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Oil palm and biodiversity:
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Oil palm and biodiversity:
Company commitments and
reporting in 2020

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Published: September 2021
Version: 1
Authors: Annabelle Dodson, Eleanor Spencer, David Johnston
Zoological Society of London
Citation: Dodson, A., Spencer, E., Johnston, D. (2021). The state of palm oil company reporting on biodiversity. SPOTT. London:
Zoological Society of London.
Available at:
Image credits: Shutterstock, Unsplash, Ian Markham, Suzanne Robberegt, Nazarizal Mohammad, David Johnston
Developed by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), SPOTT is a free online platform supporting sustainable commodity production and
trade. By tracking transparency, SPOTT incentivises the implementation of corporate best practice.
SPOTT assesses commodity producers, processors and traders on their public disclosure regarding their organisation, policies and
practices related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. SPOTT scores tropical forestry, palm oil companies and natural
rubber annually against over 100 sector-specific indicators to benchmark their progress over time. Investors, buyers and other key
influencers can use SPOTT assessments to inform stakeholder engagement, manage ESG risk, and increase transparency
across multiple industries.
For more information, visit
About ZSL
ZSL (Zoological Society of London) is an international conservation charity working to create a world where wildlife thrives. From
investigating the health threats facing animals to helping people and wildlife live alongside each other, ZSL is committed to bringing
wildlife back from the brink of extinction. Our work is realised through our ground-breaking science, our field conservation around the
world and engaging millions of people through our two zoos, ZSL London Zoo and ZSL Whipsnade Zoo.
This publication was funded with the generous
support of the David and Lucile Packard
Foundation, UK aid from the UK government,
the Good Energies Foundation, and Norway's
International Climate and Forest Initiative
(NICFI), however, the views expressed do not
necessarily reflect the views of these donors.
The information in this publication, which does not purport to be comprehensive, is for illustrative and informational purposes only.
While this publication has been written in good faith it does not constitute investment advice nor does it provide recommendation
regarding any particular security or course of action. This report and the information therein is derived from selected public sources.
ZSL expressly disclaims any responsibility for the opinions expressed by external contributors in this publication. The opinions expressed
by ZSL are current opinions as of the date appearing in this material only and are subject to change without notice. No representation,
warranty, assurance or undertaking express or implied is being made that any account, product, or strategy in particular will or is likely
to achieve profits, losses, or results similar to those discussed, if any. ZSL expressly disclaims any liability arising from
use of this publication and its contents.

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Executive summary
• We are facing a global biodiversity crisis, which threatens not only our
health, food systems and economies, but all life on our planet.
• The Fifteenth Conference of the Parties for the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD COP-15), to be held in 2021 and 2022, is
drawing much-needed attention to this biodiversity crisis, and it is
vital that this conference provides a real turning point in global efforts
to mitigate it. However, any efforts will depend heavily on the private
sector playing its part in demanding safeguards for biodiversity.
• Unsustainable palm oil production plays a significant role in
biodiversity loss in tropical forests, and this must be a focus area for
both the industry and its stakeholders to remedy. In order to do this,
palm oil companies and their financiers and buyers must all inform
themselves of the current state of commitments and efforts from
upstream companies to tackle biodiversity loss, and where serious
improvements are needed.
• This analysis draws on data from the 2020 SPOTT assessments of 100
palm oil producers, processors and traders, to provide an overview
of their disclosure of commitments and progress on biodiversity
protection. Findings indicate that although the majority of upstream
palm oil companies assessed on SPOTT commit to protecting
biodiversity, most fall short in reporting on implementation.
• While 71% of companies commit to conducting HCV assessments
before new development, only 23% have publicly available High
Conservation Value (HCV) assessments and management and
monitoring (M&M) plans for all estates planted since January 2015.
• Less than half of companies report multiple, externally verified
examples of species and/or habitat conservation management in their
set-aside areas or in the surrounding landscape, or describe activities
with stakeholders to support positive environmental or social
outcomes associated with palm oil production.
• ZSL recommends a range of actions to better-protect biodiversity in
oil palm landscapes. It is the responsibility of all actors involved –
from the producer through to its downstream buyers, investors and
lenders – to ensure clear and robust policies on protecting species
and landscapes are in place as a first step, but then crucially, to ensure
these are followed up with the implementation of concrete and
effective actions on the ground.
• We appeal to buyers and financial institutions, who are exposed to
the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks of palm oil
companies and can exercise considerable influence over
their management, to:
• Quantify and disclose their palm oil exposure.
• Publish ESG commitments and implementation activities, and
demand upstream supply chain actors to do the same.
• Incorporate biodiversity impact mitigation into all
decision-making processes.

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Oil palm and biodiversity: Company commitments and reporting in 2020

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Box 1: Defining biodiversity
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defines
biodiversity as the "variability among living organisms
from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and
other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of
which they are part; this includes diversity within species,
between species and of ecosystems." ¹
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
describes biodiversity – the diversity of life on earth – as
"integral to a healthy and stable environment. Diversity
of life ensures environmental resilience, provides humans
with the life systems on which they rely, and enriches
life on earth." ²
Oil palm and biodiversity

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Life on our planet is declining faster now than at any other point
in human history.³ ZSL and WWF’s latest Living Planet Report,
which provides a measure of the state of global biodiversity,
determined that humans reduced the world's wildlife
populations by more than two thirds during a period of just 50
years, between 1970 and 2016.⁴ This extremely grave finding
is yet more evidence that we are facing a crisis on a global scale.
While governments, businesses, financiers and the public are
growing more aware of the risks that declining biodiversity
poses and what it means not just for nature, but for societies
and economies across the globe, urgent action is required to
slow down the mass extinction of Earth’s wildlife.
Biodiversity (see box 1) underpins our economies at local,
national and global levels. According to the World Economic
Forum, approximately $44 trillion USD of economic value
generation (over half of the world’s total GDP) is at least
moderately or highly dependent on ecosystem services, and
transitioning to more nature-positive models could deliver
$10.1 trillion USD in business opportunities, and 395 million
jobs by 2030.⁵ The recent Dasgupta review on the Economics
of Biodiversity, commissioned by the UK Treasury, has provided
further evidence for this discussion, laying out clearly the failure
of current systems to properly value, invest in and protect
nature, and the global economic imperative of doing so from
now on: “Just as diversity within a portfolio of financial assets
reduces risk and uncertainty, so diversity within a portfolio of
natural assets increases nature’s resilience to shocks, reducing
the risks to nature’s services. Reduce biodiversity, and nature
and humanity suffer.” ⁶
Financial institutions should be aware not only of their exposure
to biodiversity-related risks, but also that their financing
decisions may have serious impacts on nature and humanity.
While measuring these impacts is complex, investment and
lending approaches seeking to address biodiversity loss
are gaining prominence.⁷ A recent study by Credit Suisse
and Responsible Investor, based on the survey responses
of 327 asset owners and asset managers, found that 67%
reported they are addressing biodiversity to some extent
in their portfolios (mostly through screening or
engagement), and more than half thought that biodiversity
would be one of the most important topics in the investment
community by 2030.⁸ The launch of the Taskforce on Nature-
related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) in June 2021 is also a
clear sign that the risks of not protecting biodiversity are being
taken seriously by major corporate and financial-sector actors.
Additionally, September 2020 saw the launch of the ‘Finance for
Biodiversity Pledge’, along with a call on global leaders to agree
to effective measures to reverse nature loss. The 37 financial
institutions which have signed the pledge since its launch
represent over €4.8 trillion EUR in assets and have committed
to protect and restore biodiversity through their finance
activities and investments.⁹
One major milestone that is drawing attention to the
biodiversity crisis is the Fifteenth Conference of the Parties for
the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP-15), to be held
in 2021 and 2022, at which the Parties are expected to adopt a
post-2020 global biodiversity framework for 2021-2030. Given
that not one of the Aichi Biodiversity targets set for 2011-2020
was fully met, and that the Intergovernmental Science-Policy
Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has
warned that 25% of assessed species are at risk of extinction
within the next decade,³ it is vital that COP-15 provides a real
turning point in global efforts to mitigate this crisis. However,
any efforts will depend heavily on the private sector playing its
part in demanding safeguards for biodiversity.
Company commitments and reporting in 2020
ZSL's Living Planet Index (LPI) tracks the abundance of
almost 21,000 populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles
and amphibians around the world. The 2020 global LPI
shows an average 68% decline in monitored populations
between 1970 and 2016 (range: -73% to -62%).

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Palm oil and the biodiversity crisis
Palm oil is a useful and versatile commodity globally, and
the industry provides employment and supports economic
development in several countries. However, unsustainable oil
palm cultivation has serious social and environmental costs,
including various direct and indirect impacts on biodiversity.
This not only threatens individual species with extinction, but
also puts at risk the ecosystem services biodiversity underpins,
such as nutrient cycling, water purification, climate regulation
and the provision of food, fuels, and medicines. In Indonesia
and Malaysia in particular the impacts have been severe,
with unsustainable palm oil production contributing to the
depletion of crucial habitat such as the Leuser ecosystem in
Sumatra, and to major declines in populations of orangutans,
gibbons, rhinos, tigers and elephants, among other species.
As oil palm plantations expand increasingly into new frontiers,
particularly within Africa and South America, these impacts
will continue to stack up. According to the IUCN, oil palm
cultivation already threatens at least 193 species listed as
Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable, and its
future expansion has the potential to affect 39%, 54%, and
64% respectively of all threatened amphibians,
mammals and birds.¹⁰
Direct impacts
The IPBES reports that land-use change has had the largest
negative impact on global biodiversity loss and ecosystem
degradation since 1970, with agricultural expansion the
most common form of land-use change.³ Oil palm cultivation
has played a major role in the decline of species diversity
and abundance, primarily through the associated clearing
of natural forests. Land clearance destroys and fragments
forest ecosystems, leaving small and isolated forest patches
with remnant plant and animal populations. This leads
to substantially reduced genetic variation in remaining
populations.¹¹ Forest fragments are also left more exposed
to ‘edge effects’ – such as changes in microclimate, canopy
structure, species abundance and composition, and increased
exposure to human disturbance – meaning they continue to
degrade further and more quickly than larger areas of forest.
These fragments support fewer species, with forest specialists,
endemics (i.e. species that globally only occur in a particular
area), large-range species and species of conservation
concern suffering the greatest impacts.¹² Sumatran tigers
are one example of such species, and are now believed
to number as few as 290 individuals in the wild, split into
smaller populations that are isolated from each other and so
cannot inter-breed. It is possible only two robust breeding
populations of Sumatran tigers remain in the world.¹³ Oil palm
plantations themselves also support far fewer species than
natural forests – one review of studies in Malaysia suggested
that 80 percent of the species found in forest habitats were
not found in oil palm concessions.¹⁴
The use of fire to clear land also contributes significantly to
ecosystem degradation, as well as releasing vast amounts of
carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere, especially when carbon-rich peatland is burned.
Various other aspects of palm oil production can contribute
to emissions, including use of fertilisers and Palm Oil Mill
Effluent (POME) ponds. Thus, the direct impacts of tropical
forest clearance and palm oil production on biodiversity
are compounded by the cumulative impacts of the climate
changes these activities contribute to, which are already
demonstrably affecting ecosystems and species in the tropics.
Other direct impacts of unsustainable palm oil production
include pollution caused by run-off of chemical fertilisers
and pesticides from plantations, and increased erosion and
changes to the ecology of soils.
Indirect impacts
Various indirect impacts result from changes in the behaviour
of people and wildlife that unsustainable development of oil
palm can lead to.
The displacement of animals from their natural habitats
often brings them into conflict with people, as they move
into plantations or inhabited areas in search of food or when
moving between isolated forest patches. This human-wildlife
conflict can lead to wildlife being harassed, injured or killed,
and indeed has been a major contributor to the decline in
orangutan populations. One study across 687 villages in
Kalimantan, Indonesia, found an average of 1,950–3,100
orangutans killed per year due to conflict and hunting.¹⁵
Hunting is another major impact that can result from oil palm
development, although the drivers behind it can be varied
and complex. Communities living in or near tropical forests
may depend on hunting for subsistence purposes, and if oil
palm development removes or reduces their access to other
food sources without providing them with food security, the
hunting pressure on local species may increase. Equally, this
local hunting pressure can be increased by the movement
of oil palm plantation workers into previously less populated
areas, if company employees hunt in and around concessions.
The wildlife trade is another powerful driver of hunting in
tropical forest landscapes, and certain species are particularly
in demand, making them more vulnerable to this threat. The
development of road infrastructure into forest areas for oil
palm development makes access to wildlife easier for hunters,
as well as increasing the likelihood of wildlife being killed by
vehicles. One study found that the most common cause of
animal death in oil palm landscapes was due to illegal hunting,
both for subsistence purposes and the illegal wildlife trade.¹⁶
Oil palm and biodiversity

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Pushing for industry progress
Simply avoiding the use of palm oil and replacing it
with alternatives is not currently a viable solution.
Demand for vegetable oils is high and continuing to
grow quickly, and given the relative efficiency of the oil
palm’s yield per hectare compared with other major
oil crops – oil palm produces approximately 35% of
vegetable oils globally, on <10% of the land given to oil
crops – meeting this demand without palm oil would
likely require a significant increase in the global land area
used for vegetable oil production.¹⁷ This would expand
and displace many environmental and social impacts
rather than removing them, and could increase overall
biodiversity loss. Palm oil sustainability is therefore
crucial, and all stakeholders in the industry must ensure
they are working to minimise the environmental and
social risks linked with its production. In addition to the
clear conservation and human rights imperatives for
improving palm oil sustainability, a failure to minimise
negative impacts on biodiversity also exposes producers
– and their downstream buyers and investors – to
reputational, physical, market, legal and financial risks.¹⁸
In recent years, a range of approaches have been
committed to by palm oil companies and their
stakeholders to try and improve sustainability within
the industry. This report provides an overview of the
disclosure of commitments and progress on biodiversity
protection by palm oil companies assessed on SPOTT
in 2020, and provides recommendations for producers,
downstream companies and financial institutions.
Company commitments and reporting in 2020

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i. See more on SPOTT here: ii. See SPOTT's assessment criteria here: iii.For example, see recent
evaluation of certifications schemes by Greenpeace International, and EIA
International reports on auditing processes under the RSPO
(see box 2)
Collaboration with stakeholders to reduce negative environmental or social outcomes
associated with palm oil production
Conservation set-aside area, including HCV area (ha)
Implementing a landscape or jurisdictional level approach
Commitment to biodiversity conservation
Identified species of conservation concern, referencing international or national sys-
tem of species classification
Examples of species and/or habitat conservation management
Commitment to no hunting or only sustainable hunting of species
Commitment to conduct High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments
High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments for all estates planted since January 2015 Practice
High Conservation Value (HCV) management and monitoring plans for all estates
planted since January 2015
Commitment to only use licensed High Conservation Value (HCV) assessors accredit-
ed by the HCV Resource Network's Assessor Licensing Scheme (ALS)
Satisfactory review of all High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments undertaken
since January 2015 by the HCV ALS Quality Panel
SPOTT reporting 2020 – indicators and analysis
SPOTTi is a free online platform that assesses forest-risk
commodity companies on their public disclosure regarding their
organisation, policies, and practices related to environmental,
social and governance (ESG) issues.¹⁹ SPOTT scores palm oil,
natural rubber and tropical forestry companies annually against
over 100 sector-specific indicators. This supports constructive
industry engagement with the industry by investors, ESG
analysts, buyers and other supply chain stakeholders – those
with the power to influence companies to increase disclosures
and improve their practices on the ground.
This analysis draws on data from the 2020 SPOTT assessments
of 100 palm oil producers, processors and traders. Arguably,
most of the 180 indicators companies were assessed against
on SPOTT in 2020 have implications for the protection of
biodiversity. For this analysis, however, this report focuses
on those most linked to direct management and monitoring
of biodiversity and habitats. The following SPOTT palm oil
indicators from the 2020 framework have been
used for this analysis:
The SPOTT results show that companies vary significantly in
the transparency and strength of their sustainability reporting.
To allow SPOTT users to better understand where companies
currently are and how they are progressing, indicators are
separated into three groups: Organisation, Policy and Practice.
The SPOTT indicator framework places emphasis on assessing
progress reported by companies in implementing individual
commitments, differentiating between two levels of reporting
on implementation: self-reported practice and externally
verified practice. Within these Practice indicators, ZSL places
greater weight on externally verified information, while still
rewarding companies for self-reported progress.
For a number of Practice indicators that align with the RSPO
Principles & Criteria (see box 3), growers that have any land
certified under the RSPO automatically receive one full point
for progress that is externally verified. Some Policy indicators
are also awarded automatic points based on RSPO certification
if the company is an RSPO member and has at least 75% of its
landbank RSPO-certified, and a time-bound commitment to
certify its remaining landbank within five years.
The focus of the SPOTT assessments is on the transparency
of informafion, as this is key to sustainability in forest-risk
commodity producfion. The following results therefore only
consider policies and reporfing that are made publicly available
and meet the assessment criteria.ii It should be kept in mind that
there may be cases where a company does not score points for
an indicator but does in fact have a relevant policy or acfivifies
in place that it has not made publicly available.
Oil palm and biodiversity

Page 10
Box 3: Certification and biodiversity
Certification has become a widely used tool for tackling
environmental and social impacts associated with
forest-risk commodities, including palm oil. Views vary
on the effectiveness both of individual schemes and of
certification as an approach, and there are significant
challenges that still need addressing, particularly
regarding assurance and auditing.iii However, while it
cannot provide a full solution in itself, certification is a
key tool for improving sustainability in the palm oil sector,
and one which all relevant stakeholders should keep
working to improve.
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is the
largest global certification scheme for sustainable palm
oil, currently with over 5,000 members and certifying 19%
of the world’s palm oil. The RSPO Principles and Criteria
(P&C) 2018, against which producers are audited, cover
multiple elements relevant to biodiversity conservation,
including requirements for no deforestation and the
protection of HCV and HCS forest, no clearing of land
using fire, and reducing the use of chemical pesticides.
According to a 2019 comparison by IUCN NL²⁰ of the five
standards with the biggest market share in certified palm
oil production, the RSPO P&C 2018 scored the highest in
terms of biodiversity protection and level of assurance.
This was followed by International Sustainability and
Carbon Certification’s (ISCC) EU and Plus certification
systems, and the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN)
2017 standard. The Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO)
and Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) standards
were scored as the weakest.
Box 2: SPOTT Indicator Framework
Organisation: The transparency and content of
company disclosure regarding its operations, assets and
management structure.
Policy: The transparency and content of company
disclosure regarding the policies, commitments and
processes it has to guide its operations and practices
on the ground.
Practice: The transparency and content of company
disclosure regarding activities it undertakes, in order to
actively progress towards its targets and implement its
policies and commitments on the ground.
• Self-reported: Information that has been reported by
the company, without external verification
• Externally verified: Information reported by the
company has been verified by a second or third-party,
or has been audited by a certification body.
Company commitments and reporting in 2020

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How are upstream palm oil companies protecting biodiversity?
The majority – 54/79 (68%) – of companies assessed on SPOTT
make a commitment to biodiversity conservation within
their own operations. However, few report clearly on the
activities relating to the implementation of this commitment.
Biodiversity protection requires a whole range of approaches,
from setting aside important areas within a concession
boundary, to habitat management and restoration, species
monitoring and stakeholder engagement. Below we explore in
more detail how companies assessed on SPOTT are putting this
commitment into practice.
Identifying Conservation Priorities
In order to protect biodiversity from the impacts of oil palm
development, a producer must first thoroughly survey and
identify key species, habitats and ecosystem services in and
around its concession area. This is crucial for determining what
conservation management practices are needed, as well as to
provide baseline data for assessing their effectiveness in the
future. Just over half of companies assessed (43/79; 54%) have
identified species of conservation concern within or around
their operational area, referencing an appropriate system
of classification (see box 4), and have had this information
externally verified. A further eight companies (10%) have
identified species but without external verification of the data.
Before continuing with any development, a company must
first set aside important areas for conservation, to ensure they
are not included in clearance, planting or construction. Areas
can be set aside for many different reasons, such as to protect
endangered species, standing forest, water courses or fragile
soils, or to maintain connections between other protected
areas, and collectively this set-aside land is a valuable
conservation asset. In total, 48/79 (61%) companies report
recenti figures on their landbank set aside for conservation,
totalling almost 1 million hectares. On average this represents
14% of these companies’ reported total landbanks controlled
for palm oil production.
A key framework for assessing and deciding upon which areas
to set aside is the High Conservation Value (HCV) approach
(see box 5). The HCV approach has widespread recognition
in the palm oil sector – 56/79 (71%) companies commit to
conducting HCV assessments before new development.
Box 4: Classification of species’ conservation status
There are various systems for classifying the conservation status of species, and it is important that palm oil companies use an
appropriate system when assessing species found in their operations.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species is the world’s most comprehensive
information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species, and is a robust classification system for palm
oil companies to refer to. The Red List provides information about range, population size, habitat and ecology, use and/or trade,
threats, and conservation actions that will help inform necessary conservation decisions. It divides species into nine categories: Not
Evaluated, Data Deficient, Least Concern, Near Threatened, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered, Extinct in the Wild and
Extinct. Currently, there are more than 35,500 species listed as threatened with extinction on the IUCN Red List.²¹
The IUCN’s Regional and National Red Lists provide an equivalent method to assess the conservation status of species but at a
more granular local, national or regional scale. These can also be very valuable for informing species assessment, management and
monitoring in oil palm concessions.²²
CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an inter-governmental agreement
aiming to ensure that international trade in wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. There are currently 183 parties
to CITES, protecting over 38,700 species against over-exploitation through international trade. Species are listed in three CITES
Appendices, according to how threatened they are by international trade and the degree of protection they need. Appendix I includes
species threatened with extinction, where trade is permitted only in exceptional circumstances. Appendix II includes species not
necessarily threatened with extinction, but in which trade must be controlled in order to avoid utilization incompatible with their
survival. Appendix III contains species that are protected in at least one country, which has asked other CITES Parties for assistance in
controlling the trade. Classifying species by CITES Appendices is another useful way in which palm oil companies can
indicate conservation status.²³
i. ‘Recent’ here meaning data not more than two years old at the time of assessment.
10 Oil palm and biodiversity

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However, evidence of this approach being implemented is
much lower – only 16/69 (23%) companies assessed clearly
have publicly available HCV assessments for all estates
planted since January 2015. This figure is higher for RSPO
grower members (15/36, 42%), but still concerningly low
given the emphasis RSPO membership and certification
places on transparency.
In 2014, the HCV Network launched the Assessor Licensing
Scheme (ALS) (see box 5), to help ensure the quality of HCV
assessments. Having a satisfactory review confirms that the
reports are of sufficient quality and meet key criteria, such
as ensuring the methodology used to identify HCVs was
adequate. Without robust identification of HCVs, negative
impacts on biodiversity and local people cannot be properly
managed. Again, we see here a disparity between company
commitments and results – 48/79 (61%) companies commit
to only use licensed HCV assessors accredited by the ALS, but
only 15/69 (22%) have a review marked as ‘satisfactory’ by
the ALS for all of their HCV assessments.
Box 5: The HCV approach
The concept of ‘High Conservation Value’ (HCV) areas was first used in forestry, but is now widely implemented across various soft-
commodity sectors, and is a key component of several voluntary certification schemes, including the RSPO.
The HCV approach is a practical tool for identifying and protecting biological, ecological, social and cultural values ‘of outstanding
significance or importance’ in production landscapes, and incorporates a precautionary approach and consideration of the wider
landscape context within which HCVs are identified. There are six categories used to classify HCVs:
HCV 1: Concentrations of biological diversity, including rare, threatened or endangered species
HCV 2: Landscape-level ecosystems and mosaics, including intact forest landscapes
HCV 3: Rare, threatened, or endangered ecosystems, habitats or refugia
HCV 4: Basic ecosystem services in critical situations, including water catchments
HCV 5: Sites and resources fundamental for satisfying the basic necessities of local communities or indigenous peoples
HCV 6: Sites, resources, habitats and landscapes of global or national cultural, archaeological or historical significance
The HCV Network²⁴ is a member-based organisation that oversees development and coordination of the HCV approach, providing
guidance and quality-checking. The HCV Network runs the Assessor Licensing Scheme (ALS), which issues licenses to HCV and HCV-
HCSA assessors, and monitors the quality of their reports through desk-based evaluation by a Quality Panel. HCV reports must obtain
a ‘Satisfactory’ marking, with three attempts to attain a satisfactory outcome permitted per report. Since 2015, the RSPO has required
its oil palm grower members to hire licensed assessors to conduct HCV assessments before any new planting can be undertaken, and
under the 2018 P&C, growers are required to undertake integrated HCV/HCSA assessments.²⁵
Company commitments and reporting in 2020

Page 13
Management and monitoring
Once conservation areas have been set aside, effective
management and regular monitoring is needed to ensure that
these areas do not degrade over time, and that their critical
environmental and social values are maintained or enhanced.
Adaptive management, in which conservation management
activities are informed by monitoring outputs, is an important
part of this. It allows plans to be regularly reviewed to assess
their effectiveness, and adjusted to respond to changing
circumstances or new findings, to ensure the most appropriate
management activities are used.²⁶ This can also help to reduce
company costs and ensure optimal use of resources.
As part of the HCV approach, the findings of an HCV
assessment should be used to design and implement HCV
management and monitoring (M&M) plans to ensure
identified HCVs continue to be maintained or enhanced.i
Disclosure of HCV M&M plans helps key stakeholders,
including downstream buyers and financiers, understand
how companies are implementing their commitments to
protect HCV areas and the biodiversity they support. Only
15/36 (42%) RSPO grower members, and only 16/69 (23%)
companies assessed overall, have publicly available HCV
M&M plans or recommendations summaries for all estates
planted since January 2015. An additional eight companies
(12%) have externally verified HCV management and
monitoring plans or recommendation summaries covering
some new plantings, or not clearly covering
all new plantings.
Both within and outside of HCV areas, companies should aim
to maintain the quality of natural habitat and protect species
in any areas under their management. However, only 39/79
(49%) companies report multiple, recent and externally
verified examples of species and/or habitat conservation
management in their set-aside areas or in the surrounding
landscape. A further seven (9%) report comprehensive, self-
reported information.
‘No Hunting’ policies should extend across the entire scope
of a company’s operations, from plantations to conservation
areas, and should allow for sustainable hunting by local
communities for subsistence purposes that does not cause
decline of local species populations, if appropriate. Only
30/79 (38%) companies commit to no hunting of all species
or only sustainable hunting by local communities for
subsistence purposes, while 16 companies (20%) make a
weaker commitment, either not covering all operations
(e.g. commitment only covers HCV areas) or not covering all
species (e.g. protected species only).
i Detailed guidance for the management and monitoring of HCVs is provided by the HCVRN (Brown & Senior 2014). Brown, E. and M.J.M. Senior. 2014
(September). Common Guidance for the Management and Monitoring of High Conservation Values. HCV Resource Network.
12 Oil palm and biodiversity

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Patrols and on-the-ground monitoring
Implementing regular and thorough patrols of priority areas
is an important management and monitoring tool, and from
a review of company reporting on relevant indicators the ZSL
team found at least 23 of the 46 (50%) companies reporting
comprehensively on species and habitat management
mention conducting patrols as part of their management
of conservation set-aside areas, with 14 (30%) of these
specifically mentioning this as part of their strategy to
implement their no hunting policies.
One way to maximise the effectiveness of patrols is through
the use of SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool),²⁷
developed by a partnership of conservation agencies,
including ZSL. SMART was originally developed to support
protected area monitoring and management, and enables
the collection, storage, communication, and evaluation of
ranger-based data. Information on patrol efforts – such as
time spent, areas visited and distance covered – helps to
improve efficiency of patrols, and patrol results and threat
levels help to improve protection of wildlife and their habitats.
The SMART approach involves use of free SMART software
alongside capacity building and site-based protection
standards,²⁸ and SMART’s mobile data collection capabilities
allow rangers to easily gather needed data. ZSL also developed
the HCV Threat Monitoring Protocol, to be used in conjunction
with SMART, as a way to systematically monitor all HCV
areas using standardised patrol methods to identify and
analyse threats and understand the species present to help
meaningfully manage HCV areas.²⁹ This system has been
shown to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness
of HCV management.
Community engagement
A critical and often under-utilised tool for monitoring and
managing biodiversity and set-aside areas is the meaningful
consideration and inclusion of local communities in the
process.³⁰ Local people living in or near set-aside areas should
be involved in both the development and implementation
of management and monitoring plans, and ongoing, clear
communication is key. As a minimum, communities should
be thoroughly informed of areas designated as conservation
set-asides and what this means in practice. In many
cases communities may be well-positioned to support on
management activities if they are willing to, such as patrolling
set-aside boundaries, monitoring species populations, or
reporting signs of encroachment. This is more complicated
where community needs may conflict with biodiversity
protection – for example, if a company concession contains
Company commitments and reporting in 2020

Page 15
endangered species (HCV 1), but these are also important as
a food source for local community members (HCV 5). In cases
such as these, it is particularly important that development of
management approaches fully includes the local community,
and a range of measures may be needed to properly protect
both HCVs³⁰ – for example, in this case, by combining
awareness-building and anti-hunting measures with provision
of appropriate sources of alternative protein. Of the 46 SPOTT
companies reporting comprehensively on species and habitat
management, 26 (57%) explicitly report implementing some
form of community engagement as part of this.
Remote sensing
Remote sensing can be particularly useful for monitoring
HCVs 2 and 3, though can also be used to monitor the habitat
of HCV 1 species and in some cases the status of HCV 4.³¹ A
number of platforms exist to help with this, such as Global
Forest Watch, Satelligence, Starling and MapHubs, and some
companies have built their own monitoring platforms. This
type of technology can be used to monitor changes in land
cover and detect disturbances such as non-compliant forest
clearance or fires, and satellite or drone imagery can in some
cases help to record species sightings or support in estimating
population sizes. Remote sensing analysis should be followed
up by ground truthing to ensure the data has been interpreted
correctly.i Of the 46 companies reporting comprehensively,
only 18 (39%) report using remote sensing or mapping data as
part of their species and habitat management.
Landscape-level approaches
Landscape-level management approaches, which involve
governments, companies, communities and other key
stakeholders across a landscape, are crucial for protecting
species and ecosystems both within and beyond the
boundaries of company concessions. They can help maintain
and enhance HCV areas beyond concession boundaries, taking
into account habitat connectivity, species movement, water
catchments and other landscape-level factors.³² Research by
SENSOR suggests that forest fragments less than 1,000 ha
in size support only 50% of forest animal species,³³ and as
conservation areas within a company’s palm oil operations can
be relatively small and fragmented, it is important to connect
these habitats to each other and to the wider landscape in
order to support viable genetic populations and large-range
species. These ‘wildlife corridors’ also reduce the chances
of human-wildlife conflict, by allowing species to travel
undisturbed between forest patches without having to cross
plantation areas or villages. Protection of peatland is also
more effective when done at a landscape scale, as the entire
peat dome is connected and must be maintained as a whole
to prevent degradation.³⁰ A total of 47/100 (47%) companies
assessed on SPOTT incorporate consideration of a landscape
approach, though the majority of these are awarded points
due to their RSPO certification status. Only eight companies
explicitly refer to incorporating a landscape approach, and
only two of these have this information externally verified
by a second or third-party separately from RSPO certification.
Given the urgent need for landscape approaches in palm oil
production landscapes, and particularly considering their
collaborative nature, this is a discouraging trend to see.
Collaboration on conservation efforts with other stakeholders
outside the supply chain – such as governments, NGOs
and academic institutions – can allow for more effective
conservation and scaling up of impacts, as well as providing
companies with significant benefits in access to relevant
expertise, and cost and time savings through the sharing of
efforts and management responsibilities.³⁰
Landscape or jurisdictional approaches, for example,
depend upon strong collaboration with local government,
communities, and other companies operating in the area. At
a smaller scale, working with communities within or adjacent
to company concessions to patrol and protect HCV set-
asides is another important form of collaboration. Another
example would be working with a university or specialist
NGO to study an endangered species or habitat within the
company’s concession – this allows gathering of valuable data
to inform conservation research, but can also provide the
company with important insight for their management and
monitoring efforts. Despite these important benefits, less
than half (45/100; 45%) of companies describe activities with
stakeholders (governments/NGOs/academic institutions)
to support positive environmental or social outcomes
associated with palm oil production, such as conservation
projects, jurisdictional approaches, sectoral initiatives, multi-
stakeholder or community collaborations, or strengthening
of certification schemes.
Leading companies should also share their knowledge of
effective M&M strategies with others, to help growers
overcome challenges in managing HCVs. This can be done
through training programmes and mentoring of HCV staff.
i The HCV Network’s Common Guidance for Management & Monitoring of High conservation Values provides more information on the use of remote sensing for
14 Oil palm and biodiversity

Page 16
Company commitments and reporting in 2020

Page 17
Conclusion and recommendations
Given the critical environmental and social impacts
associated with biodiversity loss, it is crucial that palm
oil companies work to minimise the risks to biodiversity
on and around their plantations or those of their
suppliers. However, although the majority of upstream
palm oil companies assessed on SPOTT commit to
protecting biodiversity, most fall short in reporting on
implementation. While many companies (71%) commit to
conducting HCV assessments before new development,
only 23% have publicly available High Conservation Value
(HCV) assessments and M&M plans for all estates planted
since January 2015. Less than half of companies report
multiple, externally verified examples of species and/or
habitat conservation management in their set-aside areas
or in the surrounding landscape, or describe activities
with stakeholders to support positive environmental or
social outcomes associated with palm oil production.
We recommend the following actions be
implemented by palm oil producers, supply chain
companies and financiers:
Oil palm and biodiversity

Page 18
Downstream buyers should:
• Develop strong, clear biodiversity policies that apply to all
of their palm oil suppliers.
• Assist with capacity building of supplier companies and
smallholders to help them implement best practices in
biodiversity protection.
• Assess and engage with all suppliers to ensure adherence
to strong biodiversity policies.
• Support physical RSPO-certified palm oil through sourcing
decisions and through active participation as RSPO
members, to strengthen the organisation and support
implementation of the standards.
• Support ZSL’s work in engaging with the palm oil sector by
signing up to our SPOTT Supporter Network, and calling for
increased transparency in commodity sectors to promote
sustainable production and trade (
Palm oil producers should:
• Put clear and robust policies in place relating to biodiversity
protection and the procedure for identifying priorities,
including commitments to identify species of conservation
concern in their operations, to conduct HCV assessments
prior to any development, and to use licensed HCV
assessors accredited by the ALS.
• Report clear data on the extent and type of areas set aside
for environmental or social reasons in their concessions.
• Make their HCV M&M plans, or summaries of these,
publicly available.
• Collaborate with external expert stakeholders where
relevant, to inform their management and monitoring
practices. This could include using external tools, such as
SMART, to promote effective monitoring
and adaptive management.
• Engage with local communities and invite their
participation in biodiversity protection, including in the
development and implementation of HCV M&M plans.
• Consider use of a landscape or jurisdictional approach
where appropriate, incorporating landscape-level
management and monitoring of HCVs.
• Incorporate use of remote-sensing technology where
possible, to support monitoring of all operations for
deforestation and fires.
• Share knowledge and experience with others in the
industry, and particularly those operating within the
surrounding landscape, on effective M&M strategies,
to support improved biodiversity protection
throughout the industry.
Banks and investors should:
• Assess the impact of their financing in the palm oil sector
on biodiversity, as well as the risks they themselves
are exposed to through biodiversity loss as a result of
unsustainable palm oil production.
• Establish strong and clear biodiversity policies that cover
their financing of the palm oil sector, with time-bound
and measurable targets for monitoring progress, and
incorporate biodiversity criteria into capital allocation
due diligence frameworks.
• Report on the impact of their financing and the progress
they are making in the implementation of their policies
and targets relating to the palm oil sector. The new Task
Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) aims
to develop an approach for disclosure on biodiversity
by financial institutions.
• Support RSPO-certified palm oil through financing
decisions and through active participation as RSPO
members, to strengthen the organisation and support
implementation of the standards.
• Join financial sector initiatives such as the Principles for
Responsible Investment (PRI) collective engagements
on sustainable commodities and deforestation, the UN
Environment Programme Finance Initiative’s (UNEP FI)
Principles for Responsible Banking and Principles for
Sustainable Insurance, or sign up to the Finance
for Biodiversity Pledge.³⁴
• Support ZSL’s work in engaging with the palm oil sector by
signing up to our SPOTT Supporter Network, and calling for
increased transparency in commodity sectors to promote
sustainable production and trade (
Company commitments and reporting in 2020 17

Page 19
Oil palm and biodiversity
1 Article 2, Use of terms, Convention on Biodiversity, [Accessed 11
January 2021]. Available from:
2 Biodiversity Conservation, IUCN [Accessed 20 July 2021]. Available
3 IPBES (2019). Summary for policymakers of the global assessment
report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental
Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
4 ZSL and WWF Living Planet Report (2020). Available from: https://
5 WEF and ALPHABETA (2020). The Future Of Nature And Business
(No. 2), New Nature Economy. World Economic Forum. http:// And_
6 The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review - Full report
7 EU B@B Platform: Finance Sector and Biodiversity Conservation.
Outcome of a workshop by the European Union Business and
Biodiversity Platform. [Accessed July 2021]
8 Unearthing investor action on biodiversity. https://www.responsible-
9 Finance for Biodiversity Pledge. [Accessed 11 January 2021]. https://
10 Meijaard, E., Garcia-Ulloa, J., Sheil, D., Wich, S.A., Carlson,
K.M., Juffe-Bignoli, D., and Brooks, T.M. (eds.) (2018). Oil palm and
biodiversity. A situation analysis by the IUCN Oil Palm Task Force. IUCN
Oil Palm Task Force Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. xiii + 116pp.
11 Daniel R. Schlaepfer, Brigitte Braschler, Hans-Peter Rusterholz, Bruno
Baur (2018). Genetic effects of anthropogenic habitat fragmentation
on remnant animal and plant populations: a meta-analysis https://
12 Dr Jennifer Lucey (2015). Co-benefits for biodiversity and carbon
in land planning decisions within oil palm landscapes http://www.
13 Matthew Scott Luskin, Wido Rizki Albert, Mathias W. Tobler
(2017). Sumatran tiger survival threatened by deforestation despite
increasing densities in parks
14 Selva Dhandapani (2015). Biodiversity loss asoociated with oil
palm plantations in Malaysia: Serving the need versus Saving the
15 Erik Meijaard, Damayanti Buchori, Yokyok Hadiprakarsa, Sri
Suci Utami-Atmoko, Anton Nurcahyo, Albertus Tjiu, Didik Prasetyo,
Nardiyono, Lenny Christie, Marc Ancrenaz, Firman Abadi, I
Nyoman Gede Antoni, Dedy Armayadi (2011). Quantifying Killing of
Orangutans and Human-Orangutan Conflict in Kalimantan, Indonesia.
16 B. Azhar et al., Contribution of illegal hunting, culling of
pest species, road accidents and feral dogs to biodiversity loss
in established oil-palm landscapes. Wildlife Research 40, 1-9
(2013/03/19, 2012).
17 IUCN 70 years : International Union for Conservation of Nature
annual report 2018
18 Clara Melot, Izabela Delabre, Joyce Lam, Abigail Herron.
Aviva Investors, ZSL SPOTT (2019). Palm oil: a business case for
19 ZSL SPOTT Indicaor Framework (2020). Available at: https://www.
20 IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands (2019) Setting the
Biodiversity Bar for Palm Oil Certification.
21 Inernational Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List
[Accessed July 2021]. Available at:
22 National Red List, IUCN. [Accessed August 2020]. Available at:
23 The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). [Accessed June 2021]. Available at:
24 HCV Resource Network [Accessed May 2021]. Available at: https://
25 Assessor Licensing Scheme. HCV Resource Network. [Accessed 11
January 2021].
27 SMART Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool. [Accessed 11
January 2021].
28 SMART: A Guide to Getting Started. https://
29 ZSL (2013) HCV Threat Monitoring Protocol. https://hcvnetwork.
32 Scriven SA, Carlson KM, Hodgson JA, et al. Testing the benefits
of conservation set-asides for improved habitat connectivity in
tropical agricultural landscapes. J Appl Ecol. 2019;56:2274–2285.
34 Finance for Biodiversity Pledge. [Accessed 11 January 2021].
Conference of the Parties
High Conservation Value
Management and monitoring
Environmental, Social, Governance
Living Planet Index
Gross Domestic Product
High Carbon Stock
Intergovernmental Science-Policy
Platform on Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Services
Roundtable on Sustainable
Palm Oil
Principles & Criteria
Assessor Licensing Scheme
SMART Spatial Monitoring and
Reporting Tool
Principles for
Responsible Investment
Convention on Biological Diversity
Taskforce on Nature-related
Financial Disclosures

Page 20