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August 05, 2022
17 min watch

VIDEO: ‘We need to do more’ to attain HBV elimination

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In a Healio video exclusive, Chari Cohen, DrPH, MPH, president of the Hepatitis B Foundation, and Jeff Baxter, president and CEO of VBI Vaccines, shared insights on the latest efforts in HBV treatment and prevention.

“Hepatitis B is an underprioritized and underappreciated disease around the world,” Cohen said. “With so many people who have chronic hepatitis B infection, and almost a million people who die every year from hepatitis B-related liver disease, it always amazes me how little we talk about it and how little resources there are to get people vaccinated, screened and into care and treatment. We need to do more; we need to make sure that people who have hepatitis B are at the table.”

“We're in a very exciting time in terms of science and in terms of clinical development,” Baxter added. “Hepatitis B is one of the most contagious diseases and prior to COVID, it was the most contagious of all of the common viruses. I agree with Chari: Screening, vaccination and let us, as an industry, work as fast as we can towards a functional cure.”