Edible campus – have your say

December 4th, 2023

Do you want to have more of a connection to your campus? Are you interested in growing and foraging for food, or spending more time enjoying our outdoor spaces?

The university’s new Edible Campus project is in its planning stages.

We hope it will provide lots of opportunities for staff across the whole university, as well as students and the wider local community, to spend time outdoors and access fresh food.

But first we need you to have your say in how it is developed. Please use the link to the form below to access a very quick survey that shouldn’t take longer than one-two minutes.

Fill in the survey here – https://forms.office.com/e/6xMEDujBdk?origin=lprLink

If you want to talk about how you or your team can get involved or support the project, please contact The Edible Campus Team.

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