
Sunday, September 24, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM PDT
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DD Ranch
3836 NE Smith Rock Way
Terrebnne, OR 97760

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Gwen LaFond
Central Oregon Locavore

WWOLF - September 24 at DD Ranch 

Willing Workers On Local Farms (WWOLF) is a community program of Central Oregon Locavore Non-Profit with the goal of lending a hand to small farmers while educating the community about the true nature of local food.

How It Works: You will meet the group at DD Ranch at 10am. After a round of introductions, we will split into groups and get to work. We will take a quick lunch break at midday and then continue working until 2pm. 

What to Expect: Good times, new friends, and a boots-on-the-ground education about local farming practices. We love dogs, but please leave them at home for this event. Our main task is to get the ranch ready for pumpkin patch visitors. There will be a wide variety of jobs for all ages and abilities, such as painting, cutting pumpkins from the vine, and general clean up.

What to Bring: Snacks and water, work gloves, closed-toe shoes, layers for the weather, and sunscreen. Soup and bread will be provided for lunch or bring your own. We will have a hand washing station and sanitizer for participant use. 

About DD Ranch: DD Ranch raises 100% grass fed/finished beef and lamb, heritage pork, eggs from free-range hens, and raw honey from happy bees. Much of our livestock are heritage breeds, promoting genetic diversity. We promote a closed system. While we are not certified organic, we do follow organic practices and have reseeded our pastures with OMRI-certified alfalfa. Our pastures are not sprayed, nor do we use chemical fertilizers. We do not use hormones or antibiotic feed for our livestock. We will be working with the Savory Institute beginning in 2021 to employ regenerative pasture management practices to further our knowledge of sustainable agriculture.

We believe that happy and healthy stock makes for happy and healthy families. 

Questions? Contact Gwen at gwen.lafond@gmail.com. 

Thank you and see you soon!