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For Subscribers Federal Politics

Justin Trudeau’s government is $14.3 billion behind in climate change spending, report says

The Liberal government pledged to spend about $49 billion but instead spent $34 billion, a new report says. 

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes a climate change announcement after touring the Algoma Steel plant in Sault Ste. Marie on July 5, 2021. 

OTTAWA—The federal government has failed to spend more than $14 billion that it committed to fight climate change since Justin Trudeau’s Liberals took power in 2015, a new report concludes, expanding upon findings the Star uncovered last year that raised questions about whether Canada is treating the crisis of climate change with enough urgency. 

Published Tuesday, the report from the media and research firm Corporate Knights examined 67 climate-related spending commitments Ottawa has made over the past eight years, representing $187 billion in commitments between 2015 and the mid-2030s. 

Alex Ballingall

Alex Ballingall is an Ottawa-based reporter covering federal politics for the Star. Follow him on Twitter: @aballinga.


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