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Gothic Revival

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The Psychological Thriller Inspired by the Creation of Frankenstein

Chris, Anne, Fiona, and Lauren were inseparable friends while earning MFAs in Creative Writing. Years later they've grown apart and are surprised to receive an invitation to a reunion from the fifth member of their group, Eric, a successful screenwriter. Eric flies them to a remote lake villa where he reveals his new obsession: their group is a modern version of the famous one from Villa Diodati in 1816, the iconic literary event during which Frankenstein was created. Chris and Anne are their Percy and Mary Shelley. The free-spirited artist Fiona is like Claire Clairmont. Instead of Dr. Polidori, they have Lauren, PhD in Victorian History. That leaves Eric, the Hollywood player, as Lord Byron. Like Byron, Eric proposes they write ghost stories, an homage to their famous predecessors. Laughter, creativity, and reminiscence are soon replaced with deceit, suspicion, and fear. What is the self-proclaimed clairvoyant Fiona seeing and hearing? Why does Eric lie? What does the creepy old housekeeper know about their host? Tensions grow as relationships are tested until a shocking discovery reveals the true intention for the reunion.

Fans of Gillian Flynn, Alex Michaelides, Lisa Jewel, and Alice Feeney will love the suspense and intrigue of Gothic Revival.

242 pages, Paperback

Published March 14, 2023

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About the author

Michael Mullin

32 books100 followers
Fictional worlds can teach us so much about the one we live in. The experiences you bring back from the escape are what give stories their value. That's why you read, and that's why I read – and write.

My author career began with a twisted fairytale retelling about the unknown 8th dwarf which turned into a trilogy of such tales. Over the years I've received book awards and industry recognition for which I'm very grateful. I'm currently working on a business plan for an educational company that uses the fairytale trilogy, TaleSpins, as curriculum to teach things like empathy and anti-bullying.

I've written marketing materials for the merch divisions of Disney, DreamWorks, 20th Century Fox, and Universal, but I gave all that up because I was tired of selling people junk that was just going to end up in a landfill. Before I was a writer, I was a preschool teacher and college professor, two positions I found disconcertingly similar.

I live in Pasadena, CA with my wonderful wife Dani and our ridiculously cool dog Finn. Our twins, Sophie and Max are finishing up their college careers. I couldn’t be more proud and amazed. Even though I've been in California since 1996, all my sports allegiances remain in my native New England.

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Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews
Profile Image for Sheila Samuelson .
1,105 reviews18 followers
October 18, 2023
Rating: 5 Stars!!
Thank you to Michael Mullin for sending me this FREE ARC COPY to promote and review for him as part of The Book Tour hosted by Travelling Page Tours this week.

This was my first time reading a Thriller by Michael especially since i normally read Thrillers by Female Authors but i have to say reading this one was like stepping into an "Are You Afraid of the Dark" World which was so amazingly spooky to read in October.

The Characters were fun and interesting to read about. It was hard to pick just one as my favorite since i seemed to like all 4 of the characters.

The Setting was beautifully described which made me feel like i was actually in the book while reading especially since alot of the towns mentioned in the book im familiar from since im not too far from them (Binghamton) in NY State.

Overall an Enjoyable and Spooky Thriller perfect for October!! Can't wait to read more by Michael in the future!!
Profile Image for Bailey.
44 reviews3 followers
April 19, 2023
I received a free copy of this book through Discovery Reedsy in exchange for an honest review.

When an invitation for a reunion at a lakeside villa comes from an old friend, it seems like a chance for a group of grad school friends to catch up. Inspired by the house party where Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, they agree to write a ghost story each.

Things are not as they seem, however. The group may match the number of Shelley's party, but something else might be simmering than just a reunion and writing workshop. Secrets will come out, bonds will be tested, and nothing will be like it was before.

Gothic Revival was a surprise from start to finish. It's a novel that grabs you by the hand and takes you along for the ride. Like the characters, the reader knows something is going on, but can't quite figure out what it is.

As the novel progresses, readers get just enough information that, by the end, they wonder why they didn't see the ending coming. But that is the best part of this book. It's a well-crafted thriller with an ending that makes sense. Looking back, readers see how all the pieces fit together, but it's not glaringly obvious while reading the story itself.

Since the main characters all have a graduate degree in writing, the setting and main idea, that they're all writing a ghost story, works beautifully. The literary references are a great touch as well. It makes the story come alive.

Some characters have moved away from their writing roots, while others are still very much in that world. As a result, the characters all react to the reunion in different ways. This makes the story feel more organic. These are real people, with real lives and real problems, thrust into something they don't fully understand.

Readers may not like all the characters, but they root for them. Readers want Chris to publish his sci-fi novels, they want Anne, Fiona, and Lauren to be happy, and they want to hear that Eric is doing well. This raises the stakes and makes the story matter.

If you are a fan of the classic Frankenstein, are interested in the events that lead to Mary Shelley writing it, or just love a good psychological thriller, this is definitely a book to check out.
37 reviews
December 8, 2023
a surprise of a good book

The generic review: This book was an excellent story that made me want to finish it in one setting!

The deep review with SPOILERS:

The characters are so well developed I might well have k own them from my college days. The nicknames were not only endearing, but essential to how they had each changed. Even though there was ample evidence pointing to the ending, you still rooted for the person you thought he was until the truth was revealed. Sometimes you know who the monster is, you just don’t want to believe it!
April 12, 2023
What a fantastic look at five characters who come together after 10 years, each character is written in first person in the present and then 10 years ago, and all characters and story is weaved delightfully together - one of the best books I read
Profile Image for Bella.
353 reviews40 followers
May 20, 2023
This delicious destination thriller is a must-read for fans of The Guest List and Glass Onion.

Gothic Revival opens as Eric Asher, celebrity novelist and oscar-nominated screenwriter, sends an out-of-the-blue invitation to a group of old grad school friends. In the letter, which acknowledges that he’s become a recluse, he offers to fly them to San Francisco, then whisk them away by private plane to a remote lake villa for “four days of fun, nostalgia, inspiration, creativity, and reward.” The reflective, playful letter ends on a somewhat desperate, potentially ominous postscript: “It’s imperative that everyone be there. If for some reason you cannot attend on those dates, let me know ASAP, and I will reschedule.”

What could possibly go wrong?

Even before the group sets foot on the plane, it’s clear that the reunion is going to be a bumpy one. The entire group attended the same creative writing MFA program, and each has grown self-conscious about their respective levels of professional success. As an example, one of Eric’s character’s has become a cultural icon, while free-spirited Fiona sees herself as living essentially the same life she did years ago. Among the group, jealousy, suspicion and resentment bubbles to the surface at the mere thought of seeing each other.

Author Michael Mullin demonstrates his flair for world-building as the group first arrives at the imposing, ivy-covered stone manor (the ivy mass was shaped like a hand, albeit with only three fingers and a thumb). Once onsite, the goal of the reunion becomes clear. In the spirit of the legendary gathering at Villa Diodati in 1816, where a group of luminaries including Lord Byron and Mary Shelly assembled and the character Frankenstein was born, Eric has recast his old friends as those iconic literary figures. Eric proposes they write ghost stories, paying tribute to their esteemed predecessors in a contemporary homage.

What happens next is a hugely entertaining journey that works as both a high-concept thriller and as a work of deeply absorbing psychological suspense. Mullin had us from the first page with his brilliant setup, but the execution and journey are completely satisfying. While fans of recent destination thriller hits The Guest List and Glass Onion will no doubt be pleased, the book is smarter and more complex than either. An abundance of literary references are sure to hit home with anyone who majored in English lit, while those not familiar will need to keep Google at the ready. Highly recommended.

Profile Image for Book Reviewer.
2,573 reviews220 followers
June 8, 2023
Gothic Revival by Michael Mullin, much like the iconic inspiration of the gothic genre, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, seamlessly integrates classic themes into its narrative, resulting in a truly captivating and thrilling tale. Mullin skillfully weaves together the essence of the popular novel with his own imaginative prowess.

The story introduces readers to a group of five friends who form a tight bond during their college years, fueled by their shared passion for writing. However, as they embark on separate paths after graduation, their connection begins to wane. Years later, an unexpected letter from their long-lost friend Eric reunites them, inviting Chris, Anne, Lauren, and Fiona to a serene lake villa. The purpose of their reunion? To spend three days indulging in the creation of ghost stories. Little do they know that their idyllic retreat is concealing a darker secret.

One of the remarkable aspects of this book is the masterful use of shifting perspectives. By adopting various points of view throughout the narrative, Mullin grants readers a fresh lens through which to view the unfolding events. Each character possesses a distinct voice, leaving no room for confusion or ambiguity. Mullin’s talent for crafting twists and turns is another standout feature of this novel. Just when the reader believes they have unraveled the intricacies of the plot, the author deftly introduces yet another unexpected twist, followed by another.

Fearlessly delving into the psychological depths of the thriller genre, Mullin presents a villain who cunningly outwits those around him. Consequently, when this antagonist unexpectedly falls victim to someone who was initially deemed as prey, the element of surprise is heightened. Despite the meticulous planning attributed to the villain, Mullin reveals an unforeseen vulnerability. The author skillfully entices readers into a false sense of security, allowing them to believe they possess a firm grasp on the story’s trajectory. However, Mullin effortlessly delivers a plot twist that will leave readers astounded, seemingly emerging from the depths of nowhere.

This book serves as a shining example of the art of employing classic thriller tropes and transforming them into something entirely original and enthralling. Mullin’s Gothic Revival is a must-read for anyone seeking a gripping and intelligently crafted tale that will keep them enthralled until the very last page.
Profile Image for Amber Crook.
287 reviews6 followers
October 20, 2023
This book was one of my first psychological thrillers and it didn't disappoint! Thank you, Michael and Travelling Pages tour, for sending me a book for a review.

Like I said before, I'm not a typical thriller reader (and I don't know why, I do enjoy them when I read them), so what caught my eye with this one was the story being compared to/saying it was great for people who were fans of Glass Onion. I had watched the movie recently and really liked it, so I had to dive on this one! This story had a really fun premise, I liked the idea of college friends coming back together and reconnecting (in a similar place/age IRL as these characters, so I really resonated with them), and there were so many things popping up I didn't expect to happen.

You meet this group of old college friends that all studied creative writing in grad school together. Some had stuck with writing/the arts, while others had moved on to other careers. They get invited by Eric, who is now a big wig Hollywood writer, to come out to this haunted, remote villa to reconnect. He proposes they all write a story and workshop each other's work like in college. A lot of different things keep coming up, Eric keeps popping up surprises on them, and the group starts to get a little nervous...

This was a great one to read, especially during spooky time because a ghost story is heavily involved.
Profile Image for Louise.
1,431 reviews17 followers
July 23, 2023
The story initially follows four different perspectives: Chris, Fiona, Lauren, and Fiona. Graduating from the same degree, each character went on to pursue different interests. After seventeen years, the most successful among them is Eric, who invites his four friends to a lake villa for a surprise activity. Eric's perspective is not initially included and this makes for an eerie read. The story is character-driven and descriptive, and while there are different perspectives, there are omitted information to keep the readers engaged.

I received a free copy and am leaving a review voluntarily.
Thank you to Hidden Gems Books and author.
Profile Image for Liliyana Shadowlyn.
2,826 reviews93 followers
July 22, 2023
The blurb intrigued me, the opening grabbed me, and the story kept me turning pages long after I should've put my kindle down and gone to sleep. I loved being able to read the different POVs - having that many can get overwhelming sometimes, but Mullin handled it well, and it was easy to keep track of the plot and who we were following. The story moves along smoothly, and there are nice little side plots that move alongside the main one, and keep you invested in each character. I don't want to give too much away, but I promise this is one thriller you do not want to miss out on.
23 reviews
October 1, 2023
The story of a group of friends who met at college really grips you from the start when they all receive an intriguing invitation from Eric the last member of their group. They head off to spend some time together at an isolated villa. As the story unfolds it is told from multiple points of view . There is never a dull moment in this fast paced story and once you pick it up you won’t want to put it down . Great storytelling in this modern version of events that were said to have occurred years before.
3 reviews
July 17, 2023
This book pulled me in immediately with a compelling premise at the outset, and didn’t stop until the dramatic conclusion. Mullin has done a remarkable job creating interesting, believable characters and intertwining their lives with complex history and present-day intrigue. The novel is propelled by a suspenseful story, plenty of twists and turns, clever dialogue, and vibrant scenery — all deftly orchestrated in the hands of a gifted writer. I can’t wait for the movie!
Profile Image for Christy.
2 reviews
September 22, 2023
Gothic Revival is full of surprises as old friends gather to reminisce and reconnect. As expected, they fall back into old comfortable patterns and update each other on their current lives -- including their struggles -- but it is clear that something is off. It's a fun ride to discover what exactly that is! With a fascinating nod to the legendary Villa Diodati and the creation of Frankenstein, the novel is well written and keeps you guessing as to what is really going on. I enjoyed it!
Profile Image for Dani.
195 reviews1 follower
June 4, 2023
Unexpected twists & turn--a thrilling page-turner!
Profile Image for SheLivesAmongBooks.
6 reviews4 followers
February 20, 2024
Good premise :) I liked following the characters and the mystery. Sometimes it was hard to stay wrapped up in the writing, but if you are reading for plot, it will not let you down :)
Profile Image for Jasmine.
999 reviews86 followers
October 21, 2023
Gothic Revival is an intriguing blend of psychological thriller and ghost story. And it has an ending you might not see coming.
The story follows a group of friends who get together 10 years or so after they graduate college to write ghost stories at a remote lake villa. But there's more than meets the eye to Eric, and their reunion may not be all that it seems. But what secrets will be revealed? You'll have to read it and find out!
I enjoyed this book. It has a fun premise, and there are a lot of twists and turns that will keep you guessing.
The story is written in different POVs, so we get a feel for each character, and you find yourself getting attached to and invested in what's going on with all of them.
It's a spooky read with more than enough intrigue and suspense to keep the reader engaged. Plus, if you were a fan of the movie Glass Onion, you may enjoy Gothic Revival.
4 stars!
Profile Image for Holly.
107 reviews
November 26, 2023
This was a perfect book to read this time of year! It felt like this story was part of the Knives Out franchise. I definitely got Glass Onion vibes!

A group of college friends are reunited to spend a weekend together in tribute to the group of authors who had their iconic meeting which lead to the birth of Frankenstein. Everyone attending is tasked to write a scary story over the course of the weekend and share them with each other. But nothing is as it seems. There is more to this weekend than writing scary stories… you’ll have to read it and see what happens next!

I really enjoyed the character dynamics, and the overall tone of the book definitely gave suspenseful/spooky vibes! The pace was also good, and those twists and turns came at just the right moments! 🙌🏻

Thank you to Travelling Pages Tours and the author for the copy of this book provided in exchange for an honest review!
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews

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