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Digs' Simple Pack

Made by an experienced pixel artist, Digs' Simple Pack is a simplistic twist on the default minecraft textures, filling the world with pretty patterns while maintaining the default minecraft feel.

It features brand new sprites for every item, block, mob, armor, particle, and GUI, which remove the annoying visual noise from the default textures, replacing them with more simple designs.

Additionally, Digs' Simple Pack has 8x8 textures, which can help boost FPS, making it a great choice for PvP and low end PCs.


If you want to show your support for the texture pack and help me keep it up to date, consider supporting me on my Patreon!

NOTE: when using OptiFine in conjunction with Digs' Simple Pack, you may find that the items look blurry. To fix this, set Options -> Video Settings -> Quality -> Mipmap Levels to OFF.

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