Pet Advice from Dr. Karen Becker

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national rescue dog day
Dog Tips

The Special Dogs That Form Close and Enduring Bonds

Want a dog that is more likely than not to show you unconditional love and admiration? Because these pups seem to intuitively know that their lives were saved, they tend to form exceptionally close and enduring bonds with their new humans. Today we honor these special dogs.
7 min read
amazing cat facts
Cat Tips

10 Fascinating Cat Facts That Even Their Owners Don’t Know

Even if you've owned cats your entire life, you're bound to be surprised by some of these little known cat facts. From their strange sleeping habits to the mysterious ways they differ from other mammals, you'll never look at these distinctive creatures the same way again.
4 min read
cat tail language
Cat Tips

The Silent Messages Cats Send With Their Tails

What's your kitty telling you when her tail shoots up straight and quivers? How about when it forms a question mark? Understand your cat on a deeper level and know her temperament, emotions, and needs, simply by studying how she moves her tail.
2 min read
cognitive decline in older cats
Cat Tips

Is Your Senior Cat Slowing Down?

Many cats show signs of cognitive decline as they age, which can affect their overall well-being. This piece highlights the importance of early diagnosis and intervention, detailing symptoms to watch for and effective strategies for management.
6 min read