Application for Participation in the "Data management and graph extraction for large models in the biomedical space" Hackathon at Carnegie Mellon Libraries October 19-21
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Email *
Tell us (in 2 - 3 sentences) about your interest in Bioinformatics or Biomedical Informatics
What is your name? *
What is your GitHub username? *
What institution/company are you at? *
Have you previously been in any hackathon or codeathon?
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Do you have a working knowledge of shell scripting? *
What other programming languages do you use? *
Please tell us in 2-3 sentences what you work on.  
Please tell us in 2-3 sentences why you want to participate.
Here are some approximate projects that groups will work on in this codeathon.  Which are you potentially interested in working on?   *
Are you available to attend the hackathon in person (we strongly encourage folks from north america to participate in person if possible) *
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