Research Culture for ECRs and Post-Doctoral Researchers

Course Code


Emily Goodall,Marjorie Boissinot

Suitable for Early Career Researchers and Post-Doctoral Researchers.

Early Career Researchers are researchers employed on a fixed term basis.
Broadly, this includes post docs and people on teaching-only contracts
who continue to do research. It does not include PGRs or academic staff
on open ended contracts.

This course will take place on campus.

If the course is full, please register on our waiting list by
emailing your details to

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 10:00 to 12:00

Max Places:

Research culture is the environment in which your research happens, it
includes the ways we collaborate and communicate; the behaviours, values
and expectations that shape the research process and mechanisms by which
your work is recognised and rewarded.

This workshop is specifically designed for ECRs and post-doctoral
researchers to understand how research culture has an impact, what you
can do to positively influence the culture around you and the wider
implications of workplace culture on your career going forward.

By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
• Describe the key aspects of positive research culture and its
importance within the research environment
• Evaluate the culture within your own research environment and
identify actions you can take to improve research culture
• Deliver effective feedback to colleagues, that promotes a
supportive working environment
• Recognise the significance of positive workplace cultures in
shaping your personal and professional development, then use this
understanding to inform career planning.

Benefits of attending:
• Develop actions for you to improve the research culture in your own
research group/environment
• Become more aware of workplace cultures and how they impact your
career development
• Meet like-minded researchers from across the university and share
ideas around research culture.