[D12] Full Force: News Galore


We Need to Talk

Hey folks!

We’ve got a lot of news this week. First of all, we're thrilled to welcome Jeremy as our new game designer.

He’s already deep down in the Axon Lab, testing and tweaking new gameplay formulas. The secret sauce? Our freshly revamped Axon Tools kit, which we'll demonstrate today.

Let’s get into it.

Jery on Board

Jeremy was one of our Discord testers, playing the demo and providing feedback to us.
In addition, he was a fellow student of our artist Pierre at SAE Institute.

Clearly, the man dubbed Jery (with one “R” only), never was a dummy. Bolstering several years of experience as a systems engineer, he had a knack for tech all along.

That said, we’re eager to see his impact on CACTUS. So cheers to Jery! 🙌
Axon Flux Team


Fresh Eye Candy

Pierre has been grinding it out lately. Creating not only the full body model of the protagonist, but also a series of kickass render artworks, most notably the CACTUS key art,

CACTUS Key Artwork

These character renders are particularly charming. Everybody loves pin-up cactus.

And there’s upcoming stuff to sneak peek into as well. Such as this concept of an unannounced enemy.

CACTUS Sun Artwork

Actually, this one will have quite some gravity in the game’s story, but let’s not spill the beans just yet.

Discord Emoji Pack

With so many assets at our disposal, one temptation quickly grew stronger. It was time for our first custom emoji pack, made up of quirky cactus poses.

JOIN NOW to spam some cactii 🏜️

Axon Tools Upgrade

In the recent past, Nils has applied some significant coding wizardry to our custom toolkit in Unity. It now comprises of three mighty tools.

Selection Tool
Link objects directly in scene

Interactable System
View and edit relationships

Event Composer
Create gameplay sequences

Technical details aside, what these tools allow us is to easily link objects directly in the scene, edit properties, create relationships and - the super weapon - compose chains of events using all (!) of these objects.

New Mechanics

Thanks to our new tools, objects now affect each other dynamically. This systemic approach enables fun new emergent gameplay dynamics.

Check out these new gameplay features:

And this is far from everything. So expect more in the near future.


So much for now...

To keep up to speed, don’t forget to follow us on social media. We aim to document and share as much of our development process as possible.

Also: Join our Discord, it’s the best way to directly communicate with us and play the demo. We still have some tester-role seats left, so hop right in!

🌵 Happy weekend everyone!

(written by Oliver)

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