An author’s job isn’t over when you type The End, and it’s easy for books to sink without a trace if you don’t know how to publish them properly.

That’s why we put together Self Publishing Launchpad – a detailed, comprehensive masterclass for aspiring authors put together by bestsellers and industry experts.

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Want to Kick-Start Your Author Career?

Self Publishing Launchpad will teach you how to:

  1. Format your books professionally and get beautiful, genre-specific covers so that they are indistinguishable from your traditionally published rivals.
  2. Upload your books to all the major platforms, including Amazon, Google and Apple.
  3. Understand metadata so that your books show up in searches.
  4. Find your perfect readers and add them to your mailing list.
  5. Build an automated email sequence that introduces new readers to your writing and encourages them to buy your other books.
  6. Turn your readers into fans and members of your Advance Reader team.
  7. And most importantly: Sell your books!

If you've ever
dreamed of being a
full-time author, you're
in the right place.

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Even if...


You don’t need to be a technical expert to self-publish – you just need to know which software to use, and follow some simple guides on how to use them! We’ll guide you through everything you need with detailed tutorials that make everything seem simple.

Promise #1: We will demystify the process and show you how easy it is.


Unfortunately, nobody is just a writer anymore! The days when authors could just write are long gone, and everyone needs to become a marketer too if they want their books to succeed (and that includes traditionally published authors, too). With over eleven million books on the Amazon store alone, you need to know how to stand out.

Promise #2: We will teach you how to build a rock-solid platform that will find new readers for you.


Nonsense! It’s never too early to start learning. All you need is a book – we’ll teach you how to sell it. And if you’re still writing one, that’s okay too. Launchpad will make sure you have everything ready before you press Publish!

Promise #3: If you're still reading this, you're ready.


There are a lot of companies out there who will charge new authors an arm and a leg for things they can easily do themselves, sometimes even for free! And if you do need to pay for somebody’s services, we’ll let you know which companies you can trust.

Promise #4: We'll teach you our methods, and we'll show you the ethical and fully vetted services you can turn to for help, should you need it.

Self Publishing Launchpad

is a detailed, comprehensive masterclass created by well-known industry experts for aspiring authors. It condenses years of trial and error into a system that’s easy to follow and proven to get results.

Meet the author: Steven Moore

It covers every single thing from the smallest details that you thought you knew, and you realise you didn’t, to the wider picture, the long-term goal. What it’s done for me more than anything else, apart from all the amazing information, is the confidence it’s given me. The information I’ve gleaned from the Facebook groups alone has been priceless. Never has there been a better value for money.


I’m the man behind Vinci Books, and you might also recognise me from the Self Publishing Show podcast and the SPS Live conference – the biggest indie author event in Europe.

A few years ago, I was asked for help by Robert Storey’s parents. Following Robert’s unfortunate death, his books – all of which were well-reviewed and had sold well in the past – were plummeting down the charts. They knew he’d want new readers to find the series, but they didn’t know how to market them properly on their own.

As someone who has always advocated authors self-publishing their work, I was hesitant to become a publisher of someone else’s books! But it seemed the only way to give Robert’s Ancient Origins series a much-needed sales injection. I had their covers redone by a professional, rewrote the blurbs to be snappier, and started running Facebook ads.

The results were incredible. I quickly grew the income from those six books from a few hundred dollars a month to five figures – all of the profit being split evenly between Robert’s parents and myself.

I repeated the process with other authors whose series had hit a slump, again with great success. I didn’t have a secret behind my sales, however – I was just following the lessons in the Self Publishing Launchpad course.

Which is how I know that you can see the same success with your own books, too.

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Ernest Dempsey - Best selling author

My name is Ernest Dempsey and since June 2nd 2015 I’ve been a full time author.

I wrote my first novel in 2009 and published it in 2010. I shopped it around to agents first but no-one wanted it. I ended up with something like 21 rejection letters.

In 2012 I wrote the sequel and published it along with a revised edition of the first one. But I had a problem: traffic. I had great lead magnets, good books, but my blog was getting less than five visits a day. I was lucky because even without traffic, I was still selling 5-10 books a day and on really good days, 20-30.

I always dreamed of writing novels full time, but sales like that couldn’t support my standard of living or my family. I wrote and released new books, as is common advice, and sales increased slightly but not enough to quit my job.

I just knew I wasn’t doing what I was meant to do. But I was lost. I had less than 100 subscribers and no idea how to get more.

I started employing the strategies [in Self Publishing Launchpad]. Suddenly, I started getting subscribers. At first it was only three or four a day, which sent me through the roof. I couldn’t believe I was getting four subscribers every day on autopilot! That’s 120 new readers every month when I’d been getting zero! Then I ramped up and took that 3-4 subscribers to 30-40 a day. I launched a new book in March 2015 and had my biggest release yet. Then I did another one the following month with a result that was three times the March launch!

The sales and subscriber growth I experience in just 90 days allowed me to walk into my boss’s office on May 28th 2015 and tell her I was quitting my job. The course literally changed my life.

Meet the author: Maria Luis

Self Publishing Launchpad has given me pretty much my entire career. It’s given me my foundation. It’s given me the tools I need to succeed.

Self Publishing Launchpad will teach you everything you need to know to build a sustainable career as a writer, using cutting-edge digital marketing techniques to find readers, get reviews, and sell books.

  • Start learning

    Purchase it today and start learning in five minutes! Start to develop your platform and find new readers immediately.

  • Access

    Self Publishing Launchpad can be used on your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Learn while you wait for the bus!

  • HD Video

    The Learn Self Publishing team has a video production background, so you can rest assured that all of our videos tutorial are of the highest quality.

  • Up close
    and personal

    Watch over our shoulders as we show you exactly how to set up your author platform with detailed, step-by-step screenflows.

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Self Publishing Launchpad will show you everything you need to know to build the foundation for a successful career as an independently published author, with precise strategies our students have used to sell millions of books and add thousands of readers to their mailing lists.

You don’t need a degree in Computer Science to pull this off. You can do this.

And if you really don’t think you can within thirty days of purchase, we’ll give you your money back – no questions asked.

And if it doesn't, we'll give you your money back.

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  1. Build your platform

    Establish a presence online. We’ll go over the essentials: websites, mailing lists, social media and how to communicate with our readers.

  2. Pre-publication

    A lot of first-time authors make the mistake of rushing to press Publish, but there’s a lot you need to do first!

    In Module Two, we’ll show you how format your book for all the relevant platforms.

    Stuart Bache, who’s designed covers for John le Carré and Stephen King, will show you what you need to look for when it comes to your own covers.

    Bryan Cohen, the blurb-writing guru, will teach you how to craft killer hooks that’ll have readers dying to read more.

    We’ll teach you about reader magnets and how you can use them to get readers onto your mailing lists, plus the landing pages you’ll need to make sure they sign up.

    Then we’ll show you how to automate a series of emails that will greet those subscribers as they sign up to your mailing list, with copy you can use for inspiration.

    Dave Chesson, the man behind Atticus and Publisher Rocket, will walk you through metadata to make your book more visible in searches.

    And we’ll show you how to build Amazon Author Pages and make your books’ Product Pages stand out from the competition.

  3. Amazon? or everywhere?

    Amazon is the biggest bookstore in the world, but by going exclusive you’ll be leaving a lot of potential readers on the table.

    In Module Three, we explain the pros and cons of Kindle exclusivity.

  4. Amazon Exclusive

    Amazon makes a lot of tools available in exchange for publishing your books exclusively with them. We’ll teach you about Countdown Deals and Free Book Promotions, and suggest how you can optimise your book launches for Amazon’s powerful algorithm.

  5. Going wide

    There are countless digital stores other than Amazon you can sell your book through. We’ll look at powerful ways to sell books wide once you have more than one book available, as well as merchandising opportunities and how to make the other retailers notice you.

  6. Generating traffic

    This is the module most people look forward to! Whether you’re aiming to sell more books or grow your mailing list, we’ll teach you how to use Facebook ads – still one of the most powerful marketing tools available – to drive traffic to your website and sales pages. The team at BookBub also explain how you can use their Deals and Ads platform to add rocket fuel to your career!

  7. Ready to launch?

    Although a book can become a hit even years after it’s been published, a strong launch is a great way to climb the charts and find new readers. We have timelines and email copy you can use to make the most of each book’s launch window.

    And given that one of the most powerful aspects of publishing is word-of-mouth, we’ll show you how to put together an Advance Team full of superfans who’ll support you with feedback, reviews and much-needed motivation!

  8. Getting reviews

    Here’s a conundrum for you: how can you get reviews before you’re getting sales, when you can’t make sales without first having good reviews?

    It’s a brain-stumper, all right. But there is an answer, and we’ll show you how to get reviews without spending so much as a penny.

  9. Tech Library

    We understand that there are a lot of services and software you need to understand in order to package your book as a professional product, upload it to the various retailers and then start selling it! That’s why we put together the Tech Library, a comprehensive compendium of walkthroughs on everything from navigating Amazon KDP and Kobo, to formatting your books, to delivering your books to Advance Readers using BookFunnel, to building a website using Wix or Squarespace, to figuring out how to email your readers with mailing list providers such as Mailchimp and Mailerlite.

    And there’s a lot more than that! If you’ve got questions, you’ll probably find the answers in here.


    If that somehow wasn’t enough, we’ve added a huge amount of extra bonus content over the years – and they all offer a tonne of value.

    Instagram for Authors has an enormous user base and is fantastic for building an organic following via images and reels. In this module we’ll show you how your business can make the most of Instagram’s awesome potential.

    Bestselling indie authors Garrett Robinson and Cecelia Mecca demonstrate how YouTube and Facebook Live can be used to build a vibrant community of engaged and loyal readers.

    Loads of people use Pinterest, but can it be used to boost your book sales? Author Pip Reid presents this specially commissioned module on how you can do just that.

    And finally there’s LSP University, an extensive catalogue of premium webinar content hosted by Learn Self Publishing over the years. Learn about everything from mastering Scrivener to calculating readthrough to word-of-mouth marketing with BookBrush.

Meet the author: JM Dalgliesh

You cannot over-emphasise how positive Self Publishing Launchpad has been for me; it was an eye-opening experience. The barrier to self-publishing just disappeared overnight. After publishing my first book, I turned over $100,000 in nine months.

JM Dalgliesh has now sold more than two million books worldwide!

Payment options

30 day money back guarantee

12 monthly payments
of *$59

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One time payment
of *$597

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* US dollars. Sales tax may be applicable in some countries.

Meet the author: Jaine Diamond

The courses were the best investment we made in the business. It allowed us to accelerate things. We had big plans and we definitely got there faster with Self Publishing Launchpad than we would have done.

Meet the author: Cecelia Mecca

It probably saved me a few years. There was a road map. I followed it, I published, it did well. It worked!

There's really no other better investment in my opinion.

Plus, when you join now,
you get access to the following
cost-saving bonuses:

  6. DISCOUNTS on our flagship ADVERTISING FOR AUTHORS COURSE, COVER DESIGN FOR AUTHORS COURSE (by Stuart Bache, the designer of book art for multiple bestsellers - including mine) as well as our popular HOW TO WRITE A BESTSELLER and HOW TO REVISE YOUR BOOK courses
  7. PROWRITINGAID, the all-in-one grammar checker, style editor and writing mentor has been endorsed by thousands of authors. SPF students can secure a whopping 30% of a ProWritingAid Yearly Plan!
  8. PRO BOOK COVER DESIGNS by Stuart Bache: An amazing cover design package with my brilliant book cover designer Stuart Bache. Stuart is offering a great deal which includes ebook design, Facebook ad images and a 3D packshot for just £520 (the regular price is £865) and can be upgraded to paperback for an additional £150.
  9. Work smarter and faster when plotting your books with the popular book planning software, PLOTTR (15% discount)
  10. BOOKFUNNEL has fast become an essential tool for authors and we know you might want to get started right away. $50 off the first year on the Mid-List annual plan or higher + a 30 day free trial.
  11. Fictionary - change capitals and colour Red, same with BookBrush, Swipe Copy, PublishDrive x2, Digital Authors ToolKit and GoCreate.
  12. BOOK BRUSH: 15% LIFETIME DISCOUNT on the amazing service that makes creating professional ad and social media images for your book campaigns an absolute breeze.
  13. Swipe Copy - precise Launch Team Recruitment copy as PDF (worth $25)
  14. With PUBLISHDRIVE Distribution, you can keep 100% of your earnings while reaching 400+ online stores and thousands of digital libraries through a single dashboard. You’ll also have access to a full suite of promo options and author tools to achieve indie success. SPF members can enjoy 50% off PublishDrive’s subscription-based ebook distribution for the first two months. This represents a savings of up to $100! For new signups only.
  15. PUBLISHDRIVE Abacus is the number-one royalty splitting tool for indie collaborations. Build team trust and boost productivity by sharing and tracking royalties and payments! SPF members can enjoy the first month for free.

We also have some fantastic options to create a professionally produced, engaging marketable AUTHOR WEBSITE at DEEPLY DISCOUNTED PRICES:

  1. DO YOU NEED A NEW AUTHOR WEBSITE? DIGITAL AUTHORS TOOLKIT is run by long-term SPF collaborator, Stuart Grant, who put together the Wix tutorial for the Self Publishing Launchpad’s Tech Library. His team are offering SPF students the opportunity to receive a 15% discount on a custom-built, world class author websites using the powerful Wix platform. Stuart Grant is the highest rated web designer on Reedsy.
  2. GO CREATE Support your growing author business with a beautiful custom website by https://gocreate.me/. Pick the package that best meets your needs and GoCreate will build you a powerful and easy-to-use WordPress site to collect newsletter subscribers, showcase your books, swag, and more! LaunchPad students get 15% off - exceptional customer service is included for free!


Do you have books already published, or are you looking to give your first book the very best chance to climb the charts? Are you looking to grow your sales, reviews and mailing list subscribers?

Then yes, this is the course for you.

But you do need to embrace the marketing side of the business, otherwise you might be better off trying to get a traditional deal. Success won’t get handed to you on a plate, and you have to be willing to learn (and implement those lessons). This is an honest tutorial on how to be a professional indie author – if you want a get-rich-quick scheme, look somewhere else!

Who is this course for?

If you are an author with books on the market or about to go onto the market, and you are looking to grow your sales, reviews and mailing list subscribers, this course is for you.

Meet the author: Louisa George

Louisa George

It’s a game-changer. It’s amazing. I made so many mistakes last year when I put my first book out. I put the wrong cover. I put the wrong blurb. I’ve got a newsletter of two and a half thousand people that I don’t use. I’ve got a website that just sits there and does nothing.

I’m so invigorated and energised and excited about what I can achieve. It’s like somebody taking my hand and walking me through step by step everything I need to know.

Payment options

30 day money back guarantee

12 monthly payments
of *$59

Buy Now

One time payment
of *$597

Buy Now

*Prices are in US dollars. Sales tax may be applicable in some EU countries

Money back guarantee

If Self Publishing Launchpad isn’t for you, that’s not a problem.

Simply reach out to us via email within 30 days of purchase to receive a full refund – no questions asked.

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