UK Smartphone Consumer Survey

Dear participant,

As part of studying for my master’s Dissertation at Robert Gordon University. I am undertaking a research project on the trends of mobile phone sales, and a key part of that is this online survey. 

The survey has been designed to gather data on smartphone consumer buying habits, attitudes, and influences. The data gathered from this survey will be valuable in analysing the current mobile phone sales trends and help me to complete my research project.

This survey is aimed at UK smartphone consumers who purchased a new, refurbished or second-hand smartphone from a UK retailer (in-store, online or over the phone) in the past 5 years. 

Please Note: If you received your current smartphone as a hand-me-down or gift or your only smartphone was given to you by your work and you had little input on the purchase decisions for this device please do not complete this survey. 

This survey will be open to respondents until 30th October 2022.

Your participation is fully optional and voluntary. Your identity will remain fully anonymous and your comments confidential. Any data captured from this project will be kept securely and only accessible to the research student, supervisory and assessment team. 

The whole survey is likely to take around 15 minutes to complete.

Please take your time to read the questions and answer options carefully and answer the questions as truthfully as you can. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the research student (

Thank you very much for your time and sharing your views and experiences for my research!


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1. Did you purchase your current smartphone in the UK?

2. What is your current smartphone brand? *

3. What is your age?


4. How many smartphones have you owned/used on a regular ongoing basis?


5. Where did you purchase your current smartphone?


6. Where did you purchase your previous smartphone?


7. Is your current smartphone from the same Smartphone company/manufacturer as your previous phone?

(E.g. Apple, Google, Samsung, One Plus. Sony, Oppo, Huawei, Xiaomi)


8. On average, how long do you normally keep your smartphone before upgrading or replacing it?

(Please don't include like-for-like theft/loss/damage replacement smartphones when considering this question.)


9. On average, how much time do you spend on your smartphone?


10. On average, how often do you go online for any shopping-related activities? (Not just smartphones!)

These may Include but not be limited to researching new products, checking prices or features, comparing products, 'window shopping' and making purchases etc.) 

11. Please pick the option that best describes how financially impacted you have been by recent external factors:

(External factors may include but are not limited to: Inflation, Energy bills increase, Cost-of-living, Furlough, the pandemic, lay offs etc.) 


12. In general, where do you purchase the following  types of products: 

Always Online
Usually Online
Sometimes Online / Sometimes In-store
Usually In-store
Always In-store
Other Tech Devices (E.g. TVs, Tablets, Games Consoles, Speakers etc. )
Accessories (Cases, headphones, chargers etc.)
Takeaway/Fast Food

13. When you purchased your current smartphone or if you are currently considering getting a new smartphone, how important would the following factors be in your purchase decision?

Very important
Quite important
Slightly important
Not at all important
How the Smartphone looks
How useful the smartphone will be
The brand of the smartphone
New or improved features
Battery Life
Camera quality
Confirmation it will work the same as my previous smartphone
Having someone demo the phone Infront of me
Trade-in incentives for my phone
Ability to compare different models
Ability to compare different networks or tariffs
Being able to see what it looks like in pictures/videos
Being able to see how it looks like in person
Being able to physically touch/hold the smartphone before purchase
Recommendations from friends/family
Being able to check independent online reviews
Access to Customer reviews
How people will view me based on my choice of smartphone

14. If you bought your smartphone online (via website or mobile app), please pick the most influential reason for your decision to buy online rather than in-store?

If your current smartphone was bought in-store or over the phone please skip this question 

Clear selection

15. If you bought your smartphone in-store, what was the most influential reason for your buying in-store rather than online?

If your current smartphone was bought online or over the phone please skip this question 

Clear selection
16. If you bought your smartphone over the phone / from tele sales what was the main reason for purchasing that way instead of online or in-store?

If you bought your smartphone online or in-store please skip this question
Clear selection

17. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about smartphones:

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I usually stick to the same brand of smartphone
My next smartphone will likely be from the same brand as my current smartphone
I don’t have an overall preference for smartphone brands
I would consider switching smartphone brands if it could save me money
I would consider switching smartphone brands if they offered better hardware (e.g., camera, screen quality, battery life, storage etc.)
I will not be getting a phone from the same brand again

18. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

(Note: Higher value purchases are to mean anything greater than £100 in this instance)

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I’m confident using smartphones
I’m confident using computers
I’m confident using the internet for shopping purposes
I am confident in my own ability when researching smartphones to make a purchase
I rely on friend’s or family's recommendations/ advice when purchasing a new smartphone
I will look up independent reviews and info before making a high-value purchase
More of my purchases tend to be online rather than in-store.
I usually buy higher-value products online
I will read customer reviews before making a high-value purchase

19. Please answer how helpful you would find the following web features if you were looking to purchase a new smartphone online:

Very Helpful
Quite Helpful
Slightly helpful
Not helpful
Embedded video reviews for the smartphone on the retailers’ website
Included customer reviews for the smartphone on the retailers’ website
A 360° interactive virtual model of the smartphone
Live Chat with an agent from the retailer to answer questions
Blog post detailing features, specs and real life use for the smartphone
Email newsletters about new smartphones from my current smartphone brand
Email newsletters about new smartphones and airtime plans from retailers I’ve shopped from previously (In-store or online)
Adverts (Video or Images) detailing the looks and new features of the smartphone
Adverts (Video or Images) detailing price drops/sales for smartphones
Augmented Reality features to show how the smartphone would look in real life
A comparison chart where I can select my current phone vs the new phone
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