Street Campaign at Traffic Chowk Biratnagar on Motor Bike License 2021

Summary of the event


Bikalpa an Alternative organized a Street Campaign to highlight the hassles faced by citizens to acquire Motorcycle driving license on 5th of December, 2021 at Traffic chowk Biratnagar. The objective of the campaign was to sensitize the public on the issue of hassles of acquiring a motorcycle driving license and to call out the concerned authorities to address the problem. As we know, motorcycle has become an essential means of transportation for an average Nepali citizen. Although purchasing a motorcycle is easy in our country, but the citizens have to face a lot of hurdles while acquiring a driving license.


Realizing this, Bikalpa also has been closely working to identify the problems related to acquiring license and had recently published a Policy Paper regarding the issue. Since Bikalpa has been organizing campaign activities in Biratnagar to highlight several local and national public policy issues, this campaign is also a part of the advocacy effort for highlighting the hassles in acquiring driving license.

The campaign activity proceeded by appealing to the volunteers to join the Street Campaign on that day by creating a Facebook event. Different slogans were created, 600 pamphlets were distributed and an appealing video was produced with an intention to create awareness on the issue and increase the effectiveness of the campaign. We also invited various local and national media outlets to the event. For disseminating the event information, we dispatched event letters to the traffic police office. Also, Mr Basanta Adhikari lead a “Delegation on Motorbike License“ to the Department of Transport office, Biratnagar, who received the delegation enthusiastically and supported the initiative.

55 youths form diverse sectors gathered at Traffic Chowk, Biratnagar to form a solidarity chain. On the road side, they formed a human chain and displayed various slogans through placards between 2:45 pm to 3:50 pm on the issue of Motorcycle driving license to inform and sensitize the passerby. Some of the volunteers also helped distribute 600 pamphlets during the event.

Different delegates from Local and national media (Our Biratnagar , Kalo parda, Shristi Dainik, Online khabar, Makalu Television, Kantipur Television ) also attended  the campaign and took instant interviews with Mr. Basanta Adhikari and other participants regarding the issue. Mr. Basanta Adhikari shared his thought regarding the hurdles faced by citizens while acquiring driving license for motorcycles and pointed out the weak service delivery of the state. He also provided a brief cost-benefit analysis of getting a license. The campaign news was highlighted through various online and print media on that very day.

Following that all the participants then gathered on the premises of Sansari Maisthan. There, they introduced with each other and had snacks. Participants also networked with each other during the tea session. The formal Street Campaign ended with a speech of thanks by Mr. Basanta Adhikari at 4:30 pm.

Street Campaign news was covered by online portal and print Media in Biratangar.

‘पहिले लाइसेन्स अनिमात्र चेकिङ’ (

मोटरसाइकलको लाइसेन्स पाउने वातावरण सहज बनाउ सरकार ! – Birat Times

लाइसेन्स पाउने वातावरण सहज बनाउन माग गर्दै विराटनगरमा प्रर्दशन | OB Media (

News Coverage by Makalu Television 

News Coverage by Our Biratnagar Online Media

News Coverage by Kaloparda online Media

News Coverage by Kantipur HD Television.




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