A Juneteenth Reading List

Posted by Cybil on June 18, 2021

Juneteenth, observed on June 19th each year, is an American holiday commemorating the day in 1865 when the last enslaved people in Galveston, Texas, were told by Union soldiers that they were free—more than two years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

Here is a small selection of newly published nonfiction books, from histories to essays to biographies, to read when observing, learning about, or reflecting on Juneteenth. Scroll over the book covers for more information on each title and be sure to add the titles that pique your interest to your Want to Read shelf

Do you have a Juneteenth recommendation for your fellow readers? Share it with us in the comments below.

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Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by H. (new)

H. This is such a wonderful recommendation list. I really loved Wandering in Strange Lands. It's probably my favorite memoir of all time. Barracoon and Stony the Road are exceptional, too.

message 2: by TMR (new)

TMR Such important books for such an important day.

message 3: by John (new)

John Looks like an outstanding collection of books. I can't wait to read many of these. Good reading friends.

message 4: by Nadia (new)

Nadia I'm looking forward to A Black Women's History... It should be quite Enlightening & Uplifting!

message 5: by Kaora (new)

Kaora Thank you for sharing these!

message 6: by Valerie (new)

Valerie This looks like a good way to start the celebration!

message 7: by Carly (new)

Carly Cretney Petersen These are great, I added all the ones that were not already on my want to read list.
I appreciate that Goodreads put this list together.

message 8: by Michelle (new)

Michelle I just finished How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America by Clint Smith. I couldn't think of a more fitting read for this holiday. Highly recommend.

message 9: by Raymond (new)

Raymond I've read six of these books and I highly recommend five of them:
-Four Hundred Souls
-Frederick Douglass
-Stony the Road
-I'm Still Here

Looking forward to reading a few of these other books on the list, thanks Goodreads.

message 10: by Raymond (new)

Raymond Michelle wrote: "I just finished How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America by Clint Smith. I couldn't think of a more fitting read for this hol..."

Michelle!! I can't wait to read Smith's book.

message 11: by Josebud (new)

Josebud Great reading list Raymond! I just finished "The Sum of Us" which I learned about from your review. I was very informative and powerful. Also, just finished "From Here to Equality" which was about reparations for Black Americans. Also outstanding!
I love looking at your reviews and appreciate the quantity of books you digest! Thanks again.

message 12: by M (new)

M Thank you for this incredible list!

message 13: by Raymond (new)

Raymond Josebud wrote: "Great reading list Raymond! I just finished "The Sum of Us" which I learned about from your review. I was very informative and powerful. Also, just finished "From Here to Equality" which was about ..."

Thanks Josebud!! I've heard good things about "From Here to Equality", I'll have to check it out.

message 14: by Tami (new)

Tami Pourin' Down Rain: A Black Woman Claims Her Place in the Canadian West
by Cheryl Foggo

message 15: by Holly (new)

Holly Additional suggestions:

We Were Eight Years in Power
At the Dark End of the Street
Killing the Black Body
Our Eyes Were Watching God
"What to the Slave is the Fourth of July" - Frederick Douglass - https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4h...
Hood Feminism
The Fire This Time
I Am Not Your Negro
Black Jacobins
Black Feminist Thought
The Warmth of Other Suns
The Burning
The New Jim Crow
Sister Outsider
Freedom is a Constant Struggle
The Hate U Give
Hidden Figures
Between the World and Me

message 16: by Lucas. (new)

Lucas. Kotomski. Thanks for clearing stuff up! "Juneteenth" now makes more sense as a holiday.

message 17: by Douglas (new)

Douglas Nadia wrote: "I'm looking forward to A Black Women's History... It should be quite Enlightening & Uplifting!"

It is

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