet Simon’s family but that’s just a personal preference!

Overall this was a super sweet, low angst, kink-light story about a boy finding his perfect giant teddy bear daddy!
Profile Image for RedsBookReads.
466 reviews12 followers
May 18, 2022
This is the 5th book in the Blue Collar Daddies series and if focuses on Gunnar, a tattoo artist and Simon, a nurse. Simon is good friends with Ben and the other boys from previous books - although this book could be read as a stand-alone if you wanted to.

Simon has been through a tough time and is mistrustful of men and has almost decided to give up on looking for a daddy but when his friends convince him to go to a club night he meets Gunnar and things start to look up.

I adored how sweet Simon was and I really felt for him when he was just so tired all the time. Gunnar was just perfect and so caring towards his boy. I loved how the relationship developed and how the characters from previous books were all brought into the story and we got to learn more about the progress of their lives. Gunnar's niece was just so cute as well and she totally stole the chapters she was in.

Another great addition to the Blue Collar Daddies and I can't wait to see who is up next.
Profile Image for Sarita Chapdelaine.
1,225 reviews1 follower
May 16, 2022
Gunnar is a super sweet, sexy and fun addition to the Blue Collar Daddies series with great characters and an interesting storyline. I am so happy to read Simon's story as I felt really bad for what happened to him and I love how all of the boys and daddies from the previous books are so protective and supportive of him. Gunnar is a sweetheart and I love how careful and caring he is with Simon as they spend time together and their relationship develops. Simon and Gunnar are perfect for each other even though it does take Simon a little while to feel comfortable enough with Gunnar to trust that he will treat him well. The ending is lovely, the secondary characters are amazing and I look forward to reading more books by this author.

I received a copy of this book from Neon Rainbow ARC Reviews, and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Laura.
14 reviews
May 23, 2022
This is a zero-angst daddy/boy story about Gunnar and Simon.
Gunnar is a tattoo artist who looks like a bit of a bad boy, but is really very sweet, and Simon is looking for a daddy, but a bit unsure because of his history of ending up with terrible ones!
Despite Simon's early uncertainties, it doesn't take these two long to realise that they could have something special, and Gunnar manages to both show Simon how much he wants him, while also respecting his space and giving him time to make up his own mind.
The series follows a little group of daddies and boys and this book has the same found-family feel as the others in the series, plus both Gunnar and Simon's actual families were nice additions to the story too.
Overall, this is a light, easy read with a sweet couple and some light daddy/boy kink.
1,044 reviews10 followers
May 23, 2022
Gunnar is Book 5 in the Blue Collar Daddies series. I absolutely adored this sweet Daddy/boy story about Gunnar and Simon, his Sprite. Gunnar may look like a giant grizzly bear but he's just a tattoo artist looking for a boy to take care of. Simon was fed up with trying to find a Daddy to take care of him the way he needed until one night at a club when Gunnar saw him sitting at the bar and decided to talk to him. I love how the boys are friends and get together for boys' night while the Daddies are friends and have their own get togethers. It was great to see Gunnar so accepted by the others. Gunnar and Simon are great together and just who the other needed. I definitely recommend this book and series, get to know each of the boys and their Daddies.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Traci S.
1,069 reviews7 followers
May 14, 2022
Gunnar & Simon, this couple is so sweet together. This was such a wonderful low angst read, I loved every page! This series has a great cast of characters and Simon and Gunnar are an excellent addition. I loved Simon, I appreciated that he was capable and had a career and group of friends he loves. When he meets Gunnar after a bad break up, Simon is hesitant to trust that he may have found his perfect Daddy. By taking a chance on Gunnar, Simon learns to trust himself again - which was quite lovely. This is such a happy read, filled with both romance and heat. Plus, it was great to see the other boys and Daddies give a little help in getting these two their happy ending. Highly recommend.❤️

I received an arc of this book and this is my honest review
Profile Image for Devoted❤️Reader.
1,491 reviews28 followers
May 18, 2022
Lemony thingies FTW

“Forget not letting him get away anytime soon. I wasn’t letting him go ever. He was mine, and I was keeping him.” What is it about about the combination of tattoos, piercings and a marshmallowy inside that makes the heart melt? Gunnar is the sweetest, fluffiest bad boy and I adore him. I love how his every action conveys his feelings and the way he takes care of Simon makes me swoon. And with Simon, my heart is so happy for him and I’m so proud of him for listening to his heart and for taking a chance on everything. Also I’m thankful for his friends—love those boys. This series is so much fun and these men will have you falling in love again and again. I love them all and wish I could spend an evening at Big O’s with them all.
Profile Image for FHR.
749 reviews14 followers
May 22, 2022
A lovely, low angst addition to this amazing series in which nurse Simon gets his own HEA.
Being the only boy in the group of friends without a Daddy, Simon doubts his judgment after his past relationship.
When Gunnar comes into his life, Simon needs to learn how to trust again to get the Daddy he has always wanted.

Tattoo artist Gunnar is a patient man who is willing to work for what he wants and what he wants is his Sprite, Simon. With his gentle ways and guiding hand, he is happy to slowly build his relationship with Simon as they work to overcomes his past experiences.

I adored seeing these two characters come together and form a Daddy/ boy dynamic that worked for them. The addition of the past characters enhanced the story as well. I’m looking forward to more in this series.
125 reviews1 follower
May 26, 2022
Simon wanted someone to take care of him. He wanted a "Daddy". But his first experience was terrible. It was so bad that he never wanted to try again. His friends talked him into one mire try at a Daddy/Boy meet and greet. There he met Gunnar.
Gunnar wanted someone to take care of. He wanted a" Daddy". But he really had no experience, just knew what he wanted. He meets Simon at a Daddy/Boy meet and greet.
This is the story of Simon and Gunnar working out their relationship into happily forever after.
I love everything about this book... The main characters and their "cast of extras." It has a great story, humor, and really hot sex scenes.
I received an ARC of this book and am voluntarily leaving this review.
Profile Image for Julie.
1,003 reviews4 followers
June 6, 2022
Simon is overworked and is in desperate need of a daddy but has not had good experience in the past. Gunnar is a looking for a boy and thinks he can be the daddy Simon needs. Gunnar may appear scary being so tall with piercings and tattoos in addition to working in a tattoo parlour but in reality he is caring, loving sweet daddy full of love for the right boy and just the kind of Daddy that Simon needs. I enjoyed watching this story unfold and how patient Gunnar was with Simon. It is a beautiful; sweet story that will win pull you right in. I also enjoyed seeing the daddy/boys from other books in this series. Definitely recommend if looking for a sweet, sexy daddy/boy book with all the feels.
1,411 reviews5 followers
May 16, 2022
So this is the 5th book in the series but it’s only the second one I’ve read but I don’t feel as if I e missed anything although I will be going back to read the other ones. Gunnar and Simon are just the sweetest and make a fantastic couple! Their first meeting was definitely not the greatest but a year later when they meet again is just adorable! This is such a well written story that keeps you engaged and loving the characters! All the characters in these stories seem so sweet and protective! I love how they treat each other. Very enjoyable read and I highly recommend! I am voluntarily leaving an honest review for this complimentary copy of this book
Profile Image for Shana.
403 reviews5 followers
May 25, 2022
This series is amazing and I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for this book even though it’s only been a few months. Simon is so sweet and after we met him earlier in the series, I just wanted him to find the perfect man to love him. Gunner met Simon when he was still with his ex, and even though Simon wasn’t his boy yet, he did what he could to stop Simon from getting a tattoo he could tell he didn’t really want.

When they meet again they are so sweet together. Simon is drunk, and with that he was very honest with how Gunner made him feel. Gunner though my Simon was adorable but knew he couldn’t really ask him out when he was drunk. He made sure Simon was with his friends before saying good bye, but he knew he’d be seeing Simon again.

Their relationship is so sweet, and they balance each other perfectly. Gunner is everything Simon dreamed of, and Simon is absolutely everything Gunner wanted in a boy.

This story is low angst, sweet and steamy at times. I’ll definitely be reading it again.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews

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