Benefitting by being in Centacare’s Alternative Education Program

Benefitting by being in Centacare’s Alternative Education Program

Education is essential for a young person’s future success. Not only does it provide the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the workforce, but it also instils important values and builds resilience. However, while the traditional school setting may work well for many students, there are some who require a different approach to education. In this feature, we showcase Meesha, a young student who has benefitted greatly, since enrolling in Centacare’s Alternative Education Program.

“I wasn’t really going to school much. I tried to go back to school here and there. It just didn’t work out for me – I tried. I tried to go back to my mainstream school, it didn’t work out. I tried to go to another alternative school, it didn’t work out,” Meesha said.

“Then this year, I heard about this place [Centacare]. I came in to check the place out, and it was very welcoming, chilled out and relaxed environment. It’s not necessarily like a school environment at all. Because of that, that’s when I thought ‘I’ll give it a try’,” she elaborated.

And she has had a really good time since being at Centacare, particularly highlighting the flexibility of the AEP program.

“It’s been really good. They’re very flexible with the times you can be here, like you don’t have to be here for a full school day,” she said.

Meesha has made some significant progress since being at Centacare.

“I started off in the Introduction course, where we would do worksheets, which felt a bit more like work at the start – but it was all good and easy going. Now, I’ve been doing writing journals and they make it like activities. It’s very enjoyable,” she said.

Meesha can see the benefits by being at Centacare.

“Being at Centacare has benefitted me, because I haven’t been to school in so long. I started writing and doing my work, and I realised ‘wow I am pretty smart’. And also because I want to have better opportunities with the jobs I want to get and the courses that I want to do. Obviously to do that, you want to year 10 certificate or Cert I,” she said.

She now has grand plans for her future.

“I do want to do the full beauty course to see what I like within that area. Later in my 20s, my goal is to be a Youth Worker,” she said.

By providing young people with a safe and supportive learning space, Centacare’s Alternative Education Program allows students to improve their life, literacy and numeracy skills as well as prepares them for pathways to employment, training or further study.

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