Become your team’s best decision-maker with a discovery process that delivers

Accelerate your career by making better decisions β€” from setting up the right systems for faster learning to building the right thing based on evidence.

Trusted by product people at

β€œCaitlin’s guidance is spot on. I’ve spent $4,000 on team training with just 1/10th the content that’s in here.” β€” John, Product Manager, US

Setting up Discovery from scratch is harder than it sounds

β€œContinuous Discovery” is hyped. But most teams that start on their own never find a process that works for them.


You don’t trust your insights enough to make big upcoming product decisions


That other team’s recruiting setup doesn’t work for yours. You get stuck


Discovery still takes too long and you don’t know how to fix that.

Your all-in-one toolbox for setting up Product Discovery


I make it nearly impossible to fail at setting up and running a solid discovery practice

πŸ› οΈ

Practical guidance and examples from teams like yours to get a process in place that works - in days, not weeks


Make decisions faster and easier with clear insights with the right focus for business impact

Trusted by companies backed by Europe’s top VCs

Loved by product people like you

Set up Product Discovery. Get insights you can trust.

Proven processes, tested techniques, templates and systems for fast fixes.

πŸ”₯ This includes: Discovery Kickoff, Discovery Considerations for B2B and B2C, Recruiting Processes, Automated Recruiting, Choosing Your Toolkit, Stakeholder Interviews, Rapid Planning, How to do Analysis, Decide What to Build, Insights Repository Template and How-to Guide, Decision Tracker, Contextual Inquiries, Interviewing, Demand Testing, Usability Testing, and more.


βœ… Full Lifetime access to all content

βœ… 15+ video walkthroughs

βœ… 74+ pro tips

βœ… 21+ templates

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πŸ’‘ Examples from 12+ real life startup cases

🀝 Support an experienced independent maker

πŸ›£οΈ Roadmap for your next 30 days of discovery
