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Copywriter for Fedoriv Brand Team at Fedoriv Agency

full-time hybrid Київ (Ukraine) advanced
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Додати побажання

We’re on the hunt for a dynamic copywriter who can craft compelling and engaging texts for the Fedoriv Agency brand. But wait, there’s more! We’re not just looking for top-notch texts, we also want someone who can dream up innovative content ideas that will bolster our brand. Fluent in Ukrainian and English? Perfect, we need you!

Key Responsibilities:

  • Mastering our tone of voice: Understanding and adapting our brand’s voice across all content.
  • Social media savvy: Crafting engaging and original texts for posts across various social media platforms.
  • Creative case writing: Developing texts and scenarios for client presentations and project case studies.
  • Internal communications guru: Producing clear and engaging content for all our agency’s internal communications.
  • Collaborative creativity: Working closely with our team of designers and media managers to ensure content is visually and contextually harmonized.

Hard Skills:

  • Proven experience in copywriting: Strong portfolio of written content, including social media posts and internal communications is a must.
  • Fluency in English (Advanced level)
  • Excellent writing and editing skills: Ability to produce flawless content quickly.
  • Content management systems familiarity: Experience with platforms used for content planning and publishing.
  • SEO knowledge: Understanding of SEO principles to optimize digital content.
  • Basic understanding of design principles to collaborate effectively with design teams.

Soft Skills:

  • Exceptional communication skills: Ability to articulate ideas clearly and engagingly in written form.
  • Team player: Comfortable collaborating with a creative team and contributing to a collective goal.
  • Adaptability: Capable of shifting writing styles to suit different platforms and audiences.
  • Creative thinker: Brings innovative ideas to the table for content development.
  • Detail-oriented: Keeps an eye on the nuances of grammar and style to maintain high-quality content.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 6 травня 2024
Актуально до: 5 червня 2024

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Привіт! Ми — Fedoriv Agency. Ми створюємо і розвиваємо бренди, які допомагають бізнесу радикально зростати. Для цього ми розробили унікальний підхід, в якому поєднується креатив, технології й бізнес. Ми знаходимо інноваційні, швидкі, рентабельні й ефективні рішення будь-яких задач. Ми співпрацюємо з масштабними українськими та закордонними клієнтами, а у нашій команді зібрані найкращі таланти.
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