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Why Isn’t Biden Being Put On The New Hampshire Presidential Primary Ballot?

Joe Biden is not filing to have his name placed on the 2024 New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary ballot.

Why is this?

The official story is that Biden is abiding by the DNC’s new rules that say South Carolina will be the first state to hold the primaries.


Could there be alternate reasons that they aren’t telling the public?

Fox News has more on the story:

President Biden is breaking with 100 years of tradition with the news that he won’t file to place his name on New Hampshire’s Democratic presidential primary ballot.

The Biden 2024 re-election campaign announced on Tuesday that the president will pass on filing, due to the pledge by the Democratic National Committee to discipline candidates who compete in unsanctioned primaries like the one New Hampshire is planning to hold next year.

“While the president wishes to participate in the Primary, he is obligated as a Democratic candidate for President to comply with the Delegate Selection Rules for the 2024 Democratic National Convention promulgated by the Democratic National Committee,” Biden 2024 campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodríguez wrote in a letter to longtime New Hampshire Democratic Party chair Ray Buckley.

“In accordance with this guidance, Biden for President will refrain from submitting a Declaration of Candidacy for the Primary ahead of Friday’s candidate filing deadline for the Primary,” Rodriguez explained.

I think this filing is fishy.

We all know Democrats can’t be trusted when it comes to elections.

Could this be another move to secure an illegitimate victory in 2024?

CBS News shares more on Biden’s filings:

According to a primary calendar first proposed by the president himself, South Carolina will be the first state to hold a primary that awards delegates for the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next year.

New Hampshire was pushed back further in the party’s calendar, but state law requires New Hampshire to host the nation’s first primaries. State Democrats couldn’t convince state legislators to reverse Granite State statute, but they also didn’t try terribly hard, since they disagreed with the DNC’s decision. Anyone who runs in the January Democratic primary won’t be awarded delegates by the DNC.

New Hampshire’s presidential candidate filing deadline is Friday, and Republican presidential contenders have been traveling to the State Capitol to file in person and submit the $1,000 filing fee. Potential Biden primary challengers — including Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips, who has not publicly ruled out a primary bid after floating the idea amid his concerns with the president’s age — still have time.

It surprises me that more Democrats have come out in opposition to Biden.

They would know that Biden stands no chance in the 2024 election if they had any brains.

Part of me is happy that Biden is running again because President Trump will have an easy election.

Perhaps there is another reason why Democrats haven’t come out to oppose Biden.

Do you think they’re clued into how Biden won the election?

Or maybe warned that it would be futile.

There might be no way of knowing.


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